Fast Money, Fast Research, Fast Cars


Oct 31, 2001
F1-Domestic Advisor Screen

this is all done on the domestic advisor screen.

spending money on Entertainment is a JOKE!! instead, get or trade as much luxuries (spices,silk,incense,etc) from other civs as you can. this will make citizens happy and there's no worry about spending income on entertainment (which is VERY expensive). now all you have to worry about is science and tax.

before the end of each turn, adjust your rates accordingly. it's a tiny hassle but it's worth it and i'll tell you why. try to get research done in the smallest amount of turns without bankrupting your budget. MOST OF THE TIME-on ALL LEVELS-you'll get ripped off. for instance, let's say you have 4 more turns left to complete horseback technology and you're supposed to get 30 gold. if you adjust your rates, you might get MORE money for the same amount of science turns left. this is REALLY important when there's one turn left on tech research. crank down science (which will improve gold income) until the last possible rate. why waste gold for the same amount of research turns?

this can be applied in reverse or for those who have money to spare. i find it more valuable to have -22 gold taken for an extra science turn. by the end of the game, you have more techs than any other civ. don't forget...this is the LAST thing you should do before you end each turn. any adjustments to cities (ie change to wealth) will change the income/science levels on the F1 screen.

--**ONE thing i don't have an answer on is the info box on the F1 screen. the manual says this switches between normalcy mode and war mode. well, DUH!!!! i want to know EXACTLY what it does. never used it anyway but does anybody know?

(ps. civ2 used to carry over unused science shields to the next tech. not certain that civ3 does this so that's why it's even MORE important to get as much $$$ as you can with 1 turn remaining. good!!!!!

:suicide: :suicide:
This could help revive my strat a bit.... and it's pretty interesting...

BTW- The war status thing allows your cities to build military units faster, but that's all they can build... it pretty much takes your WHOLE civ and puts it in war mode..... not much else gets done and people tend to get a little pissed off about it.... it's the Civ equivilent of TOTAL WAR
Something to think about... I do watch my spending like that, sometimes getting much gold. Also on turn -2 crank it down to just 2... sometimes the last bit left is actually less than one turn, but that is the minimum then.

I keep buying luxuries, because i can't get decent trades. But, my economy is bringing in about 2800 gold now (and I am second in per capita income! ) so 10% of that is 280. If I could buy for less, I would. But what they *always* ask for is something like all my advance tech -- 2 or 3 -- a luxury or two, and about 800 gold to boot.
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