Describe yourself - in Civ4 Leader Traits

Philosophical and industrious.
Creative and Philosophical. I think big thoughts. :)

For instance: I wonder how many people who claim to be "Industrious" are posting here when they're supposed to be doing something else (like me)...
Spiritual -- have dabbled in a quite a few religions. Also the benefit of Spiritual in Civ is swapping Civics quickly with no penalty, and that mirrors well the way I swap things like Career, Hobbies, physical location, etc., etc., in my life with little or no disruption to my day to day living.

For the second, it would have to be one of these two:
Protective -- I'm quite a loner, and tend to go where and do what I want, with little leeway for others to influence it or impose their will over it.

Organized -- Live pretty minimalistically, which allows me to do quite a bit with relatively little cost or effort.
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