Tech Discount for Discovering Civs


Aug 6, 2014
I know that technologies become cheaper when you meet the other Civs in the game (be them human or AI) who have fully researched a technology you are currently researching or have yet to research. But my question is how much?

I remember seeing it somewhere but i cant for the life of me find it again.

I remember seeing a formula during the science overflow exploit that had a value but was unsure if it was still valid.

"CurrentBeakers=beakers you get this turn+overflow*(1+0.3*number of players that have discovered T/number of players alive)*1.2(If T is discovered by at least one player and "Scholar in Residence"proposal is in place)"

In a standard game, that value becomes 7/8...which is multiplied by .3 and then 1 is added to it before more calculations are performed. Is this still the formula that is in place?
That is the thread that i obtained the equation posted above from, however it is not the source that previously informed me of the Technology Discount. But if that is the current formula for the tech discount then i dont need to find the source anymore. Lol. Ty for tr reply.
Looking at this again, it would seem that the above formula is only applicable during science overflow.

CurrentBeakers=beakers you get this turn+overflow*(1+0.3*number of players that have discovered T/number of players alive)*1.2(If T is discovered by at least one player and "Scholar in Residence"proposal is in place)

As we see with the Bolded portions, if "overflow" is 0 and multiplied by the "discount" multiplier, the resultant would be "0".

Am i correct in understanding this? Im under the assumption of PEMDAS. Everything in parenthesis first, then multiply, the add. It doesnt seem that this would be the formula to go by for the technology discount from other civs discovering it.
The mechanics of overflow inflation thread is about what is commonly referred to as the overflow exploit if I'm not mistaken.

If I remember correctly what you're looking for is just this part:
(1+0.3*number of players that have discovered T/number of players alive)
which is your discount for meeting advanced civs:
Tech price = Base tech / (1+0.3*number of players that have discovered T/number of players alive)
The mechanics of overflow inflation thread is about what is commonly referred to as the overflow exploit if I'm not mistaken.
Yes you are exactly correct Acken.

If I remember correctly what you're looking for is just this part:
(1+0.3*number of players that have discovered T/number of players alive)
which is your discount for meeting advanced civs:
Tech price = Base tech / (1+0.3*number of players that have discovered T/number of players alive)
If that is the formula that all tech costs and reductions from meeting a civ that has already researched a tech, then absolutely yes! That is what i needed. Thank you so much.
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