Don't apply to New World Civs


Mar 1, 2003
So in Barbarian Civ (a RevDCM option which causes new civilizations to spawn in barbarian cities) we have a function that gives techs. Now according to jdog it's supposed to only give techs to new world civs based on what the Barbarians know. But he must have coded it wrong, because new world civs are still way too advanced, and a quick check in WB shows that they know alot more techs when they spawn then just what the barbarians know. I need help getting this to work correctly, so that civs that spawn in the newworld do so in a backwards state. Here is the code, it's long so I'll put it in spoilers:

Spoiler :
	def giveTechs( self, newPlayerIdx, closeTeams, bNewWorldMethod = False, bBuilderBonus = 0, militaryStyle = None, bVerbose = True ) :
		# Give techs to new player, with variables for extra techs for builders or military style
		newPlayer = gc.getPlayer( newPlayerIdx )
		newTeam = gc.getTeam(newPlayer.getTeam())

		barbTechFrac = self.config.getfloat("BarbarianCiv", "BarbTechFrac", 0.60)
		newWorldFrac = self.config.getfloat("BarbarianCiv", "NewWorldReduction", 0.15)
		barbTeam = gc.getTeam( gc.getBARBARIAN_TEAM() )

		iPartials = 2

		for techID in range(0,gc.getNumTechInfos()) :
			numTeams = game.countCivTeamsAlive() + 1
			numTeamsWhoKnow = game.countKnownTechNumTeams(techID)
			fracKnow = numTeamsWhoKnow/(1.0*numTeams)

			if( bNewWorldMethod and self.iNewWorldPolicy > 0 ) :
				iNewWorldEra = gc.getPlayer(gc.getBARBARIAN_PLAYER()).getCurrentEra()
				iMaxEra = 0
				for i in range(0,gc.getMAX_CIV_PLAYERS()):
					iMaxEra = max([iMaxEra,gc.getPlayer(i).getCurrentEra()])
					if( gc.getPlayer(i).getTeam() in closeTeams ) :
						iNewWorldEra = max([iNewWorldEra,gc.getPlayer(i).getCurrentEra()])
				iTechEra = gc.getTechInfo(techID).getEra()
				iGiveEra = min( [iNewWorldEra, iMaxEra - max([0,self.config.getint("BarbarianCiv", "NewWorldErasBehind", 1)])] )
				iGiveEra = max([0,iGiveEra])

				if( iTechEra < iGiveEra ) :
					if( not newTeam.isHasTech(techID) ) :
						if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("  BC - NewWorld: Giving %s   by era"%(PyInfo.TechnologyInfo(techID).getDescription()))

				elif( iTechEra == iGiveEra ) :
					if( fracKnow >= min([barbTechFrac+newWorldFrac,0.99]) and newPlayer.canEverResearch(techID) ) :
						if( not newTeam.isHasTech(techID) ) :
							if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("  BC - NewWorld: Giving %s   %f no loc"%(PyInfo.TechnologyInfo(techID).getDescription(),fracKnow))

				iPartials -= 1

			else :

				if( barbTeam.isHasTech(techID) and not newTeam.isHasTech(techID) ) :
					if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("  BC - Giving %s   from barb"%(PyInfo.TechnologyInfo(techID).getDescription()))

				if( len(closeTeams) > 0 ) :
					localNumTeamsWhoKnow = 0
					for idx in closeTeams :
						teamI = gc.getTeam(idx)
						if( teamI.isHasTech(techID) ) :
							localNumTeamsWhoKnow += 1

					modFracKnow = fracKnow/2.0 + localNumTeamsWhoKnow/(2.0*(len(closeTeams) + .5))
				else :
					modFracKnow = fracKnow

				if( modFracKnow >= barbTechFrac and newPlayer.canEverResearch(techID) ) :
					if( not newTeam.isHasTech(techID) ) :
						if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("  BC - Giving %s   %f with %f loc"%(PyInfo.TechnologyInfo(techID).getDescription(),fracKnow,modFracKnow))

