How to modify GameFonts.tga for FREE

I have an interesting case. While the mod seems to read my 'Gamefont' file perfectly fine, my Gamefont_75 seems to be buggy. In the info screen for adopting the religion, the symbol comes out right, when the religion is founded, I get the game's 'Banana' resource icon over my city. Which, while hysterically amusing, isn't what I was aiming for.

Anyone have any thoughts?

EDIT: Ugh. Nevermind.

When I open the gamefont.tga file with Gimp all the magenta is "alpha channel" color. How could I make it show up ?
I was going to add a bunch of new religions to my mod. How easy is it to add new images to the tga and have it show up in-game without messing up the other ones?

Sorry if this is a dumb question but I don't know anything about this right now.
I was going to add a bunch of new religions to my mod. How easy is it to add new images to the tga and have it show up in-game without messing up the other ones?

Sorry if this is a dumb question but I don't know anything about this right now.

not easy IMO. These files are a pain to deal with. Putting in the normal pink file is easy enough but doing the alpha layer is what sucks. I have no idea how or why firaxis did it this way.
I mean edited one but not the other; are there just two copies of the icon, or does one do different tasks to the other?
on the resource they reflect the order of teh bonus or art defines bonus order?
I am trying to edit this gamefont.tga file but it doesn't seem there is anymore room for another religion (I need one more spot), so how do I go about doing this? Do I have to move all of the corporations down a couple slots to fit it next to the other religions or do I put it somewhere else and tag it differently?

I also noticed the Alpha Channel is all screwed up in the top corner (circled in red) how do I get around this? When I open it in GIMP I can't see an alpha channel. Is there an easy workaround to this?
Actually here is the modified gamefont. I know I still have to make an alphachannel for it, but I just wanted to post this so you can compare it to the last one and tell me how I need to alter the XML. If anyone knows that is.
Oops, I forgot to post the file. Now what I have done is moved the Corporation symbols down a bit to make room for the religious symbols, in order from left to right after the vanilla religions I am adding Olympic Pantheon (Hellenism), Norse Mythology (Aesir Myth), Voodoo (Vodoun), Shinto, Zoroastrianism, Pesedjet/Amun-Ra (Egyptian Pantheon), Toetl (Mesoamerican Religion), Amerindian Shamanism (Native North American religion), Canaanite/Semitic Polytheism, Celtic Paganism, Annunaki (Mesopotamian religion). Now, according to what I have read the symbols appear for the religions and corporations as they appear in the game. So if I added the religions to the game in the order they appear here will that be fine? Or will it conflict with where the Corporation buttons were originally since I had to move them slightly to fit the religions? I hope that makes sense.
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