ANNOUNCEMENT: Hall of Fame Challenge Series XIV


Rise Up! (Phoenix Style!)
Hall of Fame Staff
Mar 11, 2008
The Hall of Fame Team would like to welcome new players, and welcome back old vets, to the Fourteenth running of the Civfanatics Civ IV Hall of Fame Challenge Series.

The Challenge Series returns as a collection of 10 games with a time limit of 7 months to complete them (from 1st May 2014 to 30th November 2014). The games are designed to (hopefully) be more defined than the usual gauntlet games and challenging in a different way than a general Hall of Fame game, yet far from impossible to complete.

The winner will be the person who finishes the most games and collects the most points along the way (10 for 1st in each individual game, down to 1 for 10th). Progress results for all games can be found here. There are individual threads for each game in the Challenge Series forum so head on over and check it out.

For those unfamiliar with the CFC Hall of Fame (HOF), we encourage you to try the challenge as a way of introducing yourself to the HOF. The Challenge series is just one feature of the HOF. A Gauntlet series of games is run monthly. In addition you can simply submit any of your games to the HOF. All valid games are recorded to a database and ranked under various categories. The HOF enables you to compare your progress against other HOFers over all time or simply track your own progress. In other words, the HOF is as competitive as you want it to be.

In addition, the CFC HOF offers two ongoing challenge/achievements called the Quatromasters and Elite Quatromasters which can be found here. All valid game submissions to the HOF apply toward your progress of these long-term achievements. Are you up for the challenge! :)

Genetically advanced humanoids will marvel at your Civ IV prowess in the year 3150AD! :D

All of the games need to be played using version 3 of the BUFFY mod (BUFFY-3.19.003), found here. Standard Hall of Fame Rules apply to all games.
Please feel free to ask basics questions about the HOF in this thread or discuss HOF in general. If you want to discuss the Challenge or specific games in the Challenge please head over to the respective threads in the HOF forum.
Hey, installed buffy mod for first time. Is there any way to get know whether I did everything correctly and my saves are eligible?
Hey, installed buffy mod for first time. Is there any way to get know whether I did everything correctly and my saves are eligible?

A long as you have BTS all patched up, you should be good to go. If something is off, you should get errors anyway. As far as game eligibility, you are warned first thing when you create a game. "Locked Modified Assets" must always be checked. Plus, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with an illegal settings over on the HOF site.

You may have already found and implemented this stuff, but the page found here is helpful for setting up the mod. The Asset Checker tool can verify your game files.
gratuitous promo bump
I'm posting a quote here by a CFC member, who posted this over in the HOF forum in a challenger game thread. I thought the quote strongly captures one of the main reasons I enjoy the HOF. was my first HoF submission ever. It will definitely not remain the last one....... I rarely finished my Civ games and would always start a new one way too early, I would reload and experiment or just lose interest. So this challenge brought back some dedication and focus for me.
Hey Folks - Just a friendly bump of this thread here as we are about half-way through the current HOF Challenger allotted timeframe. I've seen some new faces here and there, so I'd like to call attention to the not only the Challenge Series but the CFC Hall of Fame(HOF) as well. We've had a really good turnout for this series, so see if you can unseat the top players.
Hmmm, as someone who is just learning to win on Prince, I have no chance of even competing on this, but it is an interesting concept. I always play random map, random civ, but I like the way this forces you to have to use different playstyles
Hmmm, as someone who is just learning to win on Prince, I have no chance of even competing on this, but it is an interesting concept. I always play random map, random civ, but I like the way this forces you to have to use different playstyles

HOF and challenges are a lot of fun regardless of whether you are competitive or not. Many of the participants are still learning the game or at various stages of difficulty. You will have fun and learn a lot. It gives you goals to strive for to get better and actually compete for top spots in the future. It takes time, but you gotta start somewhere.

Your current level of skill should be the very least of reasons to not play HOF. Start playing now and see your progress over time with each Challenger, Gauntlet or personal submissions. Same goes for GOTMs as well.
Enjoy! [pimp]
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