Missing world wonder sprite


Aug 22, 2010
It bothers me when I can't see the wonder the AI is building. (under construction 3D model)
Or even more ridiculous, after it's been built. (completed 3D model)

Why does this happen? No room for the 3D model in or around the city?

Do you see the Taj Mahal in this picture? I don't...
When I clicked the notification it went to the capital Moson Kahni.
I only chopped 8 forests for that, sigh.
He also built Hagia Sophia, and Great Wall, and Himeji Castle, and Notre Dame.
That wonder monger...
This might be an issue with your graphics card. Particularly not having enough memory. It happens frequently in my games, new roads don't get displayed, etc. If I zoom in and do nothing for a few seconds the graphics appear.
I don't think that's the issue, they don't show up if I wait, only if I reload. And it happens to maybe 1 or 2 wonders in a game.
I have a 970.

In my current game Sweden completed Borobudur and it is not visible. It's possible he rushed it.
Sometimes I also see two models for a wonder in a city.
I think it is when they rush the wonder directly from the start with an engineer. This even happens to me if I do that - rush from the very first turn of building. I have to reload to see the wonder itself if the under-construction-image wasn't there.

Two images happens to me sometimes too - though it's not as annoying as the game choosing to build Stonehenge in the sea when there's plenty of flat land around!
3D main-map wonder models are a little buggy in the way the game renders (or sometimes refuses to render) them. Saving and reloading nearly always cures this graphical glitchiness because the game is forced to re-determine what 3d models need to be placed around which city, which in turn forces the game's graphics engine1 to do its mystery thing(s).

Underwater Stonehenge, Artemis, Great Library, etc., are common (as pretty much everyone has discovered by now) and often kinda amusing. It is also pretty common for the game just to not bother rendering a 3d model for a wonder, or to decide that 2 or more 'under-construction' or 'completed' models need to be displayed near a given city. This is one reason why the method of looking for wonder under-construction animations near an adversary's city(cities) is not always reliable.

1The code for which has never been released, so there's no way for anyone except Firaxis to try to find and cure the issues causing these glitchinesses, and Firaxis has never seemed real excited about fixing these Wonder-Rendering graphic glitch issues.
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