Language translations for leader sayings

Coming back to this thread after a long time, and I realise that there are still a few (albeit minor) mistakes for Wu Zetian.
Declare War should be "You won't be able to offend me again. Go meet King Yan! (also known as Yama in Sanskrit and the ruler of Hell)"
Defeated: "You have already proven that you are a cunning and competent (the use of this word is actually rather odd, since it's usually used to say that someone is good at his job) opponent (slightly better fit than adversary). I congratulate you on your victory.
HateNo1: "Unacceptable“
HateYes1: "I suppose I must agree"
Intro: Greetings. I am Empress Wu Zetian. China pursues peace and seeks independent development. If others don't mess with me, I won't mess with them (the character 犯 can mean many things, such as violate, offend or attack, so I used 'mess with'. Feel free to choose one of the other three translations I listed).
NeutralHearIt03: Keep talking
NeutralNo01: Not possible
Actually, if you want I can post Romanisations of Wu's speech...
Sure, I wouldn't mind Romanization (Pinyin) for Wu's Chinese.

I also would like some for Arabia, Egypt, Mongolia, India, Siam, Korea, Japan, Russia, Greece, I could probably do the Hindi, Thai, Korean, Japanese, and Russian romanization using a certain translating site.
We're missing 2 lines for Genghis, his Hate No2, and Neutral Let's hear it01 (the one that goes like bisonsijuan!)

and one line for Bluetooth, his HateHello, though I guess it means Oh, it's you!

I wonder if they will show intro videos for the other leaders before they release the game, maybe not
Romanization is a good idea, that way people can read out the lines, I guess. Updated the OP with some of your suggestions, guys. There was one Wu line translation which I thought was better in its original state than the suggestion, so I kept it, can't remember which one.
I changed the script to traditional Chinese because 1. Simplified Chinese characters often lose their meaning. The character for love, 愛 loses the portion meaning heart, 心 to become 爱, which no longer fully conveys the idea of love.
2. The Tang, i.e. Wu's dynasty, used more or less the traditional script. Taiwan, Hong Kong and Japan (albeit simplified according to their own rules) still do and Vietnam and Korea used to.
3. Aesthetics :D
Note: 、is the Chinese equivalent of a comma when listing things. I added one under Defeated.
Attacked: Fool! I will disembowel you all! (蠢貨!我要把你們開膛破肚!) Chǔnhuò! Wǒ yào bǎ nǐmen kāitángpòdù!
DeclareWar: You won't ever be able to bother me again. Go meet Yan (King of Hell, known as "Yama" in Sanskrit). (你們再也不能冒犯我了。 見閻王去吧。) Nǐmen zài yě bùnéng màofàn wǒ le. Jiàn yánwáng qù ba
Defeated: You have proven to be a cunning and competent opponent. I congratulate you on your victory. (你已經證明了你是一個狡猾、稱職的對手。我為你的勝利祝賀。) Nǐ yǐjīng zhèngmíng le nǐ shì yīgè jiǎohuá、chènzhí de duìshǒu. Wǒ wèi nǐ de shènglì zhùhè
HateHearIt01: Anything else?(還有呢?) Hái yǒu ne?
HateHearIt02: Keep talking. (繼續說。) Jìxù shuō
HateHello: Oh? It’s you! (哦。是你呀?) Ó. Shì nǐ ya?
HateNo01: Unacceptable. (不能接受。) Bùnéng jiēshòu
HateNo02: Sorry. Say that again? (對不起, 你再說一遍。) Duìbùqǐ, nǐ zàishuō yībiàn.
HateNo03: Get out! (走開!) Zǒukāi!
HateYes01: I suppose I must accept. (我想我必須同意。) Wǒ xiǎng wǒ bìxū tóngyì
HateYes02: Ah. Very good. (啊, 非常好。) A, fēicháng hǎo
HateYes03: Ah. Very good. (啊, 非常好。) A, fēicháng hǎo
Intro: Greetings, I am Empress Wu Zetian. China desires peace and independent development. You leave us alone, we'll leave you alone. (你好,我是女皇帝武則天。中國追求和平以謀求自身發展。人不犯我,我不犯人。) Nǐhǎo, wǒ shì nǚhuángdì wǔzétiān. Zhōngguó zhuīqiú hépíng yǐ móuqiú zìshēnfāzhǎn. Rén bù fàn wǒ , Wǒ bù fàn rén
NeutralHearIt01: Continue. (繼續。) Jìxù.
NeutralHearIt02: What? (什麼?) Shénme?
NeutralHearIt03: Keep talking. (往下說。) Wǎngxià shuō
NeutralHello: What is it (you want) today? (今天怎麼樣?) Jīntiān zěnmeyàng?
NeutralNo01: Not possible. (不行。) Bùxíng.
NeutralNo02: Of course not. (當然不行。) Dāngrán bùxíng.
NeutralNo03: Definitely not. (肯定不行。) Kěndìng bùxíng.
NeutralYes01: Of course. (當然。) Dāngrán
NeutralYes02: I agree. (我同意。) Wǒ tóngyì.
NeutralYes03: Excellent! (好極了!) Hǎo jíle!
Request: My friend, do you think this request is acceptable? (我的朋友, 你認為這個要求能接受嗎?) Wǒ de péngyǒu, nǐ rènwéi zhège yāoqiú néng jiēshòu ma?
We're missing 2 lines for Genghis, his Hate No2, and Neutral Let's hear it01 (the one that goes like bisonsijuan!)

