Updated culture chart?


Sep 11, 2012
I looked around in the forums and haven't seen an updated one yet. Someone posted a chart a while back that detailed the cost per social policy broken down by number of cities.

As far as I can tell, these costs have changed since BNW came out.

Also, if I'm remembering correctly from my last few games, as of BNW, free policies do not affect the culture cost of the "next" policy. IE if you're at 25/60, and you get a free policy, you're still at 25/60.

Has anyone found or created this chart yet? Or has the formula on hand? I'd settle for the formula.

I want to do some number-crunching on total culture required to complete Rationalism if you jump straight from Tradition finisher, taking number of cities into account, and compare it to total culture required if you dip into Aesthetics to reduce future policy cost. (Which presumably is more, but how much more matters because dipping into aesthetics can/will increase rate of culture gain)

I want to do some similar crunching on Liberty opener.

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