Varica: Children of the Sky

OOC: Awesome. I had better write that story which I've been promising you and not actually gotten round to writing!
OOC: Sorry guys, I didn't get it done in time. Wedding prep has me wrapped up entirely. I'll be unable to do anything today or the two days after, then I'll be back onto finishing the update. It's not my wedding though guys, just my bro's, so you won't have to worry about me leaving for a honeymoon.
OOC: Ya the idea of you getting married is like a never ending joke. But then again four years ago the same could have been said for your brother so don't give up hope :p
Do not be afraid of the those who face you. For your fathers overthrew yet a greater army, such that they would count this castle as a mere yoba ant hive, and their swords as mere stings which hurt for a time, but our shrugged away when one steals away the honeyed substance they had been protecting.

In the days when Hroth ruled in justice and peace his servant, Blargramr Battle-Wise, King over the Hrafn, arose, and gave battle to the Fulanti. Now in that day, the Fulanti spread across the northern lands like a forest, so that men could not take a step over the threshold of their house without fear of meeting a waiting Fulanti. But Blargramr arose, both he and his men, and armed themselves and with them came Nott, King over all the Ravens. And Blargramr smote the Fulanti, and they fled, as the night flees before Haeka’s fingery dawn. And Nott and all his subjects feasted on the dead Fulanti from dawn even until dusk, and still it seemed as if they had just begun eating so much of their battle-prepared food had been set before them by the Hrafn blades.

Now it so happened that the Fulanti’s flight took them past the halls of the water sprite Askati. Now Askati bore hatred in his heart against Nott, King of the Ravens, for he had deceived him and took from him a meteor which had fallen from Haeka’s abode. And he also bore a grudge for sword-mighty Blargramr, for it was at his request that Nott took the meteor from Askati’s watery halls. Therefore Askati sent a message to the chief of the Fulanti saying, “The battle has gone poorly for you, for the Hrafn drive you before them like a herd of saon being driven to pasture by their herders, pausing only to pick out one or two for slaughter for the evening feast of some powerful lord. But if you value your lives, flee to my shores. For I will protect you and fight against your foe, for he is my enemy as well as yours.”

So the Fulanti hearkened unto the message from the water spirit and took refuge by the shores of his watery domain. In the morning, the Hrafn arrayed their lines for battle. For they saw how the Fulanti huddled around the river as baby chicks huddle around their mother, and thought that they were trapped, being surrounded by the impassible river on one side and the Hrafn army on the other. Their warhorns sounded, and were answered, like an echo from some distant mountain, by long blasts of conch shells. From the river which the Hrafn thought would make a Fulanti grave came instead Askati’s army. First came the Nix, their usual pleasant songs replaced by songs of war imbued with magic so that all hearers found themselves transfixed with fright. Some were armed with harpoons which they cast at the Hrafn. When they struck shield, they pulled on the ropes attacked to the harpoons, ripping the Hrafn’s wooden protection from their grasp. Others changed their bodies into giant snakes, exchanging their harpoons for poisoned fang which they greedily stuck into Hrafn neck, devouring the bodies while the blood froze within them. Following them came fearsome Fuath, water running off their shaggy, yellow fur as they swung their spiked tail like a mace, smashing shield and spear. Finally came Askati himself, surrounded by his Ondine servants. He was standing in a giant shell pulled by a team of six kelpie, their black skin causing their Fulanti allies to reverence them in the mistaken belief that they were children of the Dark Powers they worshiped. Where Askati’s chariot passed, there the water writhed as a snake in its death throes, grasping battle-brave Hrafn warriors in its watery tentacles, not releasing its deathly grip until the breath of life in the warrior had been replaced by water.

Turning to the driver of his chariot, Askati exclaimed, “Quick, point out the King of those who oppose us, one Blargramr by name, for I would fain settle my grudge against him, when he took from my halls Haeka’s gift, the meteor which he cast from His halls into my lands as a sign of his favor to me.”

Then the driver pointed, “See the standard there, in the thickest part of the battle, the one which is black as night with silver-threaded words stitched into the border? That is the standard of Blargramr, King of the Hrafn. For that standard was given to him by his wife, Iddun the daughter of Lodur, the Earth-Spirit. For Iddun had sowed words of power into the standard, which she had learned from her father Lodur, who had learned them from his father, who learned it from his father, who had been taught them by Sara. For these words were of the language of creation, which were used by Haeka when he spoke everything into existence. Now in our tongue the words on the standard are thus: ‘Gaze upon Death, O Mighty Man, and despair.’ These words thus enchant the standard so that any who look at it becomes weak-kneed. And only the one strong of heart can stand against it. So Blargramr lifts his sword only against those mighty enough to overcome their terror. But those who flee like hares before the standard, those are slain by arrows to the back. For accompanying Blargramr are those too young to take their place in the shield wall, who carry javelins and darts and all manner of ranged weapons. These he lets loose upon those who flee before the standard’s enchantments so that they might become bloodied, and earn the proofs of their manhood.

Now underneath this standard stands Blargramr, your enemy. He is the one with the Fulanti skin thrown over his shoulders as a cloak and on his shield is the emblem which proclaims his linage, a mighty oak. For just as all the birds of the air nest in a mighty oak, so too do all the Ravenborne gather around him. For when he fights, his legs are as rooted to the ground, and he does not flee nor fall back, but overthrows the enemy both small and great. And beside him is his Queen, Iddun of the Nimble Fingers, for the Hrafn recognize no Queen but one who has fought in battle, and overcame their enemy. A bow she wields, and her arrows are crafted by her own hand. And each arrow has mechanical wings and so flies like a bird, chasing her target as a hunting bird chasing its prey, wherever it might go. Beside her are two golems, made completely of iron, of the kind which serve in her forge. These golems stand beside her in battle. So if any man is not slain by her arrows they are slain by her unfeeling companions. These are the enemies you have challenged.”