and one line for Bluetooth, his HateHello, though I guess it means Oh, it's you!

I wonder if they will show intro videos for the other leaders before they release the game, maybe not

Almost. ;) Harald's HateHello: (Ah, it's you again.) Ah, det' dig igen.

As for the videos, I hope so, so we can all be prepared. I got a shock when I saw Nebby the first time, he was creepy.
We're also missing several lines of Sejong's dialogue
His HateHello, HateNo01, HateYes02, NeutralLet'sHearIt01, NeutralNo01, and NeutralYes02.
Added the extra Wu, Sejong and Harald lines. I'll try to contact my Mongolian friend for the rest of the Genghis lines, but I'm not promising anything. It might be a while.
Attacked: You've mistaken my passion for a weakness, you'll regret about this. Ты принял мою страсть за слабость, ты пожалеешь об этом. Ty prinyal moyu strastʹ za slabostʹ, ty pozhalyeeshʹ ob etom
DeclareWar: You've behaved yourself very badly, you know it. Now it's payback time. Ты очень плохо себя вел, ты это знаешь. Настал час расплаты. Ty ochenʹ plokho sebya vel, ty eto znaeshʹ. Nastal chas rasplaty
Defeated: We were defeated, so this makes me your slave. I suppose there are worse fates. Мы были побеждены, так что я становлюсь твоей пленницей. Мне кажется это не самый худший удел. My byli pobezhdeny, tak chto ya stanovlyusʹ tvoyeĭ plennitsyeĭ. Mne kazhet•sya eto ne samyĭ khudshiĭ udel
HateHearIt01: And? И?。 i?
HateHearIt02: Forward. Дальше. Dalʹshe
HateHearIt03: Go on. Продолжай (Unpleasant tone). Prodolzhaĭ
HateHello: What do you need? = Что тебе нужно? Chto tebe nuzhno?
HateNo01: Are you joking? Ты шутишь? Ty shutishʹ?
HateNo02: Excuse me. Прошу прощения. Proshu proshcheniya
HateNo03: This is not acceptable. Это не приемлемо. Eto ne priemlemo
HateYes01: Oh... Very good. Ох... Очень хорошо. Okh... Ochenʹ khorosho
HateYes02: I think I agree. Пожалуй я соглашусь. Pozhaluĭ ya soglashusʹ
HateYes03: Deal. Договорились (Neat tone). Dogovorilisʹ
Intro: I greet you, stranger! If you are as intelligent and tactful as you are attractive, we'll get along just fine. Приветствую тебя, незнакомец! Если твой ум и такт сравнимы с твоей привлекательностью, мы замечательно поладим. Privet•stvuyu tebya, neznakomets! Yesli tvoĭ um i takt sravnimy s tvoyeĭ privlekatelʹnostʹyu, my zamechatelʹno poladim
NeutralHearIt01: Go on. Продолжай。 (Polite tone). Prodolzhaĭ
NeutralHearIt02: Speak. Говори.。Govori
NeutralHearIt03: Go on. Продолжай. (same line as 01) Prodolzhaĭ
NeutralHello: Hello. Здравствуй.。Zdravstvuĭ
NeutralNo01: Ha! Of course not! Ха! Разумеется нет. Kha! Razumyeet•sya net
NeutralNo02: We decline. Мы отказываемся. My otkazyvaemsya
NeutralNo03: Certainly not. Конечно нет. Konechno net
NeutralYes01: Deal. Договорились (Polite tone). Dogovorilisʹ
NeutralYes02: Wonderful. Прекрасно. Prekrasno
NeutralYes03: Very Good. Очень хорошо. Ochenʹ khorosho
Peaceful: Now it's time to enjoy the fruits of peace. Теперь пора насладиться плодами мира. Teperʹ pora nasladitʹsya plodami mira
Request: How would you like it if I propose this kind of exchange? Как тебе понравится, если я предложу такой обмен? Kak tebe ponravit•sya, yesli ya predlozhu takoĭ obmen

