Legends of Citana: The First Era

I've had a number of distractions and am therefore postponing the next update by a week.
To Quillaachu
From Barakdwell

If at all possible, 60 gold for every 50 minerals would be preferable. Although we do desire gold, our current supply is enough to make a flat trade unprofitable.
If you have enough lumber, however, a flat 50 for 50 trade would be fine.
We can continue this agreement for as long as you want.

EQandcivfanatic, did you get my orders? I could have sworn I sent them in, but I couldn't find them in my sent messages.
@Popcornlord: I do not have any orders from you.

For everyone else, consider this the 40 hour warning for orders.
Can I still join?
@spaceman98: Yes, there's still room for more.
This is the friendly 24 hour warning.
I hope to have in orders by tomorrow afternoon (5:30-6) if it is at all possible that scraping by the deadline like this can be done. If not, I will send emergency directives in the hope that they can at least influence our actions this turn.
I'll be able to send orders tonight. (16h from now)
sending orders now. then ditiching dragons arie since I can no longer acomplish what I wanted with them. *sigh* more a problem of staying IC with them then bad gaming. I could meta-game them out of it, but that would ruin them as much as following the only availiable In chrachter path for them.

ah well. I'll write up a new city-state to play after the update. one that's not quite so rigid in thinking..
Civilization Name: The Tribe of Coal
Dominant Race: Orcs
Average Lifespan: 50-80 years
Average Height: 1.6 meters
Background: Long ago, the titans created the orcs as a warlike race, made from clay and coal. They ruined and pillaged much, before being defeated and fleeing into deserts and mountains, to march out again and burn civilization, until once again, they were stopped and felled. When the titans fell, the orcs fled into the Harar. Now they emerge again, as the other races build new villages for them to pillage.
Government: Shaman rules all
Leader Name: Shaman Barog
Leader Trait: Warrior
Leader Background: The sand flew over the desert in dark clouds. The oasis was all that lived, in a world of desert. Nothing to burn, nowhere to go. Barog had been the apprentice of the old shaman, Murrok. Murrok knew much, but he was cowardly, weak. He was content to sit in the oasis, peacefully, doing nothing but building and rebuilding after each sandstorm. Barog wanted more. Years passed and Murrok died. Barog knew, it was time to lead his people east, where plunder awaited.
Starting Location: The gap in the shadow mountains that leads to the Harar
Preferred Map Color: Black, dark red
Preferred Leader Names: Dugar
Preferred City Names: Marak, City of Coal
Long ago, Draceon was a great dragon, feared even by the titans (or so the stories told). He brought ruin to the land and fire to the world. But even Draceon could not last forever. Some say the dragon met his end at the hands of a farm boy. Others say that the king of Titans felled the dragon. Yet others tell tales of a blade that was made to destroy Draceon. Some say that he was only allowed to terrorize the land while the titans let him and that his legend was exagerated by mortals.

All that is known is that the dragon was killed. His spirit frozen amongst those of other long gone monsters. But the spirit of Draceon did not sleep quietly awaiting the end of days. Its anger burned, seeking more destruction.

Barog, the goblin shaman stood in front of the burning fire and chanted an ancient spell. The firestone that he had found in the ruins of the village burned in his hand. The rest of the orc tribe stood as dark shapes about the cauldron. The stone had lain in the village that they sacked several days ago. The pathetic human had used it to fuel his fireplace. Barog knew better than that. This was an artifact of great power. One that would help him rule this world.

The fire in the center rose to knew hights, illuminating the midnight plain. Suddenly, the ancient stone exploded, and from the cauldron a dark shape rose, its eyes red with anger.

"Draceon akar zarrar ak radak Uruk dara". The shaman spoke this spell to the dark shape, small for now, the spirit of the dragon forced into a mold of coal. The spell bound the dragon to serve the shaman. The dragon was weak for now, just summoned from the darkness. The orcs cowared around the fire, as the dark shape, just a meter across rose from the cauldron.

"Dragon small, but dragon grow. Dragon eat, dragon grow strong. Dragon give Barog WORLD DOMINATION." declared the shaman, as the steppe watched silently.

Draceon surveyed his surroundings. For the first time he could sense the air and see the world. Death, blood and destruction were so close, and yet so far. He was imprisoned in a tiny coal sculpture. His hatred grew, especially toward the shaman whose spells now bound his fate...

OOC: Yes, I decided to be evil this time. Whoever guesses where I got the idea for this nation will be last to burn. :mwaha::evil:
Actually, I've been busy with Crusader Kings 2 when i do have a chance to play video games. Mostly though, I've been rehabilitating and learning how to do some basic things all over again which were lost to me from my seizures, like shaving and cooking. Add that to the current due dates of a number of projects for class, and I have only been able to focus on one NES, and at the moment I'm choosing CIEN over this.

This does not mean death, however, and as stated early on, this was always intended to be a jumping off point to future adventures and NES phases. Therefore I encoruage the continuation of stories, making this a pure story NES for now. I'll update the maps when relevant to include the results of the said stories. And of course, when the time does come to do the next stage, we'll harken back to those stories to set up the next round. For now though, no more actual updates are going to be forthcoming.
Understood completely, EQ. Hope you get better in the near future, and I will continue to make stories associated with this NES for right now.
A slightly better history of the orcs as a race:

The titans often took their expirements to extremes. The majority of these extreme races failed to take root, but the orcs would turn out different, not through accomplishments of their own, but due to the fact that their warlike nature provided the titans with enough entertainment to rebuild them each time they fell. The first orc horde was built by the Titan Kradoch out of coal and clay in the shadow mountains when those were higher, and streached further north in a peninsula that went far into the ocean. The Titans had been making races more and more warlike. Kradoch took this to the extreme. The first horde were literally born with swords in their hands.

This first horde did not build a city. Instead they swept through the region, burning and pillaging as they went. They were finally stopped by a large line of fortifications built by a powerful city upon a hill. The city, named Gardbar had been the strongest in the region, populated primarily by dwarves, but to a lesser extent by elves or men. Ruined, the first horde retreated into the mountains. Kradoch presented this as proof that a race to warlike was doomed to die, and went on with other expiriments. The orcs were largely forgotten for a time.

The orcs would survive in the mountains. Many of them were used as mercenaries by the city of Kalambia which was attaked by Gardbar over a trade dispute. This put the orcs back into view of the titans, and with some help from above, the second horde was born. They built the city of Barak. From the caves and mine under Barak the orcs came again, razing their long time enemy, Gardbar. The orc empire and their ally Kalambia would become quite powerful, until an alliance of elves and men beat back the aggressive Barak empire. Kalambia fell, but Barak remained.

The third horde would rise from Barak and reclaim Kalambia. Some groups splintered from the horde and marched into lands far and wide, razing several towns, before being defeated. The main horde in the meantime marched into Flynajoon's rest, where the Elvish city state that controlled much of the region defeated the third horde. Nontheless, at its height the third horde ruled land from Flynajoon's rest to the Shadow mountains, and from the north coast to the Niclus River and some splinters reached as far as the South desert. Nontheless the empire did not last. In the end, the orcs scattered, going into the Harar, South desert and Shadow mountains as Barak was burned in the chaos after the fall of the Titans.

Now a fourth horde comes from the Harar.
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