Flavors and AI


Howardianism High-Priest
Nov 27, 2013
Does a building Flavor weights more than it's class when determining what the AI should build? One of my civs has a 'religious wall' with very high Religion Flavor - as is the Civ's - but only 1 out of 4 auto-play that building - and it's Tech - received any priority.

Also, 9 tiles away from the Capital was the Mt. Sinai, which gives 8 faith, the civ had 2 cities founded within 80 turns, one was 5 tiles away from Mt. Sinai, the other very far away. Doesn't flavor weight on tiles values when founding a city?

Lastly, the Civ took way longer than expected in 66% of the games to found a Religion, not founding in one of them, even with Pottery being researched as the first 3 techs in almost 90% of the games! The Religion Flavor is 10 (8-12), should I try it with 12 or give support-wheels to the AI?

EDIT: Now I'm watching a Deity game where they have 2 Great Prophets and are not founding a Religion, even though 4 can still be founded.
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