TerraNES: The Civil Experiment

The Southern World
The Nile
On the Nile, “Peace” prevails. Most of the city-states focus inward during this time to stabilize their own regions while shaking their swords at outsiders, and already several friendships were made- Anor aided Damietta against a Pirate raid while Avaris helped secure Middle Egypt of some bandits to secure trade with Abydos. The small states between the Big Five are a different story. More often than not they are successively overrun by bandits, barbarians, or a “friendly” neighbor who will “help”. A familiar community, which once contained all of Egypt, more often than not only held the local group of villages.

It is during this time when legends spoke of a scepter cursed by Bast in the middle of Raas’ the First’s depilated palace. Only by conquering this curse can Egypt be reunited… if the worthy contender can find it first.

In the desert Oasis, two Lybio-Egyptian states defend the trade routes and the fortified wells as best as they can, as the old Lybians, with new friends, return searching for blood.

As for Thebes, they received an influx of Egyptians fleeing the growing Nubian state of Tos-Getha. Reorganizing them as militia, the Thebans were able to stop the northern push at the Battle of the Dasnat Bluffs by pushing through their landward flank with Chariots and trapping their Riverflank when the main army was routed.

With Tos-Getha now ignoring the north (see below), Thebes prospered with an expansion of Quesir’s ports. Although expensive, the cost was mitigated by strengthened trade from Axum which would soon pay off even more when the entire port is completed.

Finally, Thebes sent an adventure to recapture Timna. Although their young army failed, they did manage to frighten the Chiefs of the Copper Vale to send a tribute of high-quality ores to Thebes every year.

In Nubia, we see the Napata Confederacy launch an all out attack on Tos-Getha. Marching right through the badlands, they emerged across the bank from the Gethan capital and laid it under siege. They were on the verge of victory- The Miners of the Highlands rebelled from Gethan taxes, and old Abu-simel also raised a fuss. However, it turned out that the Highlanders staged it as a ruse-they quickly mobbed the Napatan supply lines in exchange for a higher level in Gethan Society. The borders have stabilized between the Grey Nile on the highlands and the Nile itself, with Napatan settlers entrenching themselves into the badlands, which proved fertile enough with their unique irrigation techniques.

Further south we see Kartoros brutally securing the Nile trade routes so that it can still stay competitive with the increasingly profitable Red Sea route. This has triggered the union of various Kuhorsehockye traditionalist tribes into the unstable but militaristic Severi Confederacy.

Meanwhile, Axum established their first overseas colony. Although still relatively close, it provided a safe haven for shippers from Egypt or from the Kuhorsehockye coasts, and increased trade, especially in conjunction with a new series of roads forming a stronger backbone to the mercantile nation.

On another note, the Ethiopian tribes had several years of bloodshed as merchants, traditionalists, and warriors fought over their values. Should they allow all that money pass through without tax? Should they organize themselves or join Axum? The region exploded in bloodshed again just last year.

The Rajdom sees an era of consolidation under Raj Vijay, “Victorious”. The fueding Rajpalyas thought he would be a fitting puppet for them to control; they were wrong. And those who resisted were killed by his men. Absolute support of the Rajpalya is demanded, and grudgingly given as stability returns, whether by the furtively clinking moneybag or the bloodied dagger.

In concert with this, infrastructure was greatly expanded throughout Dakinsa Raj, speeding both his interventionalist forces as well as trade. Roads, irrigation, even rudimentary aqueducts (mostly chutes to bring water across small valleys) were constructed, working the people just hard enough for them to feel satisfied and relish the sound of Raja boots, instead of cowering in fear of another petty Rajpaylan conflict. Agriculture reached the watermark before, then exceded it, of the plague and Dakinsa Raj prepares itself to move forward as one.

