JReligionLimit: Idea Discussion Thread


Great Reverend
Nov 16, 2005
Peoria, IL
A mod to put some controls on the way Religions act in the Game.

1: New GlobalDefine, MAX_HOLY_CITY_COUNT, to control the number of Religions a Player can Found.

2: Another new GlobalDefine, MAX_RELIGION_COUNT_PER_CITY, to control the number of Religions that can be in a give City at one time.
I started looking into this a little bit now that I uploaded my latest release.

I got the number of Religions in a City done. Here is the single if statement in CvUnit::canSpread that accomplishes it.
	if (pCity->isHasReligion(eReligion))
		return false;

	// < JReligionLimit Mod Start >
	if (pCity->getReligionCount() >= GC.getDefineINT("MAX_RELIGION_COUNT_IN_A_CITY"))
	    return false;
	// < JReligionLimit Mod End >

I am looking into the Max Holy Cities per Player now and will post when I have more info on that aspect. :cooool:
Not much to report at the moment. I've been pretty swamped with RL stuff and my free time was taken up with playing Spore, but I'm working on it a little bit today.

Since there is no canHaveReligion or canFoundReligion in there, I will have to highjack the code at certain points. I'm really just debating on where to do that. If all goes well, I will try to get this done today or tomorrow. :)
Ok, my first attempt at limiting the number of Religions you can found didn't work the way I expected. It seems I am going to have to do a little more in depth research into how Religion Founding works.

For the moment, I am going to hold off on that and instead I am going to finish up the Limited Religion Count per City part and get the Flying Help Text all showing right and what not for that feature and I will release with just that part working, then I will get back to limiting Holy City Count per Player.

Anyway, won't get that out tonight, but will look at it first thing when I get home tomorrow night. :king:
Well, its going to be a few more days.. :mischief:

I got kinda side tracked by my new JWeather project and didn't get this uploaded before I left town yesterday. Good news though, I think I found a good way to do the Holy City Limit per Player. :cool:

Its going to be a few days before I get back to my modding computer, but unless you really want the current version, I will just hold off until later this week and upload when I get this next part done. :king:
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