
In your screenshots, the status portion shows your tax rate being 0%, then the next shot it is 30% (between the second a third pictures).

The 7.2 family size is normal when you have cities producing lots of extra food. And military service is related to how 'old' your units are. So, with 2 years of service, it's saying you have built new military units somewhat recently.
Originally posted by Duke of Marlbrough
Your power rating (supreme, strong, weak, etc) from the Foreign Affairs screen (F3) is the thing that tells you if you have a larger army than the others.
I thought the power rating was based on your relative position on the Powergraph, which Andu told us is based on citizens, techs and gold, not military units. I've had a pretty high power rating in some OCC games where I had almost no military at all.

many minor edits
The number of Spears/Arrows/Rifles/Rockets is directly representative of the Power Rating (0=Pathetic, 6=Supreme), which is a combination of citizens, tech, and gold. Military units are only represented in the Demographics under Military Service. Someone at Apolyton.Net documented that whole page a year or two ago; I do not have the link but search over there in the Strategy Forum under Demographics.
Ah, I think I know what I meant to say....

Your power rating (supreme, strong, weak, etc) from the Foreign Affairs screen (F3) is the thing that tells you if you have a larger civ than the others.

I hadn't meant to focus on the army aspect in that.... (I guess that's what I get fro trying to post from work, huh?)

From what I remember, there is no real way to know if you have a larger army than another Civ.
Ah, here's info on Demographics.

Military Service is related to the umber of military units, but is also dependant on the other Civ's population, so you would have to know their population and military service level and then you can get an idea of how many units they have.

Yep, something I've never used.... :)
That's the one I was looking for. I think you can get the population from another of the stats and do some math to come up with the number of military units, but that does not tell you what kinds or how advanced they are. That's the job of Spies, anyway...
I don't know where to post else... so...

Formula for Disease:
50 * (citizens+1) / (citizens1 + 2*citizens2 + 3*citizens3 + citizens + 1)

citizens1 = all citizens in cities with just one of the improvements aqueduct, sewer system OR granary
citizens2 = all citizens in cities with just two of the improvements aqueduct, sewer system, granary
citizens3 = all citizens in cities with all three improvements aqueduct, sewer system AND granary

Pyramids counts ("just") as granary in all cities here too.

Possessing Medicine halves the value of disease.

Possessing the wonder "Cure for Cancer" halves the value of disease again.

I wrote my result here too:

It just took me one week to calculate it :crazyeye:
You're a master necromancer, you should probably play an RPG game :D
11 years...

Still I have to say that the demographics window often leaves me confused despite reading the explanation of how it's calculated multiple times.
On the subject of Demographics, the population seems to freeze at 320 millions and if you keep growing it eventually starts over (maybe at 640?). I guess there is no patch that fixes this but it bugs me since I sometime go for "largest emipre ever" as my goal rather than exterminate everyone or get the spaceship.

Maybe I should actually try to get into the Civ3/4 I got laying around?

Try the Civ2 Unlimited Patch :)

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