In the war of the Stellar Crown, the Vanassi Kingdom just finished reenslaving the Yetahorsehockyes, helping the Bengals, when Retokimas, supported by Dakinsan Macemen and funds, attacked. Their large fleet inserted their forces behind the Vanassi front lines in a series of battles, advancing hundreds of mines. At a crucial battle, Kelsi was saved when the King arrived with a force of Bengal warriors and enslaved Yetahorsehockyes hoping to be freed. Wearing the Stellar Crown, he managed to stall their forces, perhaps in time for him to bring out his last gambit…

Aramya seems to have reached the limits of her ambitions so far. The army marched once again, across the broken roads and burnt fields of Hyak to fight the Formans. And even as they murdured each other year after year, hundreds of miles from home, the Hyaks destroy and capture supplies, hold sieges, and defended themselves as well as they can. Meanwhile, the Exaltation sees the insidious growth of corruption within its bureaucracy, and the nation slowly separated into various regions as officials contend for control. Governorships are increasingly controlled by local families instead of the distant king.

At least, the Kings still have the army. But even that institution is changed beyond recognition. Ortun became a barracks-town, allowing the trade to be handled by Babylon slighty downriver. And the King of the North soon became the King of Ortun, while the King of the South soon came to become known as the King of Levea. War has made the land tired, little was done to replenish it. The last century sees energy leaking away from Aramya, this century ends with them scrapping at the bottom of the jar.

However, on the surface, at least, things continue to go well. The War with Siria was lost, said many, not due to the lack of will or valor, but because of the meddlesome Hyaks. The roads are in disrepair not because the King of Levea cares not, but because the governors who are constantly being replaced are corrupt. Even as the common man slowly loses trust of the government, they still envy the Kings… be it of Levea or Ortun, almost as gods.

For Siria, they saw only the endless waves of Aramyan soldiers and the constant sting of Hyak raiders. Nearly three times have the King of the North broken through and separated the Forman provinces from the Mosman homeland. Nearly five times have the Chariots broken through the spearmen sentinels to complete the destruction of their internal trade routes. Nearly eight times have they run out of gold and silver to pay for this war. Trade is defiled and Aramyan and Phoenician businessmen soon took mercantile control in the uneasy peace that followed.

As for Hormun and Xiras, both soon became ever disillusioned with continued request for funds. They both refused and although suffered some unrest, became closer for it. Indeed, there is talk of forming a united Hormunite nation, independent of affairs of either Aramya or Dakinsa.
Apologies for the bad quality.
Map and stats here. Diplo for tomarrow. Orders due next Sunday-Deadline Thursday.
Spoiler :
Spoiler India :
Dakinsa Raj/Southern King
Color: Royal Blue
Religion: Primitive Animalism
Age: Early Bronze (39/75)
Size: Large
Economy: 12/0 (3/6/3)-0
Military: 3 Gujarati Macemen (3), 1 Spearmen (3), 4 Spearmen (1.5), 22 Curragh (0.5)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Strong

Daretoki Confederacy /NPC
Color: Stale red
Religion: Primitive Animalism
Age: Early Bronze (9/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 9/1 (1/5/3)-2
Military: 4 Archers (1.5), 2 Spearmen (3), 5 Spearmen (1.5) 16 Curraghs (1),53 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Pathetic

Gujarati Confederacy /NPC
Color: Dull Yellow
Religion: Primitive Animalism
Age: Early Bronze (7/75)
Size: Tiny
Economy: 5/0 (1/2/2)-0
Military: 4 Gujarati Macemen (3), 12 Curraghs
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Mediocre
Projects: Temple to Shiva (DONE +Culture)

Vanasi Kingdom /NPC
Color: Pink Salmon
Religion: Primitive Animalism
Age: Early Bronze (5/75)
Size: Petite
Economy: 6/0 (2/3/1)-0
Military: 2 Archers (3), 4 Spearmen (3), 12 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Apathetic
Culture: Average

Spoiler Middle East :

Aramya /Stockholme
Color: Chartreuse Green
Religion: Kitabalist Pantheon
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Medium (19/75)
Economy: 15/0 (3/8/3) -4
Military:2 Spearmen (3), 2 Spearmen (1.5) 1 Ox Chariots (6), 6 Ox Chariots (3), 4 Archers (1.5), 2 Archers (3), 1 Curragh (0.5), 7 Curragh (1) 25 Curragh (0.5)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Influential
Projects: Great Library of Sarte (5/8+Religion+Culture) Council of Viziers (4/9+Religion+Governemnt)