Here is the romanization for Russian using Google Translate
Romanization for Gandhi's Hindi

Intro: On behalf of the Indian people, I extend a hand of friendship towards you. (भारतीय जनता की ओर से में आपकी ओर दोस्ती का हाथ बढाता हूं।) Bhāratīya janatā kī ōra sē mēṁ āpakī ōra dōstī kā hātha baḍhātā hūṁ
Attacked: Unfortunately, not everyone in my country is as committed to non-violence as I am. (दुर्भाग्यवश, मेरे देश मे हर इंसान अहिंसा के प्रतीत इतना वचनबद नही है जितना की में।) Durbhāgyavaśa, mērē dēśa mē hara insāna ahinsā kē pratīta itanā vacanabada nahī hai jitanā kī mēṁ
Declares War: I have just received a report that large numbers of my troops have crossed your borders. (मुझें अभी-अभी सूचना मिली है की हमारे बहूत अधीक सिपाही आपकी सीमा मे घुस गये हैं।) Mujhēṁ abhī-abhī sūcanā milī hai kī hamārē bahūta adhīka sipāhī āpakī sīmā mē ghusa gayē haiṁ
Defeated: You have defeated the weak and the helpless. (आपने मासूम और असाह्य लोगों को हरा दिया।) Āpanē māsūma aura asāhya lōgōṁ kō harā diyā
Hate Hello: What do you want? (आप क्या चाहते हैं?) Āpa kyā cāhatē haiṁ
Hate Let's Hear It 01: And? (और?) Aura?
Hate Let's Hear It 02: Continue. (जारी रखें।) Jārī rakhēṁ
Hate Yes: Oh. Very good. (ओह... बहूत अच्छे।) Ōha... Bahūta acchē
Hate Yes 02: I think that I should do this. (In the context of accepting a deal) ( मेरे खयाल से मुझे यह करना ही चाहिये।) Mērē khayāla sē mujhē yaha karanā hī cāhiyē
Hate No: This is not acceptable. (यह मान्यलायक नही हैं।) Yaha mān'yalāyaka nahī haiṁ
Hate No 02: You are probably not serious. (Equivalent of "Surely, you can't be serious?) (आप शायद गंभीर नही हैं।) Āpa śāyada gambhīra nahī haiṁ
Hate No 03: What did you say?! (क्या कहां?) Kyā kahāṁ
Neutral Hello: I wish you peace. (में आपकी शांती की कामना करता हूं।) Mēṁ āpakī śāntī kī kāmanā karatā hūṁ
Neutral Yes: OK. (ठीक हैं।) Ṭhīka haiṁ
Neutral Yes 02: We co-operate. (Less accurately, "We agree.") (हम सहमत हैं।) Hama sahamata haiṁ
Neutral Yes 03: No doubt. (बेशक।) Bēśaka
Neutral No: Very good. (बहूत खूब।) Bahūta khūba
Neutral No 02: No. (नही।) Nahī
Neutral No 03: Absolutely not. (बिलकुल नही।) Bilakula nahī
Neutral Let's Hear It 01: I'm listening. (में सुन रहा हूं।) Mēṁ suna rahā hūṁ
Neutral Let's Hear It 02: Yes? (हां?) Hāṁ
Neutral Let's Hear It 03: What were you saying? (आप क्या कह रहे थे?) Āpa kyā kaha rahē thē
Peaceful: I am happy that it is once again peaceful at our place, even if we had to pay a price for it. ("At our place" may sound awkward, but it was awkwardly translated to begin with.) (मुझे खुशी है की हमारे यहां फिर से एक बार शांती कायम हो गयी हैं, चाहें इसके लिये हमें कीमत चुकानी पडी हो।) Mujhē khuśī hai kī hamārē yahāṁ phira sē ēka bāra śāntī kāyama hō gayī haiṁ, cāhēṁ isakē liyē hamēṁ kīmata cukānī paḍī hō