Now when he heard these things, Askati replied. “So I see what kind of foolish man has made of me an enemy. Now I shall meet him in battle and just as Haeka cast down his holy iron into my river, so I will cast this man Blargramr into the pit, which is eternal darkness. For he dared to lift his hand against me though only a mortal.”

Now while he was yet speaking, Nott, the King of the Ravens alighted on the banner of Blargramr. So Blargramr hailed him and asked him of the news of battle. For Blargramr had been in the thick of battle, and so knew not how the battle went, but only that none could stand before his blade.

So Nott, who had flown over all the battle related what he had seen. “You know how the Fulanti, the ancient enemies of your peoples had taken flight. For you are the chief among the Mighty Men of Varica, and none can stand before your blade. But as they were waiting, as cattle before the altar of Haeka waiting to be offered up as a sacrifice, so they were before you, our enemy Askati Green-Eyes arose, both he and his retainers, and gave battle to you. Now as I flew high above the fray, directing those of my kin who take the souls of the dead to Haeka’s throne, this is what I observed.

To the left stood the Warthane Jalla of the Lame-Arm, who I recognized by her shield which she carried slung over her shoulder, for her left arm was lame and so could not hold it. For from the air I espied her shield, which is emblazoned with the East Wind armed as for war. For while she was yet a raven, she had lived with the East Wind. For as all men know, the East Wind is a retainer of Haeka. And when Haeka harnesses the dragons to his chariot, in order to put the Darkness to flight, it is the East Wind who rides beside him, both he and all his warriors. For do not suppose that Haeka fights the Darkness alone. Nay, rather he commands a mighty host so that if all the warriors of Varica were gathered together, they would scarcely be large enough to be placed under the least of the Warthanes who serve Haeka. But among the Warthanes of Haeka the East Wind is reckoned. For it is he who guards the stables where the dragons who pull Haeka’s chariot are kept. So too the East Wind flies beside the chariot when it speeds into battle. And some of his warriors are used as messengers in the battle, for none can fly as fast as they, for no sooner has the words sprung from Haeka’s tongue than the air spirits of the east have carried it to his Warthanes. Others ride the lavabird into battle. Now the lavabird gains its name for this reason. When the lavabird becomes old or injured unto death, it travels to the holy mountain at the edge of the world. There it dips itself in the lava in the core of the mountain as a man dips in water for a bath. Immediately injuries and old age are burned away. So the lavabird continually renews itself. These are the birds that the warriors under the East Wind are accustomed to riding.

Now while she was yet a raven, Jalla served the East Wind. And the East Wind saw her and desired her, and made her his mistresses. Now it came to pass in one of the innumerable wars in heaven that Jalla was assailed by a drac. Now she killed the drac, but not before it had touched her left wing. Now as all know, that which is touched by a drac immediately begins to rot away. So too did Jalla’s left wing begin to smell and rot, and all of the East Wind’s doctors could do nothing for her. And the rot spread so that all began to fear for her life.

So the East Wind was distressed, for he loved her as his own life. Then Haeka saw the East Wind’s downcast countance and summoned him before His Great Light, asking him the cause of his distress. Then the East Wind bowed before the Throne seven times and not even daring to lift his head from the ground answered him, ‘O Lord, many years have I served you faithfully. For at no time did you go out to war unaccompanied by my warriors. And when you remained in your halls at no time did you fear, for I guarded you. And one of my warriors, one Jalla by name, who shared in my task, fought by your side a fortnight ago. And in this battle, she was touched by a drac and her wing began to rot. Now the rot is spreading and we all fear that she will die.’

Then Haeka ordered her to be brought before Him, and He touched her. And immediately the rot was burned away by his glorious light. But such was His glory that Jalla’s wing caught fire and burned from the holy flame. So even now, when she had been turned into a haecomus her left arm was lame from where Haeka had touched her.

This woman is the one who rallied your troops on the left when they had been assaulted by the Nix and Fuath. And beside her stood her two sons. Now these are truly the sons of the East Wind, as their miraculous birth attests. For when Jalla went into labor and delivered her litter, behold, they all came out as eggs, each a light blue in color as the sky. And when they hatched, each one had on their back white wings. And the East Wind recognized them as his children and gave each one two minor winds. And the first wind would take the arrows they shot and take them wherever they wished. And the second wind stayed always beside them, and when an enemy raised their sword or spear against them, the wind would blow a little and cause the blade to turn aside, and cleave only air. So Jalla’s litter became renowned far and wide as great warriors doing honor to their father’s name. Now the name of the oldest was Veðr and the name of the youngest Vindr. These three held firm the flank of your army, though they could not advance. For the river thrashed about as a snake, clutching in its coils any who tried to go near. So fares your left.

And on your right your men were similarly worsted. Then arose Dyr the Fulanti who I recognized quite easily. For it is his custom to fight naked with no armor nor cloak, nor any covering. Neither carries he any weapon but the claws of a slain Fulanti which he wears as gloves. And in battle he is as a wild beast in savagery and reason, and for this reason men gave him the nickname ‘Fulanti.’ Now Dyr is not one of the Hrafn but a wild-man.

It happened that when the Hrafn first moved into the lands that Hroth had given them as a reward for their service, that Blargramr had sent out hunters to catch meat for a feast he was to hold. But the hunters came back empty handed. And each one had some wound, as if they had just come from a fierce battle. Hearing this, Blargramr summoned them to appear before him so that he might hear the cause for their failure. When they came before him, each one stood silently as warriors before their lord until Blargramr bid them speak. Then the chief among them arose and spoke, ‘We stand before you empty handed not out of incompetence or bad luck as you might suppose. For truly this land is abundant in all kinds of wildlife so that if one merely shoots an arrow into the air you are likely to hit something. But as we were gathering together the prey which we had caught, a man came out of the woods. I call him a man, though he looked more beast than man. This man attacked us with fist and tooth, routing us. Now if you hold it against us that one man was able to overcome us, know that it was like facing a yomba or a fulanti, or some other fierce creature rather than a man.’

