[Request] Worker Mod for MASSIVE games?


Apr 10, 2014
MOD IDEA: Limit number of workers, via strategic resources (Can we make these untradable) granted by buildings, the way diplomats are limited in the CSD mod. BUT HARSHER, give a few of the resource from the Palace to allow you some early workers, but after that if you want another worker, you can get ONE resource by building an extra building that is JUST FOR THAT PURPOSE... per city.

For those unfamiliar, the reasoning for this is the worker AI calculating efficient build paths, with a MILLION WORKERS, makes large game turns start taking minutes upon minutes, even on a strong processor, PER TURN. As someone who plays on a modded huge map size thats 50% bigger (i LOVE huge empires and want room for everyone to try to get there) on Epic, this is a horrendous issue for me. The game becomes borderline unbearable in the modern age.

I am aware of many dirty fixes that straight up limit the number of workers TOTAL, and while useful a more flexible solution is more what i have in mind; You'd probably want to reduce rail/road build time, but it'd be a great way to keep large games moving at a fun pace.

Maybe have to remove the option to enslave a worker from city states, replace with just taking a larger chunk of money or something. Not sure.
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