Request: My friend, are you interested in this arrangement? (मेरे दोस्त, क्या इस इंतजाम में आपकी दिलचस्पी है?) Mērē dōsta, kyā isa intajāma mēṁ āpakī dilacaspī hai
Attacked: You shameful fool, I'm going to knock you out! 情けない愚か者め、今から叩きのめしてやるぞ! Nasakenai orokamono-me, ima kara tatakinomehorsehockye yaru zo
DeclareWar: I hereby inform you of our intention to wipe out your civilization from this world. 貴殿の偉大なる文明国をこの世から拭い去る我等が意向をご通知申し上げまする。Kiden no idainaru bunmei kuni o konoyo kara fui saru warera ga ikō o go tsūchi mōshiagemasuru
Defeated: You were much wiser than I* thought. (余が認めた以上に遙かに賢明でござった) *I should be replaced by a word used by the nobility to address themselves. Yo ga horsehockyatameta ijō ni Haruka ni kenmeidegozatta
HateHearIt01: Let me hear it. 聞かせて頂こう。Kika sete itadakou
HateHearIt02: Go on. 先に進め。 (Very unpleasant tone) Sakini susume
HateHearIt03: Proceed. 進めよ。(Very depressed tone) Susumeyo
HateHello: Oh, it's you [low-status]... おお、そちか・・・Ō, sochi ka
HateNo01: We shall settle this another time. いずれまたの機会にでも。Izure mata no kikai ni demo
HateNo02: Excuse me, but (I) beg your pardon? 失礼だか、もう一度聞かせねがいのか?horsehockysureida ka, mōichido kika se negai no ka
HateYes01: (I) agree. 賛同致します。(This is politer than NeutralYes02 ) Sandō itashimasu
HateYes02: Ah, (that's) good. ああ、良かろう。Ā, yokarou
HateYes03: (There's) no other way. いたしかたあるまい。Itashi-kata arumai
Intro: We hope for a fair and just relationship with you, who are renowned for military bravery. 武勇の誉れ高き貴殿にご挨拶を申し上げたく、さらに公正かつ公平なる連携を心よりお願い申し上 げまする。Buyū no homare takaki kiden ni go aisatsu o mōshiagetaku, sarani kōsei katsu kōheinaru renkei o kokoroyori onegai mōshia-ge masuru
NeutralHearIt01: Go on. 先に進め。(Neat tone) Sakini susume
NeutralHearIt02: Proceed. 進めよ。(Polite tone) Susumeyo
NeutralHearIt03: I'm listening. ちゃんと聞いておる。Chanto kiite oru
NeutralHello: Hello. おお。Ō
NeutralNo01: Sorry. すまぬ。Sumanu
NeutralNo02: Maybe another time. 何れまたの機会にでも。(a little politer than HateNo01) Izure mata no kikai ni demo
NeutralYes01: (that's) good. ああ、良かろう。Ā, yokarou
NeutralYes02: Agreed. 承知いたした。Shōchi itahorsehockya
NeutralYes03: Very Good. 上出来だ。Jōdekida
Peaceful: It was an honor to fight you. 戦えもうして光栄でござった。Tatakae mō horsehockye kōeidegozatta
Request: I would be grateful if you agreed on the following proposal. 以下の件についてご賛同頂ければ、誠にありがたく存じ上げまする。Ika no kudan ni tsuite go sandō itadakereba, makotoni arigataku zonjiagemasuru