Then Blargramr desired in his heart to see what kind of man this was who could so easily overthrow even Hrafn warriors. So he left, together with twenty-five of his warriors, to see if they could find him. So it came to pass, as they entered the forest that they found him hunched over a kill, consuming the meat raw. Then Blargramr said, ‘I know not whether this is a man or beast which stands before me but I have heard rumors that there is no doubt to its strength. Therefore one of you go down, I pray, and meet him in battle so that I might see the truth of the matter with my own eyes.’

So one of Blargramr’s companions, by the name of Skegg the son of Gron went down with his sword and shield. But Dyr considered Skegg’s weapons as twigs, so little did he esteem them. And Dyr picked up Skegg and threw him against a tree so that Skegg’s arms broke. Seeing Dyr’s strength, Blargramr exclaimed, ‘If one could gain for me this warrior, I would make him Warthane of half my warriors.’

Hearing Blargramr’s oath, many of his warriors sought to bring Dyr to him. Some tried force, but they were easily defeated. Seeing that none of the warriors could match the wild-man in battle, some sought to persuade him using gold or iron or other things men value. But they all failed, for Dyr was uncivilized and so held gold and iron and other things as nothing. So Blargramr despaired of having Dyr added to his warband. Then one warrior, a woman by the name of Vaenn came up a plan. Going into the forest where Dyr was known to haunt, went to a river where his custom was to drink. Then she took off her clothes and began bathing. Now it came to pass, when Dyr came to the river to drink, he espied the bathing Vaenn. And he beheld that she was beautiful and desire grew within him, and he went to take hold of her. But Vaenn fled before his advance and outran him. The same thing happened the next day, and the day after, continuing for a week. And Dyr burned with passion towards Vaenn and could think of nothing else but her.

Finally on the seventh day, Dyr called out to her, ‘Oh woman, if indeed you are a woman and not some goddess, why do you flee from me?’

Then Vaenn answered him saying, ‘What would you have me do?’

‘My lady,’ Dyr called out in reply, ‘I would that I would come to you as a male deer comes to a female in spring.’

‘If I do such a thing you must swear to me an oath.’

Then Dyr swore an oath, that he would do anything she asked, if she would become his. So Vaenn made him swear that he would bind himself to Blargramr, and serve him as a bondwarrior until his death. And Dyr swore an oath that he would fight beside Blargramr from that day forward until the day he died. So Dyr came into Vaenn and she was made his wife. And from that day forward he served Blargramr. And Vaenn became one of the greatest of Blargramr’s warthanes, for Dyr fought beside her. But many men said that he was more Vaenn’s pet than husband, such was his wildness.

This Dyr is the one who arose on your right. As a leaf is tossed around by a mighty whirlwind, so the enemy was tossed about by Dyr. But though none could stand before him, neither great nor small, still he could not advance on account of the river which swallowed any warrior who came near as a gluttonous man feasts on saon and beer.

These things are what I saw as I flew over the battle. But look! Lift up your eyes, for even now Askati comes before you, riding in his chariot.” Such was the report of Nott, King of the Ravens.

Then Blargramr lifted up his eyes and saw Askati coming towards him in a chariot. And he lifted up his spear and cast it at Askati. And it hit Askati’s shield and burrowed into it, even unto the shaft. Then Askati cast away his shield, lest he be burdened by it. And Askati and Blargramr came together with the sound of thunder during a fierce storm. And the earth trembled beneath them as the waves of water, such was the clash of their arms. And Blargramr swung his sword at Askati, and such was the force that it cleaved him from head to waist. And the sword became stuck and he could not pull it out. But Askati remained unharmed. For as a water spirit he could take many forms, just as water can fill jugs of many sizes and shapes. And Askati turned into a giant bull, his horns were the length of a man’s arms, and Blargramr’s sword fell to the ground, leaving only a small scar on Askati’s forhead.

So Blargramr grabbed Askati’s horns and broke them as if they were a cheap clay pot cast on the floor. Then Askati turned into a mighty serpent. And its length was such that one could stand at the head and not see the tail. But Blargramr plucked up a giant boulder and crushed Askati’s head. Then he turned into a Fulanti, whose size made others appear as infants. And he grabbed Blargramr, and his claws sunk into his back until they broke through in his stomach. But Blargramr grabbed Askati by the head and snapped his neck. So Askati turned back into his original form. Then Blargramr picked up his sword, Raven-Feeder, and cut off Askati’s head. But Askati tried to change his form yet again. But Blargramr kept cutting off pieces of Askati’s body, until there was nothing left.

Then the river, which had been coiling as a snake, collapsed, and went back to its normal course. And the Nix, and the Fuath, and the Ondine, and all the creatures of the river, seeing their master dead, fled into their watery home. And the Hrafn gave a great shout, and pressed the attack. Then the Fulanti, abandoned by their allies, died where they stood. But some sought sanctuary in the river, where their allies had just disappeared. These drowned, the thing which had been their sanctuary becoming their grave.

