Tomatekh's Historical Religion Mods

I meant just for what you've written, yours and the official 43. I like what I saw in that file and want to include it I just want to know if it will work if I do.
If you switch the two preference files and delete the two comment out lines --[[ & --]] in the main lua file, it would probably work. Again, I don't remember the state I left them in so I can't be 100% sure. Though, it would mostly be for the official civs as to guarantee it working with my civs the mod would have to reference them (so unless you replace their preferences, them working would be up to the luck of load order). I'd suggest just copying over the official preferences into the main file and leaving the modded ones as they currently are if you're going to try it.
Tomatekh - I was thinking of making a custom religion for the upcoming Patagonian civs Hoop designed. It looks like we're going to have at least four civs in the pack, though, so I was wondering if you would be willing to add their religion to HRC instead of us having to add the religion to each civ individually? The name Hoop suggested is Temaukelism. I found this potential symbol for the religion:

Thank you for all your Civ modding work!
Fair enough. Thanks Tomatekh!

EDIT: our resident Patagonia expert Hoop suggests this symbol instead:

Tomatekh, do you handle the decisions for each of the religions?
The only real religious decision is the "Holy Festival" one, which is the same for every religion (though chooses a random yield each game) and in the base E&D mod. E&D also included unique flavor text for this decision for the base 13 religions.

Around two versions of HR ago I added flavor text for all of the other religions in the HR mod (so it shows up as "Perform a Bear Sacrifice" or "Hold an Egungun Festival", etc. depending on which religion you are using).

Besides that, it's possible to add a decision tied to a specific religion, but I haven't done it.

Last version of HR, I also added two events. I followed the same pattern where these events can fire for any religion, but they have unique flavor text depending on if you're using a certain religion.
I don't offhand - I'm only handling 2/4 civs that will be selecting this religion though. I can put the answer in once I have a little more work in.

Thank you Tomatekh!
Okay, HR Complete has been updated with Temaukelism. Regular HR might be a while off, as I recently had to move to a new computer and I can't seem to find the project files for regular HR anymore (and I'm too lazy to recreate the mod at the moment).

Forgot to post the technical info so people don't need to search the files:


Also, Imperial Cult is no longer disabled if you are using Piety, added an event image for the Spiritualism event, and added additional Great Prophet names.
If you switch the two preference files and delete the two comment out lines --[[ & --]] in the main lua file, it would probably work. Again, I don't remember the state I left them in so I can't be 100% sure. Though, it would mostly be for the official civs as to guarantee it working with my civs the mod would have to reference them (so unless you replace their preferences, them working would be up to the luck of load order). I'd suggest just copying over the official preferences into the main file and leaving the modded ones as they currently are if you're going to try it.

I followed your advice and copied over the preferences, but I apparently made an error that's causing the game to ignore this and go to default preferences Did I leave something out or put something where it wasn't supposed to go?
So I would need to copy that over the main file (making whatever preference changes to fit what I use)?
The only problem was that Japan chose Mahayana for some reason when I was testing to see if it worked.......which has left me REALLY confused! (I swear, I only want to do this for the original 43!) Lua looks like this:
function IsReligionAvailable(iReligion)
	for iPlayer = 0, GameDefines.MAX_MAJOR_CIVS - 1 do	
		local pPlayer = Players[iPlayer]
		if (pPlayer:IsEverAlive() and pPlayer:HasCreatedReligion() and pPlayer:GetReligionCreatedByPlayer() == iReligion) then
			return false
	return true

function OnGetReligionToFound(ePlayer, eCivDefaultReligion, bCivDefaultReligionFounded)
	local sPlayerCivType = GameInfo.Civilizations[Players[ePlayer]:GetCivilizationType()].Type
	for civReligion in GameInfo.Civilization_Religions("CivilizationType='" .. sPlayerCivType .. "'") do
		local iReligion = GameInfoTypes[civReligion.ReligionType]
		if (IsReligionAvailable(iReligion)) then
			return iReligion
	return eCivDefaultReligion
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