Riddle of Ages: Travelling Through History

Here it goes:

There, on the Canaanite's Plains
With the fate of a nation in balance
A great battle was fought
The canine went to great pains
To scale those humbling cliffs
Death came to both generals
And a great rout took place
Reinforcements were sought
But the great walls fell
And thus the empire did as well
Has it to do with the fall of the crusader states?
what country were you from again? :p
Now that said city is known to be Quebec, I'm going to go ahead and guess that the riddle refers to the Battle of Quebec in 1759.
good one :)
I guess that's good enough. The Battle of the Plains of Abraham was the answer, hence the Canaanite's plains that threw everyone off.

Well, they're just different names for the same battle... :p

I declare an open floor.
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