Romanization for Oda's Japanese
Romanization for Ramkhamhaeng's Thai

Attacked: You lowly fools! We shall prepare to fend you off. (เจ้าคนต่ำช้า เราจะเตรียมพร้อมสำหรับรับมือเจ้า) Cêā khn t̀ảcĥā reā ca terīymphr̂xm s̄ảh̄rạb rạbmụ̄x cêā
DeclareWar: You lowly, arrogant fools! We will make you regret your insolence. (เจ้าคนต่ำต้อยจองหอง เราจะทำให้เจ้าเสียใจกับคำอวดดีของเจ้า) Cêā khn t̀ảt̂xy cxngh̄xng Reā ca thảh̄ı̂ cêā s̄eīycı kạb khả xwddī k̄hxng cêā
Defeated: Although we lost, our pride shall remain. Yet there is but one option left to me, we bid you farewell [high-status 'you']. ( แม้เราจะแพ้ แต่เกียรติ์ของเราจะดำรงอยู่ตลอดไป เราไม่มีทางเลือกใดอีก ขอให้ท่านโชคดี) Mæ̂ reā ca phæ̂ tæ̀ keīyrti̒ k̄hxng reā ca dảrng xyū̀ tlxd pị Reā mị̀mī thāng leụ̄xk dı xīk K̄hx h̄ı̂ th̀ān chokh dī
Demand: These are our conditions. You [high-status 'you'] shall agree, or you will die. (นี่เป็นเงื่อนไขของเราท่านจะยอมรับ หรือจะยอมตาย) Nī̀ pĕn ngeụ̄̀xnk̄hị k̄hxng reā th̀ān ca yxmrạb h̄rụ̄x ca yxm tāy
HateHearIt01: You were saying? (เจ้าบอกว่า) Cêā bxk ẁā
HateHearIt02: So? (แล้ว) Læ̂w
HateHearIt03: Go on. (เชิญต่อ) Cheiỵ t̀x
HateHello: Greetings. (สวัสดี) S̄wạs̄dī
HateNo01: This is unacceptable. (นี่เป็นสิ่งที่ยอมรับไม่ได้) Nī̀ pĕn s̄ìng thī̀ yxmrạb mị̀ dị̂
HateNo02: I hope you don't really mean that. (เจ้าคงไม่ได้หมายความเช่นจริงๆ) Cêā khng mị̀ dị̂ h̄māykhwām chèn cring«
HateNo03: You said what? (เจ้าพูดว่าอะไรนะ) Cêā phūd ẁā xarị na
HateYes01: I knew you would do that. (เราคิดว่าเจ้าต้องทำเช่นนั้น) Reā khid ẁā cêā t̂xng thả chèn nận
HateYes02: Very well. (ดีมาก) Dī māk
Intro: I am Pho Khun Ramkhamhaeng, King of Siam. It is a great honour that you would walk to visit the Siamese country of ours. (เราพ่อขุนรามคำแหงกษัตริย์แห่งสยาม นับเป็นเกียรติอย่างยิ่งที่ท่านเดินมาได้เยี่ยม ประเทศสยามของเรา) Reā ph̀xk̄hun rāmkhảh̄æng ks̄ʹạtriy̒ h̄æ̀ng s̄yām Nạb pĕn keīyrti xỳāng yìng thī̀ th̀ān dein mā dị̂ yeī̀ym Pratheṣ̄ s̄yām k̄hxng reā
NeutralHearIt01: Is that so? (อย่างนั้นหรือ) Xỳāng nận h̄rụ̄x
NeutralHearIt02: You say? (เจ้าบอกว่า) Cêā bxk ẁā
NeutralHearIt03: We are listening. (เรากำลังฟังอยู่) Reā kảlạng fạng xyū̀
NeutralHello: Welcome. (ยินดีต้อนรับ) Yindī t̂xnrạb
NeutralNo01: No. (ไม่) Mị̀
NeutralNo02: Certainly not. (ไม่ แน่นอน) Mị̀ næ̀nxn
NeutralNo03: No way. (ไม่มีทาง) Mị̀mī thāng
NeutralYes01: So be it. (ถ้าอย่างนั้น) T̄ĥā xỳāng nận
NeutralYes02: Agreed/Of course. (แน่นอน) næ̀nxn
NeutralYes03: Okay. (ตกลง) Tklng
Peaceful: You have won. But we shall return to repay this debt. (เจ้าชนะแล้ว แต่เราจะกลับมาใหม่เพื่อตอบแทนเจ้าให้สาสม) Cêā chna læ̂w tæ̀ reā ca klạb mā h̄ım̀ pheụ̄̀x txbthæn cêā h̄ı̂ s̄ās̄m
Request: Greetings. We believe this is a fair proposal for both parties. What do you think? (สวัสดีเราเชื่อว่านี่เป็นข้อเสนอที่ยุติธรรมสำห รับ ทั้งสองฝ่ายท่านคิดว่าอย่างไร) S̄wạs̄dī reā cheụ̄̀x ẁā nī̀ pĕn k̄ĥx s̄enx thī̀ yuti ṭhr rm s̄ảh̄ rạb thậng s̄xng f̄̀āy th̀ān khid ẁā xỳāngrị
Romanization for Sejong's Korean

