NDNESVI(Reboot): Myths, Legends, and Gods

I mean you could just join as two people/groups who aren't _________

I'm gonna make some of magical rock core things that attract pumice and make it lighter and throw them into the ocean, and then make my volcanoes spew out a hell of a lot of pumice. Hoping for a continent but I'll settle for a bunch of floating islands. Also gonna make it rain dirt on them after awhile til there's enough on them to support vegetation.

Hovering is just floating, anyway.
I can't really think of a second thing... But don't wait up on me. I can probably figure something out by next update, proceed as normal I think and I'll have an idea soon.
Country Rules and Stats

Name/Player Name: Jackelgull
Government: Democracy
Leader/Governing Body: The National Council
Urban Interests: The city dweller's in the republic hold representation under the Urban Acts of 165 AF (After Founding), in which each city gains one seat in the council. Despite making up only 10% of the population they hold 30% of the seats in the council which does create some tension. Under a strong leader and provided they hold a united front, the urban interests can play kingmaker among competing rural factions and gain some concessions.
Agricultural Interests: Makes up everybody not considered an urban dweller, or around 90% of the population. Can be further broken down into farmers, herders, lumberjacks, miners (ie, people not found in clusters of around 5000 or more).
Merchants: Most merchants operate between cities, or between cities and farmers, but many go out to trade with the old world. Such trade is dangerous. Getting out of Fuku's forest alone is a difficult task, much less getting back in, not to mention the various other dangers in the old world (Which merchants always love to remind their customers of as they charge high prices) but the wealth generated by such ventures is astounding. Such wealth translates to influence.
Annual Income: 20
Annual Expenses: 10
Military: 5 Infantry, 2 Cavalry
Military Description: The Republic keeps a small professional army mostly as a police force. In case of an invasion, the Republic will draft its citizens to fight.
Cultural Breakdown: Hundreds of years have created a distinct culture in the Republic. At this point, the first immigrant families have been here for hundreds of years. However, a good 30% of the Republic is first or second generation immigrants, people with strong ties to their heritage. Most of these are from the Amaranthine Empire, although some from the petty kingdoms of the North are there too.
In terms of cultural influence, strong hints of influence from the Amarinthe Empire exist, that is where most of the original settlers came from after all. However, there are distinctly Republic inventions too, like the multi religion church, in which all the gods are worshipped, instead of a separate altar for each one. They are not made of wood, because timber is exceedingly rare in the Republic, but rather of copper, which is not. The tie that binds the Republic together though as a distinct whole is a belief in their institutions and the promises of the new world.
"...and as she lifted Xalthar high in the air, Arash swooped down from the stormy skies and tore her from the end of the naginata!"

"Wow! And that's how Harika defeated the Necromancer?"

"Yes Kama, that's how She defeated the Necromancer. But Xerath was not slain, though."

*gasps* "She wasn't?"

"No. Xerath had committed such a horrid crime through her blackest magics that Harika left her on a desolate island, skewered by the very blade that Harika used against her. And as an eternal punishment, Harika sent bolts of light to strike her, inflicting the pain that she inflicted on us in those dark days."

"Is that where the lightning comes from, mother?"

"Of course, Kama. The lightning and the storm are the tools of Harika's justice. That is why we do not fear them, for where her bolts strike, evil is turned away."

"Wow! But what happened to Harika? Is it true that she used to live among us?"

"Oh she still does Kama, in a way. Though the battle was won, the wounds that Xerath left upon Harika ran so very deep..."

"She didn't die, did She?"

"No Kama, Harika could not be killed by a mortal, even one as steeped in dark magic as Xerath was. The wounds were not fatal, but they were corrupting, and Harika knew that if left unchecked, Xerath's corruption could consume her."

"Oh no!"

"So to save Her people and the world, Harika entered the Deep Waters, where she can rest until she can be healed of the corruption."

"So she's...asleep?"

"Not as we know it Kama. Her presence is still with us, and her powers can be felt through our actions and thoughts, but her physical form is at rest in her palace, safe and protected from the corruption of Xerath."

"Will She ever come back from the Deep Waters, mother?"

"Someday she may, Kama. But until her respite in the Deep Waters ends, we should remember that the Lady of Storms is not truly gone. She lives through us, and through our lives we protect and defend the innocent and the weak."

"And we'll see each other again in the High Ocean?"

"Yes Kama, we will. And I'll be waiting for you."

"Mother, please. I don't want to go. Not yet..."

"I love you so much, Kama..."

"Mother! MOTHER!!!"

(to be continued)
Minor: Accumulate Self-Similar Minute Scale Duplication Phenomena From Backdrop.

Minor: Aggregate Surplus Matter-Aether Complex to Generate _______.

Holoptic Didarium: Establish the college and secure its place in the world!
Major Power: Continue my existence in my plane of cold, and form grand temple around the portal. The temple will be guarded by all sorts of icy beings and just pure cold beings that appear as statues protecting the temple until something threatens it. All of the protectors together should be able to hold back a god for a short while if one threatens and I should feel it if I must come myself to protect my portal.

