End of Empires - N3S III

Oh, and I called the Vithanama savages, which I think is entirely justified from the Iralliamite perspective considering their unprovoked attack and the fact a majority of their people, and thus presumably of the invading force, sacrifice human beings to a death god as the main characteristic of their religion. (note: Vile savages of the Vithanama and the Satar of the Karapeshai, the qualifier of savage applied to the Vithanama only, whereas the qualifier Satar applied to the Karapeshai [hard to call you savage since the Kothari share your satar culture and are Iralliamite])


1. Plenty of the invaders are actually followers of your religion. No human sacrifice has occurred in quite a while, since the Redeemer has banned the practice in favor of "pretend" sacrifice. You'll find these savages are quite more tolerant than you are. :p

2. The Moti invaded the Vithanama first. This is still a war of defense.
Oh, and I called the Vithanama savages, which I think is entirely justified from the Iralliamite perspective considering their unprovoked attack and the fact a majority of their people, and thus presumably of the invading force, sacrifice human beings to a death god as the main characteristic of their religion. (note: Vile savages of the Vithanama and the Satar of the Karapeshai, the qualifier of savage applied to the Vithanama only, whereas the qualifier Satar applied to the Karapeshai [hard to call you savage since the Kothari share your satar culture and are Iralliamite])

I think the point was less whether it was justified/in-character (surely we've already established that obnoxiousness is in-character for Aisen) and more whether it was a good idea from a political/self-preservation perspective. Not really a point worth arguing about, though.

Also, Aisen must be getting really up there in years now, no? It's not as if institutional religious leaders tend to assume their duties at a spry young age.
I think Aisen canonically took office at middle age. He is pretty old by now, though.

Yeah, he'll almost certainly kick the bucket in the intermission.
If you mean the ET, he'll almost certainly die before (update 30 is twenty years away or more).
I mean in amongst that 30 year period, earlier rather than later. (so anywhere from one to ten years from the current in game present depending on how you structure events)
OOC: I maintain that I am not unduly biased towards Aitahism, I merely represent multiple points of view, given that I am roleplaying a five-part federation

IC: The Iralliamites of the Farubaida, would be disappointed that they are not considered amongst the great nations of Iralliam. The fact that their culture is not Moti, and that geography and history places them in close contact with the Aitahist north should not lessen the legitimacy of their faith in the Good God, not should it cast doubts on their hatred for and opposition to the Evil God.

With that spoken, chosen Matriarchs and Patriarchs from the Independent Conclaves remain interested in engaging in spiritual talks, regarding matters of religious practice, in hopes of repairing the divide that has fallen between Opios and Aramaia.
IC: The Iralliamites of the Farubaida, would be disappointed that they are not considered amongst the great nations of Iralliam. The fact that their cultural is not Moti, and that geography and history places them in close contact with the Aitahist north should not lessen the legitimacy of their faith in the Good God, not should it cast doubts on their hatred for and opposition to the Evil God.

With that spoken, chosen Matriarchs and Patriarchs from the Independent Conclaves remain interested in engaging in spiritual talks, regarding matters of religious practice, in hopes of repairing the divide that has fallen between Opios and Aramaia.

We remind the Farubaida that its population is primarily Aitahist, and that the federation does not maintain the Faith of Opporia as the foundation of its order and understanding, instead upholding various religions to be equivalent. As such it cannot be considered in any sense to be an iralliamite nation, or a defender of the flame of Opporia against darkness and ignorance. This does not lessen the fire or worth of the faithful, or doubt on their hatred of the enemy.

We also note that a goodly portion of the minority population of Iralliamites has chosen schism with the lawful successors of the Prophet, contrary to sacred teaching.
The Church of Iralliam however remains as it has done over these years willing to repair the divide between the schismatic conclaves and the Church, it has even offered clemency with regards to their heterodoxy, clemency which remains offered but which has not yet been accepted. However unity cannot proceed if the conclaves do not recognise and accept the legitimate authority of the Grand-Patriarchate of Opios, and the Patriarchates under it. Only when they accept the lawful authority of the Church will this divide be bridged.
The Empire of Helsia, ruled by an Iralliamite of the Faeoria Aramaia, maintains the rule of the law through the invocation of the doctrine of the good and the light. The Illumination of Haiao is fundamental to many of the people of the Empire. Even in the uplands of Faerouhaiaou, or beyond the northern reaches of Dremai, where the Red Lady is worshipped to greater degrees, this same light is remains the basis of all knowledge and order within our realms.

