Cold War Mod

Sep 19, 2005
I know nothing about moding so there's 0 chance I could do this myself but I was wondering if anyone thought this idea would be cool and/or would be willing to try and make it:
There would be two powers to chose from the USSR or the US (not to trivialize the other nation's role in the Cold War just for simplicities sake.)
Religion is replaced by 1 of 2 ideologies communism and capitalism each with it's own strengths and weaknesses.
City State
Many different city state like civs that are caught in the middle of the two warring superpowers.
The primary goal will be to convert city states to your ideology either through diplomacy, espionage or out right war.

Bring back war weariness so that war will be something one has to carefully consider. (IE Vietnam)
Both superpowers have nukes but they cannot use them unless the "threat level" rises high enough.

The threat level rises as more city states convert the opposing ideology.

Once you use a nuke you max out the other players threat level so they can strike you back.

If a certain number of nukes are used then the game is over and both sides lose.

It's just an idea but I was wondering what people thought of it and whether or not a similar one exists out there.
I remember playing a few Cold War/WWIII mods for CivIII, and was just thinking yesterday that it would be fun to try to do something similar for the current Civ. I was envisioning more of the traditional military conflict scenario though, vs. yours which seems geared more towards diplomacy...I like your concept quite a bit as well, though. Basically, turn all the major third world/neutral nations into city states, which truthfully wouldn't be too different from how some of it went down back in the day (I'm thinking of Egypt in particular).

I'm still partial towards a more military-geared scenario, but I could absolutely see putting your diplomacy win into play as well. I just know that me personally, and probably most players, would rather just fight WWIII for the most part. :D
I think this idea would synergize magnificently with the city-state mechanic.
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