FFH 2 Modmods, Scenarios, and Maps Index

Mind updating the first post? FFPlus has moved, and had it's name changed...

It's still an FF base, but will no longer necessarily be updating to match FF. We're splitting off on our own. :mischief:

Name: Rise from Erebus (R i f E)
Previous Name: Fall Further Plus
Author(s): Valkrionn, Vermicious Knid
Current Mod Version: 1.00
FFH Version Required: None; is a full download
Features: See here
Link: Mod Forum
Major Modmod(s): Rise of Darkness Plus
Name: FFH TweakMod
Author(s): Rystic
Current Mod Version: N/A
FFH Version Required: Unknown (Last updated on 8/12)
Features: Many small, minor tweaks bundled up into one mod. See forum thread below for more details.
Link: Forum Thread

I've returned to the forums, and picked up work on the Tweakmod. If everything goes smoothly, I should have it updated to the latest version by next Wednesday.
Going to bump this... First post hasn't been updated. ;)

Like it says, we're still using FF as a base... But we're no longer updating to it's patches unless it's something we want to use. ;) Same basic thing as Orbis, there.... Take what we like, rather than everything. :p

Mind updating the first post? FFPlus has moved, and had it's name changed...

It's still an FF base, but will no longer necessarily be updating to match FF. We're splitting off on our own. :mischief:

Name: Rise from Erebus (R i f E)
Previous Name: Fall Further Plus
Author(s): Valkrionn, Vermicious Knid, Grey Fox
Current Mod Version: 1.12
FFH Version Required: None; is a full download
Features: See here
Link: Mod Forum
Major Modmod(s): Rise of Darkness Plus
Urm, isn't RiFE on 1.20 at the moment?
Name: Wild Mana for FFH 2
Author(s): Sephi
Current Mod Version: Patch 6.1
FFH Version Required: 0.41b or later
RiFE, Wild Mana both updated, along with many other things from the forums.


Only one thing I saw you missed from my updated submission (it was in a quote, might not have seen it :p) is the updated Team list.

Name: Rise from Erebus (R i f E)
Previous Name: Fall Further Plus
Author(s): Valkrionn, Vermicious Knid, Grey Fox
Current Mod Version: 1.12
FFH Version Required: None; is a full download
Features: See here
Link: Mod Forum
Major Modmod(s): Rise of Darkness Plus
sorry to bother you again, another update for wild mana:

Current Mod Version: Version 7.20 (+hotfix)
FFH Version Required: none; is a full download
you can remove Orthus smash OOS from the mod list, it is fully included in the latest FFH versions :) (Orthus did smash OOS)

another update

Name: Wild Mana for FFH 2
Author(s): Sephi, Skyre Noktis, Saathei, Graywarden
Current Mod Version: Version 7.40
FFH Version Required: None; is a full download
Hey, I'm looking for an old mod I only half remember - it may have just been an idea thrown around the forums. It entailed adding a 100% withdrawl chance for heroes, and then some malus' if they withdrew (a 'wounded' promo that could only be removed at the capital, IIRC). Anyone know if it was ever made or what thread I'm thinking of?
Might want to add Tasunke mod to the list, under mod-comps and tweaks.

It has many tweaks, so *could* go under major mods, but has maybe 10 downloads right now so ... :D

Could almost say its "my version" of tweak mod, but its a WIP in that I'm taking lessons learned from Tasunke mod in my slow transition to the new and up-n-coming "Pheonix Mod." Also nicked by me as Thanatos Mod. In any case, Tasunke Mod likely won't be updated but for another patch or two ... but I have a lot of ground to cover for "Tasunke mod 2" or "Pheonix Mod".

Less of a multiplayer focus, or rather, more of an all-purpose focus. No added sound files so a MUCH smaller downloadable file.

Ultimately I'm seeking to make what Tasunke mod "should have been." At the time though, I was still transitioning from the not-yet-launched Reptile Lover's Mod. Prolly won't launch it till there are better Civ IV models for the units, or till I have some time to polish it up (game-play wise) after Pheonix Mod.

Again, it is a tweak mod where the goal is to some-what encourage thematic play, more so than base ... and an attempt to try and keep the Assymetry, yet make the civs more equal and less tiered.

In any case, I would indeed like for people to play Tasunke mod and tell me where they think some of the civs were made too weak, and where some of the civs were made too strong.

You don't have to test it in MP (but you can if ye wish), but just using quick-speed.

Well, I suppose you could try at slower speeds ... I think only the bannor would be OP at slower speeds (and only then during crusade). In any case, peace to all! :)
I am sure I am missing a lot, and I am not sure about the naming of some of them so if anyone wants to improve my list that is more than welcome.

Game of Thrones: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/game-of-thrones.552844/

More Naval AI: https://forums.civfanatics.com/forums/more-naval-ai-modmod.476/

MagisterModMod: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/magistermodmod.455111/

Master of Mana Extended: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/master-of-mana-xtended.542512/ (I linked the thread that seemed the "main one" from all the ones they have. Maybe they could use a subforum?)

Rise from Erebus - Final Fixes Reborn: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/final-fixes-reborn.493730/

Rise from Erebus - Rebirth and Legend: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/rebirth-and-legend.524323/

ExtraModMod: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/extramodmod.486227/
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