The Faces of NES #3

Carmen if you are going to comment on other peoples pictures its usually kosher to post one of yourself.
Carmen if you are going to comment on other peoples pictures its usually kosher to post one of yourself.

It's also kosher to post pictures even though you're close to the 2-post minus pictures limit.

And to keep everything halal, here's one from my college days - when I was younger, stupider and had funnier hair. I miss funny hair.

This is me after I have had a few drinks and a few smokes of wacky tobaccy

Spoiler me :

And this one is of my son, taken when he was about 2.

Spoiler son :

Sorry bout the size of the above photos

Main Entry: 2crop
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): cropped; crop·ping
transitive verb
1 a : to remove the upper or outer parts of <crop a hedge> <crop a dog's ears> b : HARVEST <crop trout> c : to cut off short : TRIM <crop a photograph>

I know just takes effort.
Such a clean cut bunch of folks, you are.
You prolly wouldn't fit in well with my horde.

Graaawwrrr I need more cavalry!

omg myspace is so cool. i have 259723 friends!

Who thinks I need a haircut?
I’m sure no-one wants to see another picture of me. But this is just to prove that I wasn’t making some lame excuse to avoid updating my NES, and that I do sometimes leave my house.

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