Color: Dark Green
Religion: Kitabalist Pantheon
Age: Early Bronze (13/75)
Size: City State
Economy: 4/0 (1/1/2)-1
Military: 2 Spearmen (1.5) 2 Archers (1.5) 25 Curragh (1)
Confidence: Apathetic
Culture: Mediocre

Color: Dark Blue
Religion: Kitabalist Pantheon
Age: Early Bronze (14/75)
Size: City State
Economy: 4/0 (1/1/2)-0
Military: 2 Spearmen (1.5), 1 Archers (1.5) 27 Curragh (1)
Confidence: Apathetic
Culture: Mediocre

Sirian Empire /NPC
Color: Light Olive
Religion: Kitabalist/Egyptian Polygot Polytheism
Age: Early Bronze (8/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 8/0 (2/4/2)-1
Military: 1 Archer (1), 3 Archers (1.5), 3 Spearmen (3), 5 Spearmen (1.5), 12 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Mediocre

Union of Phoenicia/ NPC
Color: Olive
Religion: Canannite/Local Traditions
Age: Early Bronze (2/75)
Size: City State
Economy: 8/0 (2/4/4)-4
Military: 3 Archers (3), 2 Warriors (1), 4 Spearmen (1.5) 25 Curragh (1), 98 Curragh (.5)
Confidence: Simmering
Culture: Limited
Projects: Phoenician Port (Completed: 12 Curragh/Ep +Trade)

Spoiler Nile :

Anorian Egypt/Culture
Religion: Egyptian Polytheism
Culture: Influential
Projects: The Unified Throne (COMPLETED ++Confidence Inertia” +Culture)

Color: Orange-Brown
Religion: Egyptian Animism
Age: Early Bronze (5/75)
Size: Tiny
Economy: 3/1 (1/1/1)-0
Military: 1 Spearmen (3) 3 Archers (1.5), 8 Curragh (1) 10 Curragh (1.5)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Average
Projects: Entrance to Egypt (1/6 +Trade+Delta Monopoly+EC)

Color: Green-Brown
Religion: Egyptian Animism
Age: Early Bronze (3/75)
Size: City-State
Economy: 3/0 (1/1/1)-0
Military: 1 Spearmen (3), 2 Spearmen (1.5), 1 Egyptian Chariot (2.5)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Average
Projects: Walls (2/3)

Color: Golden Yellow
Religion: Egyptian Animism
Age: Early Bronze (1/75)
Size: City-State
Economy: 4/0 (1/2/1)-0
Military: 1 Spearmen (3), 2 Archer (1.5), 1 Egyptian Chariot (2.5)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Average
Projects: Legacy of the Throne (2/5 +Confidence+Prestige)

Color: Golden Brown
Religion: Egyptian Animism
Age: Early Bronze (6/75)
Size: City-State
Economy: 4/0 (1/1/2)-0
Military: 2 Spearmen (3), 2 Spearmen (1.5)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Average
Projects: Keystone of the Nile (2/7 +Trade+Nile Monopoly+EC)

Color: Dull Olive
Religion: Egyptian Animism
Age: Early Bronze (6/75)
Size: City-State
Economy: 5/1 (1/2/2)-01
Military: 2 Spearmen (3), 2 Archer (3), 1 Egyptian Chariot (2.5), 1 Curraghs (1), 8 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Average
Projects: Port of Quesir (2/5 +Trade+EC)

Tos-Getha, Kingdom of/NPC
Color: Yellow-Brown
Religion: Egyptian Animism
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Medium
Economy: 8/0 (2/4/2)-3
Military: 1 Archer (3), 2 Archer (1.5), 3 Spearmen (3), 10 Spearmen (1.5)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Pathetic

