Pre-DominatrNES IV: A Gauge of Interest


Smoke Jaguar
Apr 11, 2010
I have some spare time this summer and I am very interested in running a fourth version of my DominatrNES series. I realize that the community has dwindled down significantly, but I a hoping that a NES that updates weekly and is not terribly high maintenance can engage members and maybe even spark this community into a revival.

If you aren't familiar with my past NES projects, you can search them in the forums or take a look at past threads I've created; they ought to be there. Here's a quick rundown: I typically run a stat-based NES with frequent, short updates. I enjoy editing the maps, so I spend quite a bit of time on that. I've either run completely fictional NESes or ones that mimic some historic cultures, just with different names. Players send in orders by a deadline and I calculate the statistics and I weave those orders into the narrative of the times. You can do as little as send in the stat investments or as much as writing out dialogues and stories.

If you are interested, please let me know. Also, share this with your friends over on the other forums. I will not run the NES if there isn't enough interest. I want this to be a long term NES. :)
please get into contact with any NESers that you know might be interested in getting back into it. I want to have several more players before I start.
You can also try the IOT forum, and the while we wait thread, but I'm pretty sure people still glance over this forum from time to time.
What does "Stat Based" mean?

I'll play it if it's the basic creative EP model.

If it's stuff like "A Factory costs 500 Gold and increases income by +15" I won't play, sadly. I don't think it's good rules design for this sort of forum game. :) Personally.
I abstain from the Frontier only because the white on black layout quite literally burns my eyes. So I would prefer either NES or IOT. By description, it sounds IOT-friendly.
Interested. The IOT sub-forum would be my pick, just because you may gather attention from typical IOT players. JohannaK, my sentiment exactly, CivFanatics is much easier on the eyes.
Interested .. More preference in IOT forum rather than Frontier
I am interested in it as well.
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