Kazakhstan Diplomacy

Message from cav_scout

Plako and Team Saturn,

As you may have heard, our mighty observatories have discovered new rings around your planet. Many congratulations!

We see that you have switched civics to a war footing. As we were once friends we wish to once again extend our greetings. Both your team and ours have become lackeys of the more powerful Sancta and Cavaleiros. Neither of us has much hope for victory without military expansion. We expect that your aim is to invade MS. We do not think you will be met with much luck.

We once again welcome you to join us in alliance against Sancta. Without your cash subsidies Sancta will quickly far further behind technologically, and will be ripe for the picking.

Team Kaz
Draft answer. comments?

Hi cav_scout and Team Kazakhstan,

I can assure you that we're not planning to attack anyone. War civics were adopted only to improve our defenses.

Thank you for the alliance offer. Unfortunately we had to decline.

Team Saturn

Edited message a bit and sent it,
Huh? Kaz is a strange team. They keep randomly popping up with offers of unworkable alliances out of nowhere... :lol:
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