But Blargramr did not allow the river-dwellers to flee his wrath. For he took all the bodies of the Fulanti, which he had slain, and cast them into the river. Such were their numbers that they dammed the waters, making dry land. So Askati’s hall was exposed to the air. Then Blargramr and all his men attacked the hall. And some they killed, and some they made their slaves. And the hall was destroyed, until one timber did not touch another. And all the treasures of the deep, of which Askati had boasted of were taken away. So Askati’s name was eradicated from the earth. Even unto this day, none know where Askati’s hall once stood, for Blargramr had made it desolate. Such was the armies of your fathers, and the victories their right hands won, so that even the spirits trembled at their footsteps.
Update 5: AF 148

Great Happenings

The Wild War
As waves of wild Drisili head southwards into the heartland of the civilized thune, hurried negotiations have resulted in a truce between Tessilki and the Tikeecee. The Tessil have called the leaders of all the thune cities together to settle their differences. The Tessil proposed a new league to reconquer the lands of the Tikeecee in order to free their Yirshian League allies and Tarnee from Tikeecee domination. The Drisili migrations and their root cause in Mannioc are the real problem, they argue. Fighting the Tikeecee refugees simply weakens everyone.

Tarnee, the other Tikeecee groups, and the lesser states of the Yirshian League all supported the new League. But Cirici proved to be the main obstacle. They refused to abandon their war against Karski so close to victory. The Karskians refused to send warriors to the north with Cirician warriors on their doorstep. Risano remains aloof, arguing that the wars do not concern them.

The new Freedom League has spent the year mustering its soldiers and forming a line of defense against the Drisili that still pour south. The Freedom League has held, for the first time bringing major victories to the civilized thune, but the Tikeecee and Tarnee are at the breaking point from so many past years of warfare and catastrophic losses.

The Cirici March Again
Though a new bulwark has formed to the north, the war continues to the south. The new Karskian commander, Hriis, a brash populist politician has taken control after the failure of the old aristocracy commander Rii. Hriis decided to take the fight to the Cirici. Gathering their allies, the Karskians bypassed Kissulin and Yirshia on a quick-march to Cirici itself deep in enemy territory.

The Cirici were surprised at first. They were unsure how to deal with this mad move. But the walls of the great city-states are strong and the Cirici will sure that the Karskians, despite their preponderance of engineers, would fail to take their city. A ten-month siege ensued, without the complication of a Manische winter to get in the way. But with so many enemy strongholds and warriors at their back, the Karskians found themselves in a dire logisitical situation. The Cirici burned their winter crops as Hriis’ army advanced, leaving them nothing to forage. As hunger set in, the Sbissians and other allies began to desert Hriis. The smarter of the Karskians able to do so fled with them.

The remainder battered the walls of Cirici with their siege engines. By the end of the summer, they had done what was thought impossible. In a costly assault, they forced themselves through a breach in the walls. But what they found on other side was an empty, burned out ring between the outer and inner walls. Siege engines rained fire down on the Karskians as they scrambled for cover.

Hriis focused all of his attention on a single spot in the inner walls, but even after he made a miraculous breach, his men lacked the spine and energy to exploit it. Exhausted, hungry, and frustrated, the Karskians turned back home. The Yumin harried them across the plains as they marched home sapping them of even more of their strength. As they passed Kissulin, the Cirici army made their move. They fell upon the Karskians and slaughtered them. It is said that only one in ten of the Karskians sent on the expedition returned home. Hriis was not one of them. (Note: Battles among the thune normally result in about 1/10 of the participants involved becoming casualties.)