SejongAttacked: You poor, miserable wretch! You will be crushed by this country's magnificent scientific power. (가엾고 딱한 자로다. 이제 이 나라의 과학의 막강한 힘에 짓밟히고 말것이거늘!) gayeobsgo ttaghan jaloda. ije i nalaui gwahag-ui magganghan him-e jisbalbhigo malgeos-igeoneul
SejongDeclareswar: Jip-hyun-jun (a scholarly place where elites met to develop science and literature) will not longer tolerate your irksome behavior. We will liberate the citizens under your oppression, even with force, and enlighten them! (네놈의 성가신 행태를 집현전은 더는 용인하지 않는다. 우리는 무력으로라도 너의 탄압받은 백성을 자유롭게 하고 깨우치게 해 주리라!) nenom-ui seong-gasin haengtaeleul jibhyeonjeon-eun deoneun yong-inhaji anhneunda. ulineun mulyeog-eulolado neoui tan-abbad-eun baegseong-eul jayulobge hago kkaeuchige hae julila
SejongDeclaresWarPt2 (This is the one used in game) "We will liberate the citizens under your oppression, even with force, and enlighten them!" (우리는 무력으로라도 너의 탄압받은 백성을 자유롭게 하고 깨우치게 해 주리라!) ulineun mulyeog-eulolado neoui tan-abbad-eun baegseong-eul jayulobge hago kkaeuchige hae julila!
SejongDefeated: Now the question is who will protect my people. A dark age has come. (이제 나의 백성들은 누가 지켜준단 말인가. 암흑의 시대가 도래하였구나.) ije naui baegseongdeul-eun nuga jikyeojundan mal-inga. amheug-ui sidaega dolaehayeossguna
SejongHateHello: Oh, it's you. (using disrespectful/informal "nom")
SejongHateLetsHearit01: What are you saying?/What do you wish to say? (무슨말이야? ) museunmal-iya
SejongHateLetsHearit02: So? (그래서?) geulaeseo
SejongHateLetsHearit03: Informal: Continue speaking. (계속하라.) gyesoghala
SejongHateNo01: Heaven forbid! (literally "heaven forbid not") (당치도 않다) dangchido anhda
SejongHateNo02: Crazy talk! (어림없는 소리!) eolim-eobsneun soli
SejongHateNo03: That cannot be. OR I cannot do that. (그럴 수 없소.) geuleol su eobs-so
SejongHateYes01: Hm. Very well, fine. (흠. 그래, 좋다.) heum. geulae, johda
SejongHateYes02: I suppose I should agree/do that.
SejongHateYes03: That is very good. (아주 좋소.) aju johso
SejongIntro: Welcome to the palace of Choson, stranger. I am the learned King Sejong, who looks after his great people. (조선의 궁궐에 당도한 것을 환영하오 낯선 이여. 나는 나의 훌륭한 백성들을 굽어 살피는 깨우친 임금 세종이오.) joseon-ui gung-gwol-e dangdohan geos-eul hwan-yeonghao nachseon iyeo. naneun naui hullyunghan baegseongdeul-eul gub-eo salpineun kkaeuchin imgeum sejong-io
SejongNeutralHello: Greetings to you./formal version of "Hello" (안녕하시오.) annyeonghasio
SejongNeutralLetsHearit01: I will hear it/I'm listening. Turo bu gae so
SejongNeutralLetsHearit02: 계속해 보시오. (Please continue speaking/You may continue). gyesoghae bosio
SejongNeutralLetsHearit03: "Therefore, after that" or "Continue" ("하여", an ancient expression) hayeo
SejongNeutralNo01: I cannot do that.
SejongNeutralNo02: I will not do that. (아니하겠소.) anihagessso
SejongNeutralNo03: I will excuse myself/I will not accept it. (사양하겠소.) sayanghagessso
SejongNeutralYes01: That is good/Very well. (좋소.) johso
SejongNeutralYes02: I understand.
SejongNeutralYes03: Of course. (물론이오) mullon-io
SejongPeaceful: How can it be this way? What strategies did you implement? (어찌 이럴수가. 어떠한 전략을 운영한 것이냐.) eojji ileolsuga. eotteohan jeonlyag-eul un-yeonghan geos-inya
SejongRequest: Comrades, we have many things to discuss and have much to benefit from each other. (동지여, 우리는 상의해야할 것이 많고, 서로에게 얻을 수 있는 것이 많소.) dongjiyeo, ulineun sang-uihaeyahal geos-i manhgo, seolo-ege eod-eul su issneun geos-i manhso
Directed here by the Attila thread...