		if( not militaryStyle == None ) :
			iPartials += 2

			iHorseback = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getTechInfo,gc.getNumTechInfos(),RevDefs.sXMLHorseback)
			iSailing = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getTechInfo,gc.getNumTechInfos(),RevDefs.sXMLSailing)
			iWheel = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getTechInfo,gc.getNumTechInfos(),RevDefs.sXMLWheel)
			iHusbandry = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getTechInfo,gc.getNumTechInfos(),RevDefs.sXMLAnimal)
			iBronze = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getTechInfo,gc.getNumTechInfos(),RevDefs.sXMLBronze)
			iIron = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getTechInfo,gc.getNumTechInfos(),RevDefs.sXMLIron)
			iGuilds = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getTechInfo,gc.getNumTechInfos(),RevDefs.sXMLGuilds)

			if( militaryStyle == 'viking' ) :
				if( not newTeam.isHasTech(iSailing) ) :
					if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("  BC - Giving military %s"%(PyInfo.TechnologyInfo(iSailing).getDescription()))
					iPartials -= 1
				if( not newTeam.isHasTech(iBronze) ) :
					if( self.LOG_DEBUG ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("  BC - Giving military %s"%(PyInfo.TechnologyInfo(iBronze).getDescription()))
					iPartials -= 1
				else :
					if( not newTeam.isHasTech(iIron) ) :
						if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("  BC - Giving military %s"%(PyInfo.TechnologyInfo(iIron).getDescription()))
						iPartials -= 1
			elif( militaryStyle == 'chariot' ) :
				if( not newTeam.isHasTech(iWheel) ) :
					if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("  BC - Giving military %s"%(PyInfo.TechnologyInfo(iWheel).getDescription()))
					iPartials -= 1
				if( not newTeam.isHasTech(iHusbandry) ) :
					if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("  BC - Giving military %s"%(PyInfo.TechnologyInfo(iHusbandry).getDescription()))
					iPartials -= 1
				if( not newTeam.isHasTech(iBronze) ) :
					if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("  BC - Giving military %s"%(PyInfo.TechnologyInfo(iBronze).getDescription()))
					iPartials -= 1
				else :
					if( not newTeam.isHasTech(iIron) ) :
						if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("  BC - Giving military %s"%(PyInfo.TechnologyInfo(iIron).getDescription()))
						iPartials -= 1

			elif( militaryStyle == 'horse' ) :
				if( not newTeam.isHasTech(iHorseback) ) :
					if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("  BC - Giving military %s"%(PyInfo.TechnologyInfo(iHorseback).getDescription()))
					iPartials -= 1
				else :
					if( game.countKnownTechNumTeams(iGuilds) > 1 ) :
						if( not newTeam.isHasTech(iGuilds) ) :
							if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("  BC - Giving military %s"%(PyInfo.TechnologyInfo(iGuilds).getDescription()))
							iPartials -= 1

			else : #( militaryStyle == 'balance' ) :
				if( not newTeam.isHasTech(iBronze) ) :
					if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("  BC - Giving military %s"%(PyInfo.TechnologyInfo(iBronze).getDescription()))
					iPartials -= 1
				elif( not newTeam.isHasTech(iIron) ) :
						if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("  BC - Giving military %s"%(PyInfo.TechnologyInfo(iIron).getDescription()))
						iPartials -= 1
				elif( not newTeam.isHasTech(iHorseback) ) :
					if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("  BC - Giving military %s"%(PyInfo.TechnologyInfo(iHorseback).getDescription()))
					iPartials -= 1
				else :
					if( game.countKnownTechNumTeams(iGuilds) > 0 ) :
						if( not newTeam.isHasTech(iGuilds) ) :
							if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("  BC - Giving military %s"%(PyInfo.TechnologyInfo(iGuilds).getDescription()))
							iPartials -= 1

		elif( bBuilderBonus > 0 ) :
			# Extra techs
			maxCount = self.config.getint("BarbarianCiv", "BuilderBonusTechs", 3)
			iPartials += 3

			if( bNewWorldMethod and self.iNewWorldPolicy > 0 ) :
				maxCount -= 1

			newTechList = list()
			for techID in range(0,gc.getNumTechInfos()) :
				if( not newTeam.isHasTech(techID) and newPlayer.canResearch(techID,True) ) :

			for k in range(0,maxCount) :
				if( len(newTechList) > 0 ) :
					techID = newTechList.pop(game.getSorenRandNum(len(newTechList),'BC: Builder tech'))
					if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("  BC - Giving builder %s"%(PyInfo.TechnologyInfo(techID).getDescription()))

