Could someone post their starting map for an Emperor or Deity win?


Nov 9, 2001
I'd like to move up from Monarch, but I'd prefer to make my first effort on a map where a win is possible. Could someone who has won at Emperor or Deity post the 4000 BC autosave from their game for others to try?
I've won twice on deity on tiny pangea 3 maps.

Emporer is much easier as I've won on normal pangea 3 and normal continents 3.

Just host up tiny pangea 3 maps, pangea 2 can sometimes put you on an island which is BAD, and when you master that go to a bigger map if you wish. Huge and Large maps will be extremely tough and extremely long games though 8(

Thanks for the tip -- I'll try it.

I may also try to find which byte in a saved game file records the difficulty. It would be fun to repaly a game at a highter level.
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