Minor power1: Create a unique plant that grows in extremely cold temperatures, but that still must have ground (can't grow in ice). These plant will allow some sort of survival for the races in the cold seasons.

Minor power2: Create a new godly object called White Sphere of Kross. The sphere will have the power to hold other beings (maybe even gods) within it as punishment. The inside of it in fact connects it to the cold plane where the being locked appears within my plane surrounded by a frozen true-zero prison. The bars are so cold that energy no longer flows in them, truly encapsulating anything inside (as no magic or power can be used on the bars) until the sphere is used to release them. Throw the sphere out into the world in a random location.
Hey everyone! I apologize for the lack of an update; classes at college started yesterday, and I'm fairly swamped at the moment. I'm hoping that by next week everything will be fine and I can start making a dent in the update. I just wanted to let everyone know that I have no intentions of abandoning this, I'm just extremely busy right now.

If anyone wants to still send orders/cultures, they are safe to do so for the next few days as I settle in.
A Treatise on the Nature of Curses

by Curse Weaver Baba Yaga

What is a curse? To many, this seems to be a straight forward answer - it is what the curseweaver did to their brother when he strayed, or what happened to the merchant due to his exorbitant prices - but while these are curses, they shed no light on what a curse actually is.

Before we talk about curses though, we must speak about the cosmic balance. Between people, the natural state of equilibrium is neutral. When this natural equilibrium is upset with a good deed by one party, then a good deed is now owed to that party. When the equilibrium is upset with an evil deed, the doer of the evil deed is now owed an evil deed in return. A curse is the evil deed that is owed being repaid.

In the dawn of man, men made sure to keep the balance between themselves, until the day a man full of greed and ambition named Cain murdered his brother Abel, and went unpunished for it. His sin was first, and the murder of brother by brother is a tale that hall ring for eternity, but the true calamity was that men after him saw his defiance of this balance and his lack of punishment, and chose to follow him.

Soon, murder, rape and villainy of all kinds was common throughout the world, and the weak suffered without a chance to fight back. The balance between men was irrevocably altered, and if things didn't improve soon, wise sages foretold an imminent reckoning. The universe would right itself one way or another.

The righting however, did not come as the sages expected. From the unresolved cosmic debts, a god was born from every injustice that had not been righted. This god's name is Fuku.

Fuku exists to prevent humanity from destroying itself by leaving the cosmic balance unbalanced. Therefore he is a collection of every unresolved debt for evil, and therefore he helps others resolve their debt. For the cosmic balance is beyond the mortal ken, and to gaze upon it one must have Fuku's aid.

Many have asked me what would happen if Fuku ceased to exist, if Vash were to try the same trickery with him that he did with Patron. My answer is thus - I pray Vash is not so arrogant to think he can contain the cosmic debt on his own power. Especially after his own murder of a god without just cause. The resulting imbalance would destroy the scales of Balance. The density of the curse would not be contained just in the mortal realms either, a frightful amount will surely splash the Divine Realms.

What horrors shall come forth, I do not have the imagination to create. I simply know this - in this world, humans shall know no hope, no release, no love. The sun shall still shine, but through the darkness its faint light will seem mocking not gentle. But then, the old wise sages were wrong, and I can be so too.

A subset of the floating cities, the Cannibal cities have taken to the air to hunt, falling upon unsuspecting peaceful cities and pillaging and dismantling them for resources, slaves, and magical/technological supply. The greatest of these cities are equipped with GREAT JAWS with which to capture smaller cities.

A subset of the floating cities, the Cannibal cities have taken to the air to hunt, falling upon unsuspecting peaceful cities and pillaging and dismantling them for resources, slaves, and magical/technological supply. The greatest of these cities are equipped with GREAT JAWS with which to capture smaller cities.

Lurker comment:

I see what you did there ;)


The man guffawed, his chins wobbling as he slapped the wiry street rat in the back. Wiping a tear, he drank deeply before calming down, still chuckling.

"You think Gold is important to me? To you?"

"N... No?

The man smiled. "Don't lie. I hired a burglar, not a liar."

"Yes. But... it's so much."

The man leaned in. "Do you want to know what's more valuable than gold?"


"A favor from someone with talent. If you somehow survive long enough to hear from me again, you deserve every coin you got your grubby fingers on. But I..." the man leans in, "get to say what happens next." He smacks the table suddenly, "Understand!?"

"Yessir!" he squeaked.

"Good. Go now, don't let anyone catch you again." The man narrows his eyes. "Or else." He turns away and seems to think for a moment. "Go! Before I change my mind!"

The thief muttered a thousand thanks and apologies as he returned to the streets.


The Patronages are a series of city states scattered around the southern coast of Vasheroth, as well as nearby seas. Each city is ruled differently: this one a Magocracy, that one a Monarchy. This one a Theocracy in the name of Harika, that one a Republic under the sway of the Imposter Church. But even the most righteous priests and the mightiest monarch know that the true power lies amongst the many hidden, and not so hidden Patrons who hide in the shadows with hoards of gold and power even a dragon could blush at.

