Our Words Are Backed With Nuclear Weapons


HMS Polaris
Oct 18, 2001
United Kingdom
Why is it that you spend lots of production building ICBM's and as far as other nations are concerned you may as well have built some pretty fireworks?? :confused:

I spent 10,000 gold on a stock pile and in the diplomacy screen not one leader urged me to stop using/testing these weapons. Is it that they don't know i have them? Do they not understand their function? Perhaps they think that i will never use them!

Maybe I should nuke every Capital city in the world to prove a point :satan: All I want now is a white cat :)
nobody has ever given me the message to stop my nukes, so i'm going to assume they never do. I have had about 5-9 nuclear attacks, so i think it's ok.:nuke: :lol: :nuke:
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