Permanent Alliance


Oct 21, 2005
How do you get a permanent alliance with another civ? what tech do you need? I have never seen this option in any of my games yet. :confused:
The best way to do it is to try one of the following:

* Read the manual
* Read the in-game help
* Use the search button on the forum

You have to enable them in Custom Game options, then research Communism (I think).
MattJek said:
How do you get a permanent alliance with another civ? what tech do you need? I have never seen this option in any of my games yet. :confused:

I have not done it as of yet but I'm pretty sure of how its done.

First you will need either Fascism or Communism (both allow Permanent Alliances). Secondly you will need to have had a Defense Pact for some mininum length of time with the Civ you want to Perm. Ally with.
make sure u ticked the permanent alliances box on the custom game settings too else you wont be able to :)
Gargoyle said:
...Secondly you will need to have had a Defense Pact for some mininum length of time with the Civ you want to Perm. Ally with.

What is the minimum required time? Is it a fixed value or does it vary?
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