Napata Confederacy/NPC
Color: Pale Brown
Religion: Egyptian Animism
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Petite
Economy: 5/0 (1/3/1)-1
Military: 2 Archers (3), 2 Spearmen (3), 5 Spearmen (1.5) 14 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Pathetic

Kartoros Confederacy/NPC
Color: Pale Olive
Religion: Animism
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Petite
Economy: 7/0 (1/3/3)-1
Military: 1 Archers (3), 6 Spearmen (1.5), 2 Archers (1.5), 13 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Pathetic

Severi Confederacy/NPC
Color: Dark Olive
Religion: Animism
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Tiny
Economy: 4/0 (1/2/1)-1
Military: 2 Warriors (2), 4 Warriors (1), 3 Archers (1.5)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Pathetic

Color: Light Green
Religion: Animism
Age: Early Bronze (5/75)
Size: Petite
Economy: 8/0 (1/3/4)-1
Military: 3 Archer (1.5), 2 Spearmen (1.5), 2 Warriors (1), 7 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Average
Projects: Nile Trade Forts (Complete +Trade),

Spoiler Valyria :

Ctesiphod, Republic of/Eltain
Color: Burgundy
Religion: Ancestor/Martyrdom Traditions
Age: Early Bronze (17/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 13/0 (4/4/5) -2
Military: 3 Archers (1.5), 3 Spearmen (1.5), 1 Rumen General (1), 35 Curragh (0.5), (5 Militia (0.75))
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Strong
Projects: Pooperscooper (Done: +Religion, +Easier Agriculture Growth), Great Walls of Ctesiphod (Done: + Defense +Economy), Epirucan Harbor (+Trade +2 Ships/EP)

Mediolaun, Kingdom of/NPC
Color: Pink Violet
Religion: Ancestor/Martyrdom Traditions
Age: Early Bronze (16/75)
Size: Small
Economy: 7/0 (1/4/2) -1
Military: 2 Archers (3), 2 Archers (1.5), 1 Spearmen (3), 3 Spearmen (1.5) 1 Rumen General (2),
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Strong
Projects: Nova Genoa (+Genoa City +Trade + Confidence 4/7)

Provence, Theocracy of/NPC
Religion: The Faith
Age: Early Bronze (4/75)
Size: Tiny
Economy: 3/2 (1/2/0)-0
Military:1 Archer (3), 3 Spearmen (1.5),.3 Curragh (.5)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Average

Toras-Noth, Theocracy of/Moldath
Color: Apple Green
Religion: Zirilism
Age: Early Bronze (7/75)
Size: Small
Economy: 9/0 (2/4/3)-0
Military:1 Archer (3), 2 Archers (1.5), 5 Spearmen (1.5),.8 Curragh (1), 17 Curragh (0.5)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Average

Sardinia, Kingdom of/Boundless
Color: Light Blue
Religion: Primitive Animism
Age: Early Bronze (4/75)
Size: Medium
Economy: 13/0 (3/6/4)-0
Military: 1 Spearmen (3) 5 Spearmen (1.5), 2 Archers (1.5)1 Archer (3), 9 Curragh (1) 19 Curragh (0.5)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Limited
Projects: None

Spoiler Aegean :
Color: Cyan (6/75)
Religion: Primitive Exnotism
Age: Early Bronze (21/75)
Economy: 6/0 (1/2/3) -6
Military: 10 Archers (1.5), 5 Spearmen (3), 10 Spearmen (1.5) 5 Curragh (1.5), 30 Curragh (1), Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Strong
Projects: Temple of Athenai (Completed +Culture/Religion +Confidence)

Color: Dull Red
Religion: Exnotist Polytheism
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Small
Economy: 10/0 (1/5/4)-0
Military: 3 Curraghs (1), 46 Curraghs (0.5), 2 Spearmen (3), 1 Terror Hounds (2.5)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Strong
Projects: Codex of Legends (DONE+Culture+Diplomacy;Addenum: Rivermen +Culture+RiverSociety) Wealth of Wheat (With Illians=Completed)