As for the independent conclaves... well, perhaps they will take up your offer of clemency. I suspect that they would rather approach you on a more even ground to debate their concerns with you, though I am well aware of your partiality to Canon XIV, and how that might render such a discussion fruitless.
The Empire of Helsia is not the Farubaida o Caroha, but a component thereof. It likewise does not act internationally against darkness save by the agency of the collective of the federation.

The offer of the Church of Iralliam remains as it was and as we noted any arrangement between the schismatic conclaves and the Church would require acceptance of the legitimate authority of the patriarchs, and the Thirty Tenets of the Prophet.

Spoiler :


Canon I: In the beginning was The One, from which all things came and all things will return, the origin of all things.

Canon II: In the act of creation The One decreed balance in all things, for darkness, light, for life, death.

Canon III: When he had done with His creation two emanations proceed from the One, Opporia and Istria, to uphold the balance of the world. The One ceased to be and became two for balance was decreed in all things.

Canon IV: Istria, the emanation of darkness in time grew wroth and sought dominion over all things overturning the order decreed in the beginning, and thus came to be the great enemy, who began the war of heaven, the eternal conflict between light and shadow upon which rests the fate of all things

Canon V: Creation faces the choice, to stand with the army of Opporia, or to wage war in the name of he who is only death. For there are two gods, and two gods only and all men serve one or the other.

Canon VI: The war of heaven shall be waged unto the end of time, where in the final battle the choice of light or darkness shall be made by the sons of men, between goodness and life eternal, the creation of a new balance of perfection and serenity, or the oblivion for all things.


The Divine Nature of Opporia


Canon VII: Opporia is the emanation of light, within whom the divine majesty and creative power resides. The enemy is darkness and only death.

Canon VIII: From Opporia proceeds the uncreated Light of Creation, which sustains and gives life to all things and which can be known by men in this life through spiritual practice.

Canon XI: Opporia omnibenevolent, omniscient, and omnipotent, he is goodness in its totality, can know all that can be known with knowledge, and do all that power itself is able to achieve.

Canon XII: Opporia is eternal and transcendent


The Church


Canon XIII: Opporia, waging war against the great enemy of mankind, did speak to the prophet Kleo, and commanded him to establish The Church, for the Church is the sword of Opporia, the army of light in the war of the sons of light against the sons of darkness.

Canon XIV: In order that the army of light may not be leaderless, by divine establishment Opporia granted authority unto the successors of Kleo, the Grand Patriarchs, to rule and to govern over the Church militant in the war against darkness. To them alone and to no other does ultimate authority over the faith reside.

Canon XV: The Church is the pillar and foundation of truth, infallible in its doctrine, guaranteed by Opporia who is truth for all time. For the Church is the sword of truth against error, the army of light against the darkness. By it alone is the light of revelation received, and it alone has the authority to discern and proclaim truths of heaven.

Canon XVI: There is only one Church, and one Church only which is universal in character, for all men at all times. The One and Universal Church is the Church under the authority of the Grand Patriarch and is that very same Church established by our Lord through the agency of His Prophet.

Canon XVII: The Church is a total society, outside of which man cannot hope to be saved, all men must enter the Church, the army of Opporia, or be claimed by the ancient enemy and the army of darkness and so consigned to everlasting oblivion.

Canon XVIII: The Church’s divine mission is to combat error, and convert the world unto itself, that the world may be saved by the light of its master Opporia and be remade in divine perfection through victory in the war against evil.




Canon XIX: Men can be saved from oblivion only through receiving the Light of Creation from Opporia by his grace.

Canon XX: The Grace of Light is obtainable through prayer and meditation, through the sacraments and rites of the Church, through virtuous conduct and divine mercy.

