What to do with the Nau after selling exotic goods?

Close to industrial age end you should be able to pump 1 out every 2 turns in your Capital + other cities. Send 'em off to trade, then bring back to your territory and disband. Roughly comes about to ~150g per turn (on standard). Great way to fund the Great Bomber Rush around the corner!
I'm playing on marathon right now with portugal, I can make one every 5 turns. entirely feasible depending on your terrain.
Go Autocracy and pick up Gunboat Diplomacy. Park them by coastal city-states and have free allies. Win Diplomatically.

Gunboat diplomacy doesn't really have a lot to do with how many ships you have. It gives you extra influence with city states that you are able to demand tribute from.
Gunboat diplomacy doesn't really have a lot to do with how many ships you have. It gives you extra influence with city states that you are able to demand tribute from.

The calculation for the extra influence includes: your total miltary strength (more Naus will help this) AND the amount of military physically next to/in the CS borders. More ships certainly does help.
Which is why the Nau needs a cooldown on this ability or at least a mechanism to be "resupplied" after x amount of turns in a friendly or allied CS.
Explore the world with one or two. Consider keeping a few to upgrade to Destroyers (if they have promotions) send the rest back to your lands and delete. Build new ones - send them to sell exotic goods, send them home and disband. Rinse and repeat.

I wouldn't send them back to my territory to delete - the money you get for deleting inside your border is pitifully small compared to the upkeep you have to pay until they get back from the exotic land far far away :p

So... I would probably gift them to CS. :)
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