Byzantinon Kingdom/NPC
Color: Pale Yellow
Religion: Primitive Exnotism
Age: Early Bronze (7/75)
Size: Small
Economy: 9/0 (1/4/4) -0
Military:1 Spearmen (3), 2 Archer (3). 7 Curraghs (1), 70 Curragh (0.5)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Mediocre
Projects: Wealth of Wheat (DONE +Control of Wheat Trade)

Makedonian Confederacy/NPC
Color: Lavander
Religion: Primitive Exnotism
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Small
Economy: 4/4 (1/3/0) -0
Military:3 Spearmen (3), 1 Archer (3)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Pathetic

Spartan Kingdom/NPC
Color: Rust
Religion: Primitive Exnotism
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Small
Economy: 4/4 (1/2/1) -0
Military:3 Spearmen (3), 1 Spearmen (6)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Limited


Spoiler Koyulan :

Katan, Kingdom of/Luckymoose
Color: Dark Violet
Religion: Primitive Polytheism
Age: Early Bronze (14/75)
Size: Tiny
Economy: 8/13 (2/5/1)-1
Military: 1 Solarians (4), 1 Spearmen (3),3 Spearmen (1.5), 12 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Mediocre

Keres, Kingdom of/NPC
Color: Dull Orange
Religion: Primitive Polytheism
Age: Early Bronze (8/75)
Size: Tiny
Economy: 5/0 (1/3/2)-1
Military: 4 Spearmen (3), 4 Warriors (1)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Pathetic

Spoiler Keltia [B :
Religion: Druidic Pantheon
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Medium
Economy: 8/0 (2/4/2)-1
Military: 2 Warrior (2), 4 Spearmen (1.5), 17 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Average
Projects: The Wall: Completed; Golden Taranis (Completed: +Culture +Armorican Confidence)

Religion: Druidic Pantheon
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Small
Economy: 6/0 (1/3/2)-1
Military: 1 Spearmen (3), 3 Archers (1.5),5 Curraghs (1) 23 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Mediocre

Beurtgang Sturmithing /Lord of Elves
Religion: Primitive Animism
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Petite
Economy: 5/0 (1/2/2)-1
Military: 1 Spearmen (3), 3 Spearmen (1.5),8 Curraghs (1) 17 Curraghs (0.5)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Limited

Religion: The Faith
Age: Early Bronze (10/75)
Size: Tiny
Economy: 3/5 (1/2/0)-0
Military: 1 Royal Guardsmen (4), 3 Spearmen (1.5)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Average

Spoiler Stats :
Spoiler Eastern Asia :
Xilaroi/General Olaf
Color: Light Green
Religion: Primitive Confucianism
Age: Early Bronze (19/75)
Size: Huge
Economy: 14/0 (2/11/1)-2
Military: 3 Longspear Guards (2), 2 Xiong Chariots (2.5), 6 Archers (1.5)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Strong
Projects: Rebuild (DONE+Economic Growth), Defensive Canals (DONE+Defense+Agricultrue)

Kato, Clan of/The Loser
Color: Aqua
Religion: Primitive Sun-Worship
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Tiny
Economy: 3/1 (1/2/0)-0
Military: 1 Warrior (2), 1 Spearmen (1.5), 2 Warriors (1)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Mediocre

Zhou, Kingdom of/NPC
Color: Red
Religion: Primitive Confucianism
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Tiny
Economy: 6/0 (1/3/2)-0
Military: 1 Longspear Guard (2), 3 Spearmen (1.5), 5 Curraghs (1), 15 Curraghs (1.5)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Mediocre

Wei, Duchy of/NPC
Color: Orange
Religion: Primitive Confucianism
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Tiny
Economy: 6/0 (1/3/2)-1
Military: 2 Spearmen (1.5), 4 Archers (1.5)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Mediocre

Spoiler Migrants :

Horde of the Faithful/NPC
Color: Black
Religion: The Faith Theocracy
Economy: 0/5-2
Military: 1 Faithful Guardsman (4), 2 Faithful Warriors (3), 5 Faithful Warriors (2), 6 Citizens (0.5)
Confidence: Respecting
Culture: Strong

Spoiler Major Barbarians :

Pirates of the Levantine Sea
Pirates of the Aegean Sea
Longbeard Migrants

Spoiler :

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from Thebes

to Napata:
Do not let down! Tosh Getha will soon fall! We will send a force to aid you in the war and to rescue Egyptians from their hands!

to Axume:
How far east do your traders go?
Hello. I am new here in NES and i decided to join this game.