The Manische War

Forces Remaining:
The Allied Varican Army – Besieging Eicain
- Commanded by Haecadem II of Werhold, Thane Kaleden serves as his second
- Army of King Haecadem II: 430 Archers, 345 Spearmen, 275 Tiaka, 75 Raeka
- Werar Reinforcements: 200 Archers, 200 Spearmen, 100 Tiaka, 90 Raeka
- Dolu Contingent: 300 Spearmen, 100 Archers, 100 Raeka
- Validiran Contingent: 45 Raeka led by Prince Miaeus
- Gibraly Contingent: 545 Archers, led by Captain Berg
- Sisiric Auxiliaries: 100 Thune Skirmishers, 25 Scorpions, 10 Heavy Ballistae, 2 Siege Towers, 1 Battering Ram
- Boheort’s relief column: 150 Spearmen, 150 Archers, 80 Tiaka, 10 Raeka
- Bendar: 340 Warriors, 115 Skirmishers, 60 Aikings
- Yamar: 280 Warriors, 100 Skirmishers, 50 Aikings
The Black Army – at Rohefna
- Commanded by King Vigvitr, seconded by Queen Jyanna (de facto commander)
- Hrafn: 290 Spearmen, 155 Archers, 270 Tiaka, 200 Raeka, 1 Light Weapon (Dalrir)
- Hrafn Volunteers: 15 Warriors, 5 Skirmishers, 2 Aikings
- Romadi: 160 Tiaka, 100 Warriors, 10 Aikings, 2 Seers led by King Goros
- Imperial Varican Detachment: 155 Archers, 160 Spearmen, 290 Tiaka led by Hronu, seconded by Coil
- Sisiric: 180 Thune Skirmishers
Rohefna Garrison (formerly Jozioc):
- Hrafn: 150 Archers, 150 Spearmen, 100 Raeka
- Tessil: 20 Engineers, 12 Heavy Ballistae
The Imperial Army – Besieging Eicain
- Commanded by Emperor Hroth V, seconded by Regent Hroak
- Other Notables: Vallari, Matteo, Callista
- Hrothnani Contingent: 270 Warriors, 75 Skirmishers, 85 Aikings, 330 Spearmen, 315 Archers, 310 Raeka
- Oerdan Contingent: 270 Warriors, 75 Skirmishers, 85 Aikings, 210 Crossbowmen, 100 Raeka led by Prince Haraenicar
- Teral Contingent: 435 Spearmen,295 Archers under Prince Teclia
- Valdiran Contingent: 200 Spearmen, 225 Archers, 75 Tiaka, 20 boats led by King Naxis
- Huroto Contingent: 175 Archers, 145 Spearmen, 50 Tiaka, 55 Raeka led by Thane Rutor Lassa.
- Bexian Contingent: 200 Archers, 300 Spearmen
- Isok half levy: 180 Warriors, 60 Skirmishers, 30 Aikings
- Bendor half levy: 140 Warriors, 30 Skirmishers, 20 Aikings
- Trossa: 280 Warriors, 100 Skirmishers, 50 Aikings
Tikeecee Remnant - Besieging Silisre
- Tikeecee: 200 Pikemen, 100 Skirmishers, 50 Crossbowmen
- Zostor refugees: 100 Zostor Skirmishers
- Drisili refugees: 100 Warriors
The Army of the West Wind– At Zioc
- Commanded by Prince Zarbi, seconded by Princess Zarbia (sorry, made a mistake with their names last update)
- Ducal Oathmen of Zio: 1200 Manische Spearmen, 280 Manni Blood Brothers, 140 Thune Skirmishers, 1 Star Warrior (Duke Zio) led by Duke Zio, seconded by Lady Rian the Hyren
- Ducal Oathmen of Frulin: 780 Manische Spearmen, 195 Manni Blood Brothers, 90 Thune Skirmishers, 2 Star Warriors (Frula, Hyral the Hyren) led by Duke Frulia
- Princely Contingent of Hymbae: 170 Imperial Guardsmen, 35 Yomba Cavalry
- Princely Contingent of Zarbi: 480 Imperial Guard, 290 Yomba Cavalry
The Army of Prince Hymbae – Besieged at Eicain
- Commanded by Prince Hymbae, seconded by Lord Ubjion
- Princely Contingent of Hymbae: 400 Imperial Guard, 200 Yomba Cavalry, 2 Star Warriors (Lord Ubjion, Logun) led by Lord Hysos
- Ducal Oathmen of Locia: 1000 Manische Spearmen, 250 Manni Blood Brothers, 100 Thune Skirmishers, 2 Star Warriors (Lord Ucae, Hijon) led by Lord Ucae
- 4 Mangonels
The Army of the South Wind – at Locioc
- Commanded by Duke Jorrae, seconded by chief Sillage of the Drissili
- Ducal Oathmen of Jorrae: 1200 Manische Spearmen, 250 Manni Blood Brothers, 220 Thune Skirmishers, 3 Star Warriors (Jorrae, Valon, Krai)
- Drissili: 500 Warriors
The Army of the North Wind
- Commanded by Prince Pillae, seconded by Fruci
- Ducal Oathmen of Focioc: 1600 Manische Spearmen, 400 Manni Blood Brothers, 140 Thune Skirmishers, 3 Star Warriors (Horae, Borain, Lohi) led by Duke Fica
- Ducal Oathmen of Losain: 1400 Manische Spearmen, 300 Manni Blood Brothers, 360 Thune Skirmishers, 2 Star Warriors (Losae, Usae) led by Duke Losae
- Princely Contingent of Pillae: 600 Imperial Guard, 300 Yomba Cavalry, 2 Star Warriors (Pillae, Fruza)
The Holy Army of the God-Emperor
- Commanded by Emperor Manische
- Oathmen of Mannioc: 1000 Manische Spearmen, 600 Manni Blood Brothers, 6 Star Warriors (Manische, 5 others)
- Imperial Guard: 1000 Imperial Guard, 400 Yomba Cavalry
Drisili of Silisre – Besieged in Silisre
- 340 Warriors
- Ducal Oathmen of Zioc: 120 Manische Spearmen, 20 Manni Blood Brothers

A Prince Falls
Haecadem and Hroak conference as the first frost blanketed the fields outside Eicain with a glistening white sheen. They were of one mind on the fate of Eicain: it must fall and soon. The assault would be preceded with a massive bombardment from artillery, light weapons, and archers. A multitude of assaults would follow it, each led by one of the major contingents. The Black Army was summoned south to join the assault. When they arrived, the assault was launched.

Hundreds of missiles crashed into the walls as the Varican bombardment started. Two smaller breaches were created through the long siege, one the target of Haecadem’s Werar and the other the target of Hroak’s Hrothnani. The Hrafn, Oerdan, and Tera/Huroto and Validirans/minor tribes led four other escalades, mostly diversions, but still deadly if left unchecked by the defenders.

The Varicans advanced carrying large wooden shields in the style of the Manische. They kept away most of the smaller missiles as the warriors advanced, but the heavier bolts and stones broke through. Still, more men made it to the walls than the defenders had hoped. The Tera and Huroto at the main gate tried their best to beat them down with their thune battering ram. Manische rushed to brace the gates, weakening the defenses from the true attacks spearheaded by Hroak and Haecadem.

The Manische fought hard, but the weakness brought on by hunger told. They inflicted a terrifying toll on the Varicans, but it did nothing to stop the invaders. Inspired by the leadership of their kings the Varicans pressed on, even over the body of Prince Teclia of the Tera.

As the outer wall fell, the Prince unleashed his last surprise. Those of his Yomba cavalry who were still heathy mounted their steeds and made for the only sally port still under their control. A hundred and fifty riders fled from the falling city. They tore a hole through the Oerdan assaulting that section of the wall. Many were cut down by the Oerdan crossbowmen, but those who survived wrecked havoc on the unfortunate Oerdan even slaying their commander, Prince Haraenicar. Lord Hijion burned a hole through their lines with the terrifying power of the firepike, the personal star-weapon of Prince Hymbae. The Oerdan fled from the man in terror, but a lucky shot from a Romadi skirmisher placed an arrow in the man’s back. Ubjion and Ucae led the remaining Yomba to safety with the army of Jorrae.

With the outer walls fallen and his remaining men on their last legs, Hymbae decided his final duty was to his men and not to his Emperor. He accepted Haecadem’s offer of surrender. In the end, two princes of Varica lay dead among many hundreds of their warriors, but two star weapons were captured from Hijion and Hymbae along with eight hundred prisoners and the Prince himself.