Canon XXI: After death the soul of the deceased is immediately claimed by light or darkness, based on the life that it has lived to join the respective hosts of light or darkness.

Canon XXII: Those who are claimed by darkness are consigned to the hell of the enemy, whereas those claimed by light reside by the side of Opporia in all righteousness and in beatific perfection.


The Duty of Man


Canon XXIII: The divine law is knowable through nature and by human reason, and is ontologically inscribed within the human soul.

Canon XXIV: The knowledge of the two gods is knowable through reason and is self evident in the universe.

Canon XXV: Man is bound to uphold the natural law that the One has made, and uphold the good against that which is evil and corrupt, and bound to that which has lost its purpose and marred the balance of the world.

Canon XXVI: In truth alone can be freedom be found, and so man is bound to proclaim only truth, to submit only to truth of which the Church is the pillar and foundation. Error has no right to be or be tolerated, for it is the tool of the enemy.

Canon XXVII: In service to truth each individual soul is obliged to proclaim the true faith to all peoples and nations as a personal imperative in thought, in word and in deed.

Canon XXVIII: All men are morally compelled to seek holiness and righteousness, to love one another as Opporia loves, to be faithful and true to their brothers in the war against the darkness.

Canon XXIX: All men are morally compelled to work for their dues, for if one shall not work neither should he eat. Work done in joy and service, and made as an offering to Opporia is holy and right. The hard working man, the farmer, the smith, the artisan alike should be praised and exalted beyond the one which earns from the work of others.

Canon XXX: Mercy is the right hand of justice, and those who commit offences must be treated with mercy as well as justice. Yet suffer not abomination in your lands, those offences which profane holiness and are contrary to nature itself. Surely those who commit such crimes shall be put to death for this is the demand of justice.
A Crimson House

A warm and stifling night, the air burdened with heat and damp. A bank of clouds passes over the city, occluding the moon - but only for a moment. They depart, and Epichirisi is again bathed in the clear serenity of moonlight. The half-finished tower of the Remmos rises from the seawall, clad in a patchwork of scaffolding, with great banners of crimson and white hanging listless in the still air. Upon the Charitine Hill silence reigns, broken only by the passage of some few sentries on their rounds - gendori in their bronze helms, ever vigilant, guarding safe the city against the ghosts of the night. A man among them shivers, his hair standing on end. But he cannot see, and so he laughs and shrugs off the unnatural chill on this sweltering night. Here stands the great manse Estrandas, built long ago for the pleasure of the Empress Anaen, who was renowned for her vanity, her carnality, and her cruelty. But now another is master of that house, and it becomes the Exarch that his home should be strong and fine.

The house is quiet. Empty chambers, empty halls. A linen sheet tossed aside from a simple bed, a pair of carved mahogany doors standing open. Where are the servants? Where are the guards? And where is the house's master? A scattered trail along the colonnade, crimson droplets on handsome granite tile. Crickets chirp in the courtyard garden, and moonlight glints from the scales of golden fish in their ponds. There, upon a lonely stone bench nestled beneath the banyan tree, a huddled figure, shaking, clutching at his belly.

"Ah. I see now what has been done." the ghost says. Eandar quails before the spectre, and he mumbles a prayer against the restless dead, for it is Kaltas Nire who stands before him. The ghost seems bemused, a smile upon his face, and the dead man sits down beside his dying friend. "A purpose has called me here from gedden, and I shall not be denied." he says.

"And what purpose is that, spirit? Why have you taken the face of my friend?" Eandar replies.

"I have taken nothing on this night, Brother. I have been dead many years, it is true, but my pride would not allow that another should wear my face. I come to return a favour owed. I had your company as I passed from this world, and I was glad for it. Yet here you are alone, and this I could not abide." Kaltas says.

"So I shall die." Eandar says.

"A treacherous blade has made it so." Kaltas replies.

They sit in silence for a moment, the dead man and the dying. A breeze picks up, stirring the branches of the tree above them.