		iPass = 0
		while (iPartials > 0 and iPass < 4) :
			if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("  BC - Giving %d partial techs, pass %d"%(iPartials,iPass))
			for techID in range(0,gc.getNumTechInfos()) :
				tech = gc.getTechInfo( techID )
				iTechPower = tech.getPowerValue()
				iTechEra = tech.getEra()

				if( not newTeam.isHasTech(techID) and iTechEra <= newPlayer.getCurrentEra() + 1 and tech.getEra() < gc.getNumEraInfos() ) :
					iTechCost = newTeam.getResearchCost(techID)
					iResearchProgress = newTeam.getResearchProgress(techID)
					iThreshold = iTechCost/2
					if( bBuilderBonus ) : iThreshold += iTechCost/5

					if( iResearchProgress < iThreshold ) :

						anyAndFalse = False
						for k in range(gc.getDefineINT("NUM_AND_TECH_PREREQS")):
							iPrereqTech = tech.getPrereqAndTechs( k )
							if( iPrereqTech > 0 and iPrereqTech < gc.getNumTechInfos() ) :
								if( not newTeam.isHasTech( iPrereqTech ) ) :
									anyAndFalse = True

						allOrFalse = -1
						for k in range(gc.getDefineINT("NUM_OR_TECH_PREREQS")):
							iPrereqTech = tech.getPrereqOrTechs( k )
							if( iPrereqTech > 0 and iPrereqTech < gc.getNumTechInfos() ) :
								allOrFalse = 1
								if( newTeam.isHasTech( iPrereqTech ) ) :
									allOrFalse = 0

						if( not anyAndFalse and allOrFalse <= 0 ) :

							numTeams = game.countCivTeamsAlive() + 1
							numTeamsWhoKnow = game.countKnownTechNumTeams(techID)
							fracKnow = numTeamsWhoKnow/(1.0*numTeams)

							fTechFrac = .35 + fracKnow/2.0 + game.getSorenRandNum(10 + 7*iPartials,"BarbCiv - give partial tech")/100.0
							iNewProgress = int(iResearchProgress + fTechFrac * iTechCost)
							iNewProgress = min([iNewProgress, (85*iTechCost)/100])

							iBase = (40*gc.getGameSpeedInfo(game.getGameSpeedType()).getResearchPercent())/100
							iRand = iTechCost + 4*iBase
							if( bBuilderBonus ) :
								iRand += max([0, iBase*(iTechPower - iPartials)])
							elif( not militaryStyle == None ) :
								iRand += 4*iBase - iBase*iTechPower
							else :
								iRand += 8*iBase + iBase*iTechPower

							if( iNewProgress > game.getSorenRandNum( iRand, "BarbCiv - give partial tech") ) :
								if( self.LOG_DEBUG and bVerbose ) : CvUtil.pyPrint("  BC - Giving partial %s: %2.1f perc (power %d)"%(tech.getDescription(),(100.0*iNewProgress)/iTechCost,iTechPower))
								newTeam.setResearchProgress( techID, iNewProgress, newPlayer.getID() )
								iPartials -= 1
								if( iPartials <= 0 ) :

			iPass += 1

I know I can accomplish what I need in this function alone. I've messed around with it and disabled certain parts and the spawned civs can be as advanced or as backwards as I want. My problem is discriminating against new world spawning civs only. Does anyone know how I can do this? Basically I want to disable the whole function (except for the very beginning portion) for New World civs, but allow the function to run normally for civs that spawn in the old world.
I guess, what you describe, should already be in the code (bNewWorldMethod).
[Question to EF: Setting a value in the function declaration just sets the value, if none is given in the function call, right?]

Do the old world civs spawn with the right number of techs, or are they backwards?
If the last one: Change
if( bNewWorldMethod and self.iNewWorldPolicy > 0 ) :
if( not bNewWorldMethod and self.iNewWorldPolicy > 0 ) :

How much are the new world civs advanced? So advanced like the most advanced player, or even more?
That was of course the first thing I played with. It seems to either be not firing correctly, or it simply can't be used in the latter part of the function to turn it off, which is what I mainly need to do, kill the rest of the give tech function when it's a new world civ.
[Question to EF: Setting a value in the function declaration just sets the value, if none is given in the function call, right?]

Correct. A value specified in a function's declaration is called an argument default since it is the default value for an argument if none is given. If any argument has a default, all arguments after it must also have defaults.
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