The Sleeping Giant Wakes
The Manische Emperor has finally been roused from his capital of Mannioc. He leads a powerful army of elite warriors and a massive supply train. He has reorganized the ducal and princely forces of into five armies: the armies of the four winds and his own personal Holy Army. With the arrival of the Holy Army, the west, north, and south winds approached the Varican camps from the direction their winds blow. They were slowed by the ponderous Holy Army, but the Manische are known for their patience. Their new forces add more than 8,000 men to their already sizable army. The Varican reinforcements trickling in from the far corners of the Empire can’t hope to match the size of the Manische force, but the Manische are finally throwing in the majority of their forces, while many Varican states keep the bulk of their armies at home to guard against rival kings or ambitious cousins.

Siege of Silisre
Haecadem decided that a decisive strike against Silisre was essential to victory this year. Gaining another supply base and gaining the support of the various northern tribes would greatly aide him in the coming campaign. Hroak dug in further at Eicain while Jyanna commanded the defense of Rohefna.

The lighter siege equipment arrived at the thune town first, along with the Werar warriors. Lucky shots from the ballistae broke a large hole in the wall. Despite their usual ferocity, the Drisili were unwilling to throw their lives away for a hopeless cause. They surrendered to Haecadem. The Drisili were driven from the city with a promise not to fight for the Manische again. The Tikeecee and their allies quickly occupied the city. Other Zostor, Tikeecee, and anti-Manische Drisili refugees began to congregate at Esre and Silisre.

Most of the besieging force joined Haecadem in their march back to Eicain. The siege concluded quickly enough that Haecadem could move on Zioc before the Emperor arrived. It would be a race against time, but one that the Varicans, flush with victory, were certain they could win.

Death throes
Haecadem and Hroak hoped to strike a third decisive blow to the Manische and their alliance by destroying the duchy of Zioc once and for all. Haecadem’s reinforcements arrived from the south with no issues, but those coming from the west were delayed by the Hyren attack on Rissik. They would arrive, but not before the Emperor did.

Hroak decided to be bold and lead an attack on Zioc. Haecadem was of the same mind, having planned to do so if Silisre was neutralized in time. The two led their armies together towards the ducal capital. Jyanna remained in Rohefna to defend the northern flank should the North Wind decide to on a quick attack southwards.

Haecadem hoped that the Frulion forces would wait for the Emperor, but instead he found them inside the walls of Zioc when he arrived. He was determined to attempt the siege anyways. Haecadem held the siege until the start of summer with no results. Apparently Prince Zarbi brought enough supplies to satisfy the continually half-starved Zioc garrison. Haecadem’s scouts reported the approach of the Holy Army soon after, as well as the South and North winds approaching Eicain and Rohefna.

The Varicans decided to destroy the Holy army in the field. Haecadem would deploy in ambush while Hroak pretended to perform a hap-hazard retreat bogged down by the siege train. With the Dolu and Gibraly finally in the campaign theater, Haecadem waited in ambush for the Zioc warriors to arrive.

This time, the Manische would be caught off guard and separated. The Zioc and Frulion warriors advanced against Hroak oblivious to the warriors hiding on the other side of high the thick berry bushes obscuring the nearby village of Vulioc from view.
They advanced towards the Varicans at full tilt, ready to avenge the insults repeatedly done to their duchy. The Varican line held against the initial charge. Haecadem struck hard and fast from the flank and rear, catching the entire Zioc contingent from three sides. The Manische panicked. Only Zarbi was able to gather his professional forces together in time to save them. The other Manische broke and ran if they could, or surrendered if they could not.

For the first time in the war, a decisive, one-sided victory had been won. Among their hundreds of prisoners were the star warriors of Duke Frulia, his daughter Frula and her bodyguard Hyral the Hyren. Hyral’s oathsister, the Lady Rian, second wife of Duke Zio, was also captured.

The allies were flushed with a third victory and eager not to end up confined in the walls of Eicain as Hymbae had been. They decided to test their luck and catch the Emperor himself in a second ambush. Haecadem’s scouts harried Zarbi’s army away from the Holy Army to prevent the surprise from being ruined. Six days later, they would have their chance.

Second Battle of Vulioc
The Emperor might be slow, old and dulled, but his large lethargic form hid the heart of a warrior and the mind of a true statesmen. The God-Emperor Manische was not one to be trifled with.

This time, Hroak hoped to meet the Emperor on the north side of the village, far from the hastily hidden battleground. But the Emperor took one look at the tiny Varican army and knew there must be more hidden from view. This time, Haecadem hid in two parts. One part in the fields to the south and the other in the forest to the north. Thune scouts clashed with Yomba cavalry as the two forces attempted to hide their movements.

The Emperor summoned his servants and bade them bring the holy crown of Eisoc. The Emperor put on the holy crown and lowered the magic eyepieces. Through his wit and will, the crown confirmed his suspicions. He ordered his Star Warriors to gather together and ride with him towards the place of honour on the left flank, facing the woods where they would wait for his signal. He ordered his most loyal Star Warrior to take his own firepike and infiltrate the forest on foot.

Jurios, greatest Star Warrior the Manische have ever known, crept into the forest. For two hours he crept as the two armies stared at each other, skirmishing in the wings, both delaying. When the time was right, he used his firepike to set the forest ablaze from within, behind the Varicans hiding there. The Varicans panicked. Some broke ranks, fleeing towards their lines. Others ran towards the Manische and were struck by the crossbows of the Imperial Guard. Using it as a signal, the Yomba cavalry and the Star Warriors among charged into the fields, light-weapons blazing ahead of them. They tore into the surprised Werar and forced them to flight.