"I have had troubled dreams. Perhaps this was their portent. I fear for my son, Kaltas. This very night I saw Tythas drowned in a shallow pool, weighed down by saffron cloak. I pulled with all my strength to save him, but he had grown too heavy, and my own form strangely light." Eandar says, his breathing shallow.

"You are his father, and you raised him well. I do not fear for the boy, for you shall ever be at his side. He shall know the rightful course, and he shall stand strong and tall, and reject that which is wrong or wicked or cruel." Kaltas says, his voice soft. "Do you remember the golden sands of Varmoa? The swaying palms? I should like to see that place again, one more time." Eandar simply nods his head, for there are no words left to him. "Then let us go."
I stumble through a burned world, choking on the smoke and despair, and collapse at last, and as I draw a last painful breath my eyes close...

...and open, a man offering a hand, climbing to feet, a column of men, familiar faces, determined faces, the promise of vengeance and death and glory, marching through blackened fields and empty ruins, friends from long ago joining us, enemies brushed aside but not the enemies we want, a triumph in a city of wood but thoughts elsewhere, then a turn, ascent, climbing always. Cold, high, bearded strangers in thick clothes offering guidance, a friend falling from the cliff screaming, a pause, a speech, cheers masking terror, safety behind, the unknown ahead, sentinels of stone watching a silent march through snow...eyes close

...and open, the cold gone, a city of gold and blood instead, half empty with soldiers, exhausted hungry sprawled in the streets, confused fear watching from the shadows, a man striding, purposeful, calling. Men and camels answer...enemies? Or not, but friends not yet, deals struck, trust impossible and unavoidable, the empty lands beckon...eyes close

...and open, the city gone, instead sand, sun, heat, long lines of men. Sometimes water, sometimes none, too late to go back, hope is ahead, camels and men from the distance, lifegivers, love and gratitude replacing hate and fear, then a shout, trees on the horizon, a surge forward, weariness forgotten, enemies appearing out of the sands, or are they more friends? But they bar the way and are thrown aside, or are they fighting each other, or were they never more than mirages, and then they go back to the sand and greenery appears and men cry in glee and the trees weep to see us...eyes close

...and open, another city, crowded and rich and fearful, a man on the steps of a palace, calming words, soft reassurances, exotic finery beside him, he says the enemy is here but not the enemy, transmuted by some strange magic. Cheers from the crowd, fear to relief to jubilation, confusion subsumed by loyalty, a kneeling figure crowned by a man, a woman in red over one shoulder, a man in a mask over the other or were they ever there. A castle on a mountain, defiance pouring down in a torrent, ignored, no more fear, no more respect, no more concern for them, the world yet ahead...eyes close

...and open, the city gone, another march, another empty plain, more heat and thirst, more strangers beside, more strange nights under unfamiliar roofs, eventually a shock of memory, the sea. But not our sea, this plied by strange ships and stranger men, a man speaking to the new strangers, more men to fight? But instead food, water, unexpected friends at the end of the world, an army before us, wavering, uncertain, but not us, and they break and run and gates open to receive us and a man walks through into another city...eyes close

...and open, another city by the sea, strange tongues and strange temples and the cry of gulls, ships at port, very many, disgorging dark skinned men covered in gold, they follow Light they say, but not ours, and how can there be two? A man waiting for them, no gold, no gems, just dust and sweat and armor, they talk, they shout, men reach for weapons, a cry from a man halts them...and then they kneel...eyes close

...and open, and another city, this one familiar in its strangeness, but burning, ships fleeing the harbour, fat men pulled from tall homes and killed in the street by other men, old rivalries, old hatreds, no concern for us amongst their revenge, but they all look and sound the same and how can they tell one from the other? Spoils for friends, but our enemy not here, disappointment, how much further? Then resolve, what is a bit more now that we have crossed the empty lands, a man walking through the destruction, sadness, not vengeance in his eyes, a moment of guilt for the loss...eyes close

