DominatrNES: Infinite Struggle

Chapter Three: Wrath of the Gods (91-120 WhC)
Word reached all corners of civilization about the great Gilgur empire. The majority of Gilguron's neighbors (Including a new one: Dassa) recognized Gilguron as a great empire. Precious stones were imported and a sandstone palace was constructed to honor the empire's successes. Not all acknowledge Gilguron as great though. Ashpai, historically hating the Gilgurs, raided Otaran trade boats and showed aggression towards Gilgur settlements across the Gulgat river. Rumors have circulated saying that Ashpai wishes to rid the region of Otara first, then slaughter every Gilgur in sight and sack their mighty cities. Their first task was nowhere near complete. While Otara is pushed back to their native area, the Gulgat River and Pochar Hills seemed to be impenetrable. Otara, while struggling to make offensive strikes against Ashpai, was blessed by their great strategic location.

Across the river in the cradle's center, Burisht, a state known for its rowdiness, remained relatively static for the period. They took a break from harassing Keshbarian crafters looking to conduct trade with Gilguron. To Keshbar's east, Lushyaz, a state gaining a reputation for being friendly, yet defensive towards aggressors, was founded

North of the war-ravaged cradle valley, peace dominated. Paschim Ghati increased food production significantly, and claimed their fields to be more fertile than Suppan fields. To this, the Suppan king Sluminas admitted, "We're guilty of being a bit jealous, but the gods are just generous. Sacrifices may need to be increased." A slight discrepancy spawned along the banks by Nihamurat, with traders complaining about Paschim Ghati's dominance of the Trymos river. They claimed that they had too much control of the region, despite Nihamurat actually owning it.

Further to the north, a new tribe becomes a state. Utugia, the freshly settled culture, openly expresses its hunger for war and hate for all other cultures. They already staged repeated raids against Shosayan hunting bands and disrupted communications between Paschim Ghati and the states along the Zoan river. Their leader, Putaka, or Rockface, is said to have been born from pure stone in a cave. He gathered a reputation for being one of the most ruthless beings to walk the steppes.

The trend of bloodshed in the Haredicumian Sea continued with the Kryonian-Alexaendrosi war. Years before, Kryon struck and caught Alexaendros off guard. However, the famed discipline of the Alexaendrosi soldiers kicked in when they fought back, driving Kryon north. Kryon, still craving war, drafted large numbers of young men to learn to fight. To add to the conflict engulfing the penincula, Ecta attacks Kryon. Although significantly weaker militarily, Ecta surprised Kryon while they were busy being frustrated with the direction the war in the south was going.

Large numbers of slaves were taken from Kryon, and aided by Iomiric naval teams, were shipped off to work the docks at the Trymos delta. Phoces, with trade booming, was able to focus less on making ends meet, and more on expansion. Being thwarted in their first attempt at taking control of Uharrhesia, Phoces was determined to make it happen on their second attempt. In the beginning, it didn't go so well. Seafaring barbarians, bearing knowledge of superior sailing techniques, devastated Phocesian boats. However, Tembrnos, the seemingly quaint Island nation in the eastern part of the sea, stepped in. With a joint effort, the barbarians were defeated and left to sink to the bottom of the oceans. The island was split relatively evenly, Tembrnos getting slightly more land, but Phoces with more natives under their control. Now, Phoces had a new instrument in the Trymos trade. Uharrhesian slaves would be shipped to Paschim Ghati to work the farms in exchange for larger quantities of timber. With the delta under their administration, Phoces could score large profits from selling to other Haredicumian states desiring the strong timber.

The Graci peninsula was not the only site of war in the Haredicumian region, however. Over on the Italis peninsula, Canfre war their sturdy empire collapsed. A combined effort from Glypthus, Terantia, and Phentia brought down the Canfrean army. The land was evenly divided, and Phentia was able to divert their attention back to their rival, Lepria. Further down the river from the rivals, Nactrabia was founded in a fairly isolated location.

Things began to develop quickly in Extal, although not by western standards. Moctzal began to expand viciously, both into the surrounding mountains, and into the lowlands by Tlaah. There was an uneasy peace between the two. To the east, Chempe was founded, comprised of natives fleeing the lowlands, fearing being sacrificed, and Garetik hopefuls seeing their dreams on the opposite side of the river. Moctzal quickly gained power, sacrificing to the sun god, who was believed to be the source of all Moctzal successes. Gods began to play a role in many cultures' conduct. Could they be the unseen hand raising great states and bringing others to their doom?

Spoiler :

With the new merchants from the foreign lands setting up a trading post in the city, there was quite a gathering as commoners flocked to greet them
into our city. With the ritualistic prayer performed by the Brahmins for the well being of the new venture and the merchants themselves. The merchants
were even given special previlages within the kingdom, with one of the traders given a special place in the kings court, where they would actually act
as a messanger between the kings court.

News of Shoshay tribes killing and looting some of our merchants has reached the kingdom. This has caused much fear and anguish among the common people.
The gossip mongers are at full flow, as stories of their atrocities reach astounding, to a point of being impossible. The internal minister
joked that the leader supposedly is a man who has the physique of stone. It was a light hearted moment in an otherwise serious court.

It was decided that 3 legions of troops would be raised, especially for taking care of these bandits. In the meanwhile a diplomat was sent to the Shoshay
"stonefaced" king to see if anything at all could be reached via discussion.
From Phoces
To The Hardemencian World

As Phoces now has trading colonies that allow us to reach into larger areas, and our nation lives on trade, we offer formalization of trade with all Hardemencian peoples.

From Phoces
To Nihamurat

As you are on the river that we have colonies on, would you agree to trade?
OOC : I feel so stupid with that stupid gaffe .
OOC: I misread somethings ... :D

Here's a little RP submission for Phoces- A Map Of The Known World.

Developed by Gralae Hanuos, an immigrant to Phoces Island from the new Uhharresian clononies, this map pulls together all of the knowledge of Phocesian traders into one convenient map. Since its inception, the Hanuous Map has become a staple of Phocesian navigation and a must have for traders.
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