Oda's Japanese is... interesting. First off, if he is speaking Modern Japanese (which, apparently, he is), I think the 'ka' in HateNo02 for him should be ga.

'Situree da ga...' 'Excuse me, but...' (More literally, 'It's a rude thing, but...')

'Situree da ka' would be... well, I'm not sure if it's linguistically incorrect, but I can't think of anyone EVER saying that. I do admit, though, that my exposure is not the best.

Also, a nitpick, but 'nasakenai' in the Attacked part is a bit more like 'despicable' than 'shameful' (when used to describe a person).

More generally, Nobunaga's speech patterns are of someone very polite but direct. This, to my knowledge, is typical of samurai speech patterns. I am not sure, but the distal-style comments (which are not many) add 'ru' after Tookyoo-ben would finish. I do not know if this is a samurai-style speech issue (as above), or if it marks using a difference dialect. He is not speaking a Kansai dialect, AFAICT, but he may be speaking something that is not Tookyoo-ben.
Thanks! Credited you in the OP, and credited Guandao for the Romanization provided thus far in the OP as well.
Oh, it's nothing much... at least I'm able to use that degree somewhat. ;)

Also, from a cultural perspective, I find it hilarious that people have an issue with Oda backstabbing everyone. He wasn't the most perfidious daimyo of the Sengoku Jidai (that would be Tokugawa Ieyasu), but he was certainly not above any tactic to achieve his goals.

I hate to call it 'nonsense', but bushido, as a philosophy, didn't even arise until the Tokugawa period, when Japan was (largely) at peace and the samurai caste had to figure out what to do with themselves.

The samurai of the Sengoku Jidai (which, except for the Chushingura incident, is the setting of every samurai drama, really) were pragmatic to the core.
'Situree da ka' would be... well, I'm not sure if it's linguistically incorrect, but I can't think of anyone EVER saying that. I do admit, though, that my exposure is not the best.

That's not unusual. As a safety mechanism (probably to prevent the voice actor from cursing or something), they have a separate person translate than the person who speaks. I'm not always sure the translator is a native speaker, so they might come up with odd phrases that the voice actor is willing to say (because, although odd, it is technically correct).
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