Some say they are all allied or even family. Others claim that they are rivals to the death. Some even claim they are false flag operations by the legitimate governments of this region, either to entrap criminals in their own cities, or to destabilize their rivals in the region. Whatever the case, organized crime runs rampant in the region, and seemingly no might nor magic can solve it.

It is through the Patrons that vast amounts of wealth changes hands for one artifact or another, dug out of ancient ruins by enterprising adventurers. It is through the Patrons that wars are financed, research is developed, and political power is purchased. It is through the Patrons that both great art, and great weapons of destruction were created. Through the Patrons, the names of both great Heroes and great Villains echo through the land.

Here are a sampling of city states and government styles. Also a few Patron ideas.

The Eternal Kingdom of Natroila
Lead by "High" King Hammon II "The Glorious", "Supreme" Dragonlord of the South
Symbol: The Golden Dragon on a Black Field

Prince Hammon II was a midling mage of high ambition. Thirteenth of his brothers, his scheming, betrayal, and street wars slowly led him to deeper studies of magic, and eventually, the throne itself. He was transformed during his coronation, an event that gave him greater conviction of his fate and destiny. Although he claims suzerainty over all the southern coast of Vasheroth, in reality he barely controls even his own city, as he spends his days deep in the studies of magic and... "art". However, under the shadow of his wings, the city state of Natroila became one of the largest in the region, with extensive slums built in the swamps and high, breezy hilltop villas of nobles profiting from the increased tribute and trade. The forum was overfilled with public works built in the early days of King Hammon II's rule, before he secluded himself in his studies.

Republic of Pandamonium
Lead by the Parliament of Pandamonium
Symbol: Black and White Panda, on a Rainbow Tie-die Field

Republic of Hell writ small, or so the founders claimed. The Republic of Pandamonium is like the wet dream of Rios and Curator combined. Blessed with large deposits of float stone and home to three portals (although at least one was found on a captured floatstone deposit) Pandamonium can more safely make claim to the greatest combination of land and air in the world. Massive float-stone based docks, with stout anchors and vigilant chromarchs, collect trade from across Vasheroth and beyond while their sea is never seen without sails. Near-anarchy is fantastic for trade as well as sneaky dealings.

Kingdom of Ernesto
Nominally lead by King Yervan III of House Ddomko
Actually Lead by the Floatstone Guild
Symbol, a Black Mountain, with a Golden Half-Sun underneath it, on an Azure field.

Physically near the Republic of Pandamonium, the Kingdom of Ernesto is much more humble in their ambitions: being instead, owners of some of the largest floatstone manufactories in the world. It is said that in times of emergencies, a hundred Floatstone arks can be assembled in a month, fully armed and armored for war. House Ddomko had ruled only recently, with a lineage that stems from a series of adventurers in the Western Continent. The true rulers of the city, at least openly, are the Chromarchs and Artisans of the Floatstone Guild, who constructs great ships and cities writ small for the highest bidder.

Pinkblossom's House
His Brightness, Pinkblossom
A Pink Flower on a White field

Pinkblossom is a Chromakin. He is very nice! He has lots of friends. But they keep dying on him :( But Pinkblossom is smart. Everyone says so. One day Pinkblossom decides that he should build a big house where all his friends can be together! That way, even if they die, Pinkblossom can stay with their children and watch them grow up and be friends with him too! So Pinkblossom built and built and brought all his friends over to play! :) His friends brought their friends and family too! Soon he has to make his house bigger. :D And now Pinkblossom has so many friends, they decided to help him too! Pinkblossom decides that he makes the rules, because it's his house. :king: Some people didn't like that, but those who aren't Pinkblossom's friends can't stay in Pinkblossom's house. He always gets the best birthday presents! [party]
Southern Vasheroth = Dragonwastes
Fair enough, we'll see when the update comes out how the local territorial dragons in the wastes contend with uninvited guests.
/me shrugs. King Hammon II might look to the safety of his "subjects."

I don't/didn't know about the wastes until you uncanned it for me bro.


Ok, this is why I think they'll form along the southern coast.

The Court of Harika is on the North-West Oceans. In the South, it is further away from the center of power of various gods, except for Vash in Vasheroth. It's not currently under dominion of specific dragon lords, or if they are, they might just be playing along the patronages system (ala shadowrun).

With the float stone, I see there being a unique nexus of trade, belief, and cultures forming there.

Being individual, powerful, and unique city states with an underlying, interconnecting power structure would mean that any threat that threatens one, would see many of the others come to its aid as the Patrons rush to reclaim their investments and influence.

EDITEDIT: And besides, who knows. Maybe the Patrons are the dragons themselves, playing their game with the mortals in the perfect setting to test their intrigue. Most of the Patronages only know their Patron, and that their Patron is beholden to another. And many have Patronages of their own.
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