CNES: The Flames of War (BETA)

From: The Constitutional Republic of Lijian
To: The State of Muscova

The provinces of Zhalik and Upper Siat are ethnically and traditionally Lijiani, and as such we consider them part of our common defense sphere.

Peace between us is possible, but we will consider an occupation of either of these two territories to be an act of war.
L'Emperaire gardèt als sieus mapas, l'estudi del mond. "Sap vos çò que sètz mal amb aqueste mapa, Anthoni?" La Gardia Phoenix gigotèt la cap. "I a pas de sufisents cendres dins aqueste mond. Las reliquias del mond ancian son encara aicí. "

"Vesi ja"

"Vos podètz se preguntar perqué aquò es un problèma, Anthoni. Lo passat es flac. Lo present es flac, e lo futur serà tròp si que non se convertiguèt en de cendres. "

"Vesi ja"

"Los vestigis del vièlh mond ... Eles li cal cremar. Avèm de pas daissar que lo passat sentimental que nos abstengam de lo nòstre objectiu. Per la renaissença del mond en lo fuòc. Per fòrça aquò poiriá semblar extrèm ... Quitament agressiu. Mas lo mond s'esquiça ... Près de la mòrt. S'a de besonh una patada l'entrepresa per çò que pòt nàisser de nòu, mai fòrt e mai elegant que jamai. E Anthoni? "

"Òc, lo mieu Emperaire?"

"Vau èsser eth quau o tustar amb lo pè"
oh I am quitting this..

coz of the person above :(
bonefang, it wasn't personal -___-
lurker's comment: zzz lemme know when the next one comes up so I can claim something before thlayli mutilates the setting
Continuing to add histories for people that requested it of me.

The Autarky of Ateuma

The Ankossi peoples have always been an adventurous, seafaring lot. The first small colonies in Aljian were founded during the early modern period by the great shipping guilds. Most of these colonies were more tied to their founding city-states than an Ankossi identity at large. The birth of the industrial era and modern nationalism changed this, however. The slightly more conservative Ankossi of the colonies spurned the decision of their brethren in the north to join a federation with D'Ancau and Tain, and formed their own, ethnically 'pure' state. This initial philosophy of self-reliance crystallized into a militaristic dictatorship, somewhat like the Eparchies of old but more focused on conquest and racial purity. Driven by this doctrine and a cult of personality surrounding their leader, Ateuma is prepared to expand their territory on Aljian and perhaps one day liberate the home continent as well...
May I direct everyone's attention to the changed rules for Shore Bombardment, Flanking, and Revanchism in the Special Rules section.
L'Emperaire gardèt als sieus mapas, l'estudi del mond. "Sap vos çò que sètz mal amb aqueste mapa, Anthoni?" La Gardia Phoenix gigotèt la cap. "I a pas de sufisents cendres dins aqueste mond. Las reliquias del mond ancian son encara aicí. "

"Vesi ja"

"Vos podètz se preguntar perqué aquò es un problèma, Anthoni. Lo passat es flac. Lo present es flac, e lo futur serà tròp si que non se convertiguèt en de cendres. "

"Vesi ja"

"Los vestigis del vièlh mond ... Eles li cal cremar. Avèm de pas daissar que lo passat sentimental que nos abstengam de lo nòstre objectiu. Per la renaissença del mond en lo fuòc. Per fòrça aquò poiriá semblar extrèm ... Quitament agressiu. Mas lo mond s'esquiça ... Près de la mòrt. S'a de besonh una patada l'entrepresa per çò que pòt nàisser de nòu, mai fòrt e mai elegant que jamai. E Anthoni? "

"Òc, lo mieu Emperaire?"

"Vau èsser eth quau o tustar amb lo pè"

It looks beautiful, but I have to ask whether you're intentionally vague, because, well, I'm annoyed that I don't understand anything of this. :p
Occitan via Google Translate
No Occitan in Google translate I'm afraid
Question: Can occupied provinces produce units? If so, are there limitations?

Occupied provinces can do nothing until one turn has passed - then they are productive again.

EDIT: New rule under Naval Units: Naval Interdiction.
Gallee Kor, the Final Empire of Mighty Urethak, Stands Poised at the Brink of Eternity.
To: Empire of New Daeacht, Muscovia
From: The People's Empire

We urge the three of our nations to clear with each other where we view our borders meet, to prevent needless conflict.

To: Empire of New Daeacht, The People's Empire
From: Muscovia

Muscovia recognises the right of self-determination for all territories. Their fate is not meant to be decided arbitrarily by outsiders. We welcome those who would willingly join our alliance of free peoples.

From: The Constitutional Republic of Lijian
To: The State of Muscova

The provinces of Zhalik and Upper Siat are ethnically and traditionally Lijiani, and as such we consider them part of our common defense sphere.

Peace between us is possible, but we will consider an occupation of either of these two territories to be an act of war.

From: The State of Muscova
To: The Constitutional Republic of Lijian

Muscovians do not make such distinctions based on ethnicity. We welcome those who would willingly join our alliance of free peoples. Otherwise, our militia will not interfere in other territories.

Basque Separatists Orders:

Have the drafted militia embark on a nation-wide campaign of purification. Make them murder their Celtic neighbors where they stand, kill those Slavic scum, exterminate those Persian philistines. Let the streets and factory floors be flooded with blood. Encourage individual officers to purify their home however they see fit, whether it be by knife, gun, or fire [Adopt Autonomy].

Declare that all condoms must be examined by state officials before they may be sold in Basqueland. Have two of the infantry divisions proceed to meticulously poke holes in each and every condom.

Have the third infantry division don woman disguises, enter pharmacies across the country, and buy contraceptives. Once this is achieved, have them regroup at military bases, take off their disguises, put on a new set of disguises, and repeat until there are no more contraceptives in Basqueland stores. Have a few of them try to smoke the contraceptives to test if they happen to inspire battlelust.

After the purification is complete, declare Basqueland a People's Utopia. Seize the property of the Celtic corpses lying in the street. Seize all major industries. [Research State Socialism]

Ban public smoking.

Dafukbro - seriously :crazyeye:
@Crezth - is there any way to conduct 'charm offensives' on NPC's, IE to expand by peaceful means (even if very expensive in propaganda spending etc)? Or is it all going to be about combat?

Could I come to the aid of an NPC territory that has been occupied and liberate them back to being an NPC? :)

Just wondering :mischief:

EDIT: Also, just to be clear, can we spend our income? I mean, can I spend $6 this turn (already banked) or $12 (plus income)?
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