...and open, one more city in the distance, towers and gardens and high walls, an army barring the way, a glittering array, no uncertainty here, crying defiance and rage and revenge, friends besides us, camel lords and sand men and bearded lunatics – though were any of us ever really sane? - and men who praise the Light that isn't the Light, all more familiar now than brothers, none afraid. A command, a move forward, the clash of arms, killing and dying, screams from them and none from us, a line bending, pikes pushing forward, arrows falling like rain, a sharp pain in the side and a fall to the ground, death rushing forward, but then a horn and the sound of distant thunder and a man on horseback, shining with a blinding Light, a man in a mask beside him – or was it a Lady in red or a girl with tears on her face or a sorrowful boy with a stick? - and behind more horses, an endless stream, and a great cry, dismay from one side, triumph from the other, mingled. The pain gone, running after the man and the horse and the Light, the enemy parting before us, turning and running and dying and suddenly the way clear, nothing between us and the city and the man gives a cry and the gates swing slowly open. A mad rush inside, crowds parting, enemies running, the heavens opening to let us pass, storming a palace, guards at a great door throwing aside weapons, ignored, the end is close, the door forced, a throne inside...empty. A man shouting a challenge, cursing a coward, smiting the throne, and it falls into pieces and then more thunder as around us palaces and towers crumble to dust and at last eyes close...

…and I awaken to find the world remade.

-The Fever Dream of the Companion, Unknown, 6th Century RM

Sleep deprivation is the mother of inspiration.
The world of men was remade in the Peace of Magha, and generations of strife and torment ended. Now peace reigns in the heavens, a truce between the gods.

I walked to Magha a pilgrim, and I spoke with Sixth-Gaci. He is a young man, strong in his ambitions, and I deem his exatas not wanting.

But invaders and destroyers now seek to overthrow the Elephant Family, a treacherous Council of Chiefs which has made a pact with our once-allies, the Vithanama. This is a breach of the Peace of Magha, and a breach of our old alliance.

As Co-Ruler of the world, it is my fate to keep the peace.

And so, I must keep it. I will greet the Third Apocalypse, not standing against the Moti as our forefathers did, but alongside them. And together we will defeat this false Redeemer who has fallen into the worship of dark spirits.

In return for this assistance, the Ayasi has graciously consented to my wishes for the people of Satara.

The lands of Satara will be ruled by a Prince-Chief, to be chosen by the Redeemer and the Ayasi, lawful protector of the rights of the Satar there. Upon the death of a Prince-Chief, a new candidate will be selected by consult and agreement between the Karapeshai Redeemer and the Moti Ayasi. Furthermore, half of the revenues of Satara for the next 50 years will pass to the Karapeshai.

The people of Satara will have the right to trade and travel freely between Moti and Karapeshai dominions, and they may serve in the military of either, barring criminals and deserters.

I declare this to be eternal law, by my exatas and that of Gaci.

Talephas, Fifth Redeemer of the Unbowed, Ruler of the North of the World.
I call upon the Federation of Kargan and the Kothari Exatai, as rightful vassals of the Ruler of the South of the World, to declare their loyalty to Sixth-Gaci and pledge troops to his aid.

Their silence up until this point has been truly disturbing, given how long they have enjoyed the Ayasi's care and sovereign protection. However, the situation is now clear, and so must be their loyalty to our joint rule.
OOC: I plead, on both of our behalves, the right to hold an OOC silence and for it not to be construed as an IC one. We haven't got our act together yet. I hold that, say, ten days' silence in real time is ten days' silence in IC diplomatic time, at most. There's no way I'm going to reply to this for several days at least, so if you could hold off that would be good.

Iggy, please could you get back to me about the treaty? Then we could plan further courses of action.
I call upon the Federation of Kargan and the Kothari Exatai, as rightful vassals of the Ruler of the South of the World, to declare their loyalty to Sixth-Gaci and pledge troops to his aid.

Their silence up until this point has been truly disturbing, given how long they have enjoyed the Ayasi's care and sovereign protection. However, the situation is now clear, and so must be their loyalty to our joint rule.
OOC: das hasn't said a word to either of us, so as it stands Sixth-Gaci has yet to communicate with us. So yes, I mirror spry's stance here.

I'm working out my peace with Perfectionist and a treaty with spry, hope to have that up shortly.
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