FF2 Great General points


May 5, 2010
Orlando, Florida
As I play a Fall from Heaven 2 game and watch my Great General point stack up into the hundreds with no benefit, I wonder if any of the Fall from Heaven 2 mods decided to reincorporate these GG points into something useful.
Such as make the result a Great Commander or keep the GGs, but make them twice as expensive to get.
Even a free Champion (or highest melee unit available) to join our cause would be beneficial.
Great! :)
I was looking into the More Naval AI Modmod and ExtraModMod looks like it is a mod of it.
Great Generals are included in More Naval AI; they are enabled if you play with Advanced Tactics. Great Commanders are also present at the same time. Other modmods based on MNAI such as MagisterModMod and ExtraModMod merge Great Generals and Great Commander into the same unit.
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