Kingdom of Greece/Christos200
Color: Whatever you want.
Location: Greece
Background: I will add later.

I have read the rules. Now, can someone explain me what happens? Who is at war with who?
Hello. I am new here in NES and i decided to join this game.

Kingdom of Greece/Christos200
Color: Whatever you want.
Location: Greece
Background: I will add later.

I have read the rules. Now, can someone explain me what happens? Who is at war with who?
Look at, and read, the last update. You will see Greece is already contested by a few states:
from update said:
Color: Cyan (6/75)
Religion: Primitive Exnotism
Age: Early Bronze (21/75)
Economy: 6/0 (1/2/3) -6
Military: 10 Archers (1.5), 5 Spearmen (3), 10 Spearmen (1.5) 5 Curragh (1.5), 30 Curragh (1), Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Strong
Projects: Temple of Athenai (Completed +Culture/Religion +Confidence)

Byzantinon Kingdom/NPC
Color: Pale Yellow
Religion: Primitive Exnotism
Age: Early Bronze (7/75)
Size: Small
Economy: 9/0 (1/4/4) -0
Military:1 Spearmen (3), 2 Archer (3). 7 Curraghs (1), 70 Curragh (0.5)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Mediocre
Projects: Wealth of Wheat (DONE +Control of Wheat Trade)

Makedonian Confederacy/NPC
Color: Lavander
Religion: Primitive Exnotism
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Small
Economy: 4/4 (1/3/0) -0
Military:3 Spearmen (3), 1 Archer (3)
Confidence: Tolerating
Culture: Pathetic

Spartan Kingdom/NPC
Color: Rust
Religion: Primitive Exnotism
Age: Early Bronze
Size: Small
Economy: 4/4 (1/2/1) -0
Military:3 Spearmen (3), 1 Spearmen (6)
Confidence: Admiring
Culture: Limited

Also recall this is still the early Bronze Age (2550bc?) in case you planned to follow some true Greek history (that doesn't start until 1000bc) ;)
What the??
So many people in Greece. Anyway. I start in Taiwan. I will post more info later.
Yeah, NES tends to be a bit different from IOT in that respect - it's slower developing, so smaller areas have room for more cultures.

Anyway, welcome to the Sinosphere!
I just read all the updates and found that Japan isnt claimed!!!!

Empire of Japan/Christos200
Color: Whatever you want.
Location: Japan ( obvious,right?)

One random day, the Goddess of Sun appeared and said << Christos Tokugawa, from now on you are emperor of Japan >>. Then Christos united Japan and made it an empire. Okay now the real story. A samurai named Christos did a revolt, declared himself emperor and started all of this propaganda.
There's a player in Japan ;)
I just read all the updates and found that Japan isnt claimed!!!!

Empire of Japan/Christos200
Color: Whatever you want.
Location: Japan ( obvious,right?)

One random day, the Goddess of Sun appeared and said << Christos Tokugawa, from now on you are emperor of Japan >>. Then Christos united Japan and made it an empire. Okay now the real story. A samurai named Christos did a revolt, declared himself emperor and started all of this propaganda.
1. there is a player in japan.
2. there can be more than 2 players in an area. There can even be 10. In Italy alone there are about 4 players.
Yah, Japan is already occupied.
Your best bet would be to start in either SE Asia, sub Saharan Africa, or perhaps the New World (if its allowed to start in the new world) as none of those places have any real PCs as of this update.
Yah, Japan is already occupied.
Your best bet would be to start in either SE Asia, sub Saharan Africa, or perhaps the New World (if its allowed to start in the new world) as none of those places have any real PCs as of this update.
That is if he wants to be all alone... I want to have more people around me!
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