Hroak committed his army in the hopes of saving his allies. They advanced through withering fire, the heavy crossbows sometimes breaking through the large, Manische inspired shields. This was no army of levies, this was a real army. Raeka fought Guardsmen with all their might, Tiaka tried again and again to smash the shields of their opponents. They were counter-charged by Blood-Brothers and forced to fight on even terms.

The Varicans called the retreat in order to save what was left of their army. Those with light-weapons covered the retreat of the Varicans and blunted the pursuit. It was not as total a victory for the Manische as the first battle of Vulioc was for Varica, but Hroth V would feel the loss more keenly. The Varican commanders were lucky indeed. The Huroto thane and Validiran king both suffered wounds in the battle, as did Bohoert, though not as serious as those he suffered before. Only the priest Vallari was found to be among the missing. One Tiaka claimed to have seen him stabbed by a Varican soldier, but surely such rumours cannot be true.

The Emperor showed none of the typical lack of initiative that characterized his western dukes. His yomba pursued the Varicans mercilessly, but the thune and Haecadem’s other scouts managed to force them away before they could too much damage. Thankfully for the Varicans, their siege train was now several days ahead on the march back to Eicain. The engineers abandoned the heavy offensive siege weaponry but retained the smaller, more mobile weapons that would be useful if the army found itself bottled up in Eicain. Such a situation was exactly what the Varicans soon found themselves in.

The Black Army did its best to protect the flanks of the larger army while the North Wind closed in. Eventually, they were driven into the fortress of Rohefna. Jyanna and Goros were well prepared for a siege. The endless supply of food and other necessities were stocked high in every room of the castle town. An army of slaves prepared the fortifications to protect from assault. The Black Army was sure the city would not fall to starvation. They prepared themselves for the bloody work of holding their new lands.

The armies of Haecadem and Hroak returned to Eicain. The city was as well supplied as Rohefna thanks to the continued logistic support from the kings and thanes of Varica. Those left behind had been put to work repairing the city and preparing emplacements for the siege weapons of the thune. Though not as well prepared as Rohefna, Eicain was larger, with stronger walls and more defenders. It would not fall easily to the Emperor’s horde.

The thune and zostor allies retreated to Silisre in the hopes of dividing the Manische. They succeded, drawing the Emperor’s army away.

The forces of both sides rested on either side of their walls and waited. At the first frost, the Emperor Manische left, burning the thune lands behind him. His compatriots left for winter quarters as well, leaving the peasants of Zio and Locia with only enough food to survive on. It is certain that the Emperor’s armies will march again, this time with an entire year to assail the walls of the Varican strongholds. Will the Varicans bravely hold the line until reinforcements arrive? Will they attempt a bold strike before the Manische can move to besiege them? Or is there still a chance at peace? Only time will tell.

- Gibraly and Dolu losses include those lost in the attack on their caravan by the Hyren (see: The Tolling of Bells)
- Eicain captured in assault, a few leaders escape, Prince Hymabe and some light weapons captured
- Massive Manische reinforcements arrive
- Army of the West Wind destroyed, Zioc out of the war
- Varican Army smashed by the Emperor Manische
- Varicans armies besieged, all take some losses and light damage from winter (especially southerners who have yet to adjust)
- Manische return to winter quarters without attempting an assault.

Forces Remaining:
The Allied Varican Army –Eicain
- Commanded by Haecadem II of Werhold, Thane Kaleden serves as his second
- Other notables: Boheort
- Army of King Haecadem II: 450 Archers, 425 Spearmen, 305 Tiaka, 130 Raeka
- Dolu Contingent: 190 Spearmen, 65 Archers, 85 Raeka
- Validiran Contingent: 25 Raeka led by Prince Miaeus
- Gibraly Contingent: 355 Archers, led by Captain Berg
- Sisiric Auxiliaries: 70 Thune Skirmishers, 30 Scorpions, 10 Heavy Ballistae
- Bendar: 260 Warriors, 90 Skirmishers, 45 Aikings
- Yamar: 220 Warriors, 80 Skirmishers, 40 Aikings
The Imperial Army –Eicain
- Commanded by Emperor Hroth V, seconded by Regent Hroak
- Other Notables: Matteo
- Hrothnani Contingent: 140 Warriors, 35 Skirmishers, 50 Aikings, 180 Spearmen, 180 Archers, 185 Raeka
- Oerdan Contingent: 100 Warriors, 30 Skirmishers, 40 Aikings, 110 Crossbowmen, 45 Raeka led by lord Jaerar
- Teral Contingent: 225 Spearmen,155 Archers under thane Sorocles
- Valdiran Contingent: 90 Spearmen, 110 Archers, 35 Tiaka, 20 boats led by King Naxis
- Huroto Contingent: 90 Archers, 80 Spearmen, 25 Tiaka, 30 Raeka led by Thane Rutor Lassa.
- Bexian Contingent: 120 Archers, 200 Spearmen
- Isok half levy: 120 Warriors, 40 Skirmishers, 20 Aikings
- Bendor half levy: 100 Warriors, 20 Skirmishers, 10 Aikings
- Trossa: 200 Warriors, 70 Skirmishers, 35 Aikings
The Black Army –Rohefna
- Commanded by King Vigvitr, seconded by Queen Jyanna (de facto commander)
- Hrafn: 225 Spearmen, 120 Archers, 210 Tiaka, 170 Raeka, 1 Light Weapon (Dalrir)
- Romadi: 150 Tiaka, 90 Warriors, 10 Aikings, 2 Seers led by King Goros
- Imperial Varican Detachment: 120 Archers, 120 Spearmen, 190 Tiaka led by Hronu, seconded by Coil
- Sisiric: 170 Thune Skirmishers
Rohefna Garrison:
- Hrafn: 130 Archers, 140 Spearmen, 95 Raeka
- Tessil: 17 Engineers, 12 Heavy Ballistae, 20 Scorpions
Tikeecee Remnant –Silisre
- Tikeecee: 120 Pikemen, 60 Skirmishers, 30 Crossbowmen
- Zostor refugees: 60 Zostor Skirmishers
- Drisili refugees: 40 Warriors

