Population points vs. raw population


Nov 30, 2008
Hi all,

Can anyone clue me in on how the game scales population as population points? It
isn't linear, right? In CivIII the city screen had a display that told you the actual city population, but I don't see that in CivIV (playing Vanilla 1.74).

Every time I've done a domination victory, I always have more population than I need well before I get the land area. But now I'm playing RFC, and there's some scenarios in there for which it would be useful to know the formula. E.g., if, my goal is simply to obtain a higher raw population, am I better off growing an existing city slowly to size 13, or founding a new city that would more quickly grow to size 3?
Not sure of the answer for your question, however, I do know that to see the raw population, just hover your mouse over the population points in the city view.
Now you know why they're complaining "It's too crowded" - I used to think "Too many? There are only 17 of you" ---ahh, back in the day.
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