Zombie Defense: A New Interactive AAR

My action is to divert water to make a river 1W of Base Camp
I'll make a hill 1E
Guys! Guess what I'm doing?

Rereading Princes of the Universe 1 & 2 while eating a pizza!
And...my action is to grow a forest 1N of Base Camp
11. A nice little forest is grown

My action is to prospect for gold 2N of Base Camp
8. Unfortunatly, you did not find gold. But you did find a nice hill.

My action is to divert water to make a river 1W of Base Camp
17. You perform physical tasks to divert the water and end up learning new combat techniques (Free Combat I Promotion)

I build a Cottage 1S
6. The materials you used for your cottage are not fit for building. Your cottage crumbles into a garbage pile

I'll make a hill 1E
20. You, on the other hand, did find gold in them hills (100 free gold)

Build a farm 1NW of base camp.
14. You discover a source of corn while building your farm

I make a hill 1 NE.
1. You try to make a hill out of dirt, but there was a bandit hiding inside the dirt who steals all your gold (Lose 100 gold)

Now that we have our results, let's put them into the Civ Game! The first game will spawn 5 zombie wolves. Naturally, the zombie wolves cannot enter the empire's border's so your unit will automatically attack a wolf if it's next to the player
And here we have update number 1

Here's everyone with their promotions and upgrades, in the city
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By yoshiegg737 at 2011-03-04

And here's everyone after all the action's we're finished. Look at that! We can see some of the 5 wolves already
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By yoshiegg737 at 2011-03-04

Mosherdini manages to kill the first wolf
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By yoshiegg737 at 2011-03-04

SouthernKing then get's into a fight with the second wolf zombies
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By yoshiegg737 at 2011-03-04

But, he won of course
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By yoshiegg737 at 2011-03-04

Civ'ed kills the third zombie wolf but is immediatly attacked by the fourth ones
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By yoshiegg737 at 2011-03-04

Luckely, he survives
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By yoshiegg737 at 2011-03-04

Civ'ed has gained a free Combat I!
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By yoshiegg737 at 2011-03-04

Trail Mix fight's the final pack of zombie wolves
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By yoshiegg737 at 2011-03-04

And wins
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By yoshiegg737 at 2011-03-04

5 of the survivor's return to base camp and founded some religions
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By yoshiegg737 at 2011-03-04

Each zombie wolf was worth 20 gold. The next round will spawn 5 zombie warriors.

My action is to divert the river ninety degrees so it flows right by the north side of Base Camp.
what a lucky start!
I would like to change my warriors name to Mandulu then buy Mandulu the promotions Combat I, Drill I, Combat II, Shock and Cover
then i would like to try and catch ponies one south of my gold.
My action is to steal all promotions and upgrades from your shop! :lol:

If that isn't possible... I would like to prospect for copper 2E.
My action is to steal all promotions and upgrades from your shop! :lol:

If that isn't possible... I would like to prospect for copper 2E.
1. The shopkeeper shoots you three times. You lose all three of your lives. Game over!...Just kidding. That wasn't the update, just waiting for SouthernKing.

Status updated

The great Mosherdini cannot be killed, foolish morta-, I mean, shopkeeper!

The great Mosherdini cannot be killed, foolish morta-, I mean, shopkeeper!

Sadly the great Mosherdini has been killed exactly 999,997 times before and soon his life will run out. We hope not.

Woohoo I'm ze only archer in ze town!
Lies! Lies and slander! SLANDER OF THE WORST KIND!
I’ll join. How much gold do I start off with?
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