Speedy Settler Mod with Civ Mods

Someone in the comment section said:

dsweet said:
I've found that if I install this and then later install a new civilization mod, it doesn't work with that newly installed civilization. However, if I uninstall the settler mod and reinstall after including the new civilization, it does. It would appear that if you're going to grab a new civilization, it must be installed prior to the speedy settler for it to work. Anecdotal evidence only.
The method above works.

To spare yourself the trouble and ensure that it works every time, you could edit the Speedy Settler .modinfo file to force the modded civs to be loaded by the game first. You need to get the mod id from the .modinfo of the civ in question. For example, assume you want to make it compatible with TPangolin et al.'s Australia mod.
Look at the second line of Australia's .modinfo file (it's just an xml text file):
<Mod id="d5306113-7b0c-4e49-b4b4-15d37157ceb8" version="2">

Now open the Speedy Settler .modinfo file, and change the line that says "<References />" at the end of the Properties section to 2 lines, <References>, and </References>. Then, between those 2 lines, you'll add something like the following:
  <Mod id="d5306113-7b0c-4e49-b4b4-15d37157ceb8" minversion="0" maxversion="999" title="Australia ft. Sir Henry Parkes" />

What you put in the title doesn't really matter, but the line must end with />. You can put additional lines between the <References> and </References> tags for all the mods you like that you need to have loaded first.

Note if you update Speedy Settler, it will overwrite this file or delete the folder, so you might want to make a backup of your new references block--in a different location--just in case.
Thanks for the replies!

Ill try the uninstall and reinstall method first and see if it works. After all, if I can't move 10 tiles with my settler, what's the point of playing with the new civ?!
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