The Army of the West Wind– Zioc
- Commanded by Prince Zarbi, seconded by Princess Zarbia (sorry, made a mistake with their names last update)
- Princely Contingent of Zarbi: 500 Imperial Guard, 260 Yomba Cavalry
- Princely Contingent of Hymbae: Absorbed into Zarbi’s contingent
- Ducal Oathmen of Zio: 600 survivors disband, refuse to fight offensively again. Duke Zio and his light weapon remain with a skeleton garrison.
- Ducal Oathmen of Frulin: 480 Manische Spearmen, 140 Manni Blood Brothers, 60 Thune Skirmishers, led by Uliae
The Army of Prince Hymbae – Surrendered, 800 prisoners remain, mostly sick or injured
The Army of the South Wind – Locioc
- Commanded by Duke Jorrae, seconded by chief Sillage of the Drissili
- Ducal Oathmen of Jorrae: 1130 Manische Spearmen, 230 Manni Blood Brothers, 200 Thune Skirmishers, 3 Star Warriors (Jorrae, Valon, Krai)
- Princely Contingent of Hymbae: 100 Yomba Cavalry, 2 Star Warriors (Lord Ubjion, Ucae) led by Lord Hysos
- Drissili: 480 Warriors
The Army of the North Wind – ???
- Commanded by Prince Pillae, seconded by Fruci
- Ducal Oathmen of Focioc: 1120 Manische Spearmen, 230 Manni Blood Brothers, 200 Thune Skirmishers, 3 Star Warriors (Horae, Borain, Lohi) led by Duke Fica
- Ducal Oathmen of Losain: 1140 Manische Spearmen, 240 Manni Blood Brothers, 210 Thune Skirmishers, 2 Star Warriors (Losae, Usae) led by Duke Losae
- Princely Contingent of Pillae: 580 Imperial Guard, 280 Yomba Cavalry, 2 Star Warriors (Pillae, Fruza)
The Holy Army of the God-Emperor – Zioc
- Commanded by Emperor Manische
- Oathmen of Mannioc: 710 Manische Spearmen, 470 Manni Blood Brothers, 6 Star Warriors (Manische, 5 others)
- Professional Forces: 800 Imperial Guard, 330 Yomba Cavalry
The Army of the East Wind – ???
- Commanded by Prince Vos
- Princely Contingent of Vos ??????????
- Ducal Oathmen of Rojion ??????????
- Ducal Oathmen of Vojion ??????????
Drisili of Silisre – Surrendered, 400 prisoners remain
The Tolling of Bells

Forces Involved:
Northern Assfell Garrisons
- Commanded by Warthane Lysa
- 350 Spearmen, 300 Archers, 104 Tiaka, 10 boats
- Kaku and Reyli Warband: 140 Warriors, 50 Skirmishers, 20 Aikings
- Sterkveggr half-warband: 110 Warriors, 40 Skirmishers, 20 Aikings
- Gullholt half-warband: 85 Warriors, 30 Skirmishers, 15 Aikings
- Gnott half-warband: 265 Warriors, 90 Skirmishers, 45 Aikings
Rissik Garrison
- Commanded by Chief Riciki of the western Sisiric, seconded by Earl Beriar of Werhold
- Werar: 50 Archers, 50 Spearmen
- Sisiric: 250 Thune Skirmishers
- Hrafn Relief Column: 150 Archers, 150 Spearmen, 100 Raeka led by the Raeka-Priest Warthane Ofvisi
Sisiric Freeholds
- Commanded by Council of Chiefs
- 400 Thune skirmishers
Southern Host
- Commanded by Lady Arba
- Hyren Warhost: 500 Warriors, 250 Hunters, 25 Domnul
- Mirolu Warhost: 400 Warriors, 200 Hunters, 20 Domnul
- Esen Warhost: 400 Warriors, 200 Hunters, 20 Domnul
- White Ladies: 100 White Ladies, 1 Bell Eternal, 300 Bellmen
Western Host
- Commanded by Lady Cridye
- Basce Warhost: 400 Warriors, 200 Hunters, 20 Domnul
- Hyvur Warhost: 400 Warriors, 200 Hunters, 20 Domnul
- Kurlen Warhost: 400 Warriors, 200 Hunters, 20 Domnul

They kill our men. They force us to give what we have to their foolish kings half a world away. They melt the bells to forge more weapons to enslave us. They drive us away from the true light of Hyrus to their false god Haeka. Do they not know the sun is merely a gift from Hyrus? Their god exists only in the light, but our true god is the god of light and dark. He is always with us. We carry his voice with us and we are his interpreters to the world. We come at night because their magic is weakest then, for their false god abandons them every night, while ours gives us strength when we need it most. We are the Hyren, the beloved children of Hyrus. We speak the language of the bells and they call out for your destruction.

Flames Across the Border
The shadows north of Assfell are not ghosts after all. They have turned out to be something much, much worse.

In the time of Adalbrandr the Hrafn campaigned north to claim lands for Varica that no Emperor had ever claimed. In doing so they conquered the Kaku and Reyki, two tribes of the Hyren, a Haecomus people of the north and west. The Hyren were disunited but proud. They fought hard, but alone. The Kaku and Reyki submitted in time. The rest of the Hyren recognized the power of the Varicans. They met in a great conclave held by their religious leaders, the white ladies chosen by Hyrus. There they united for the first time in centuries to drive out the invaders. They called out to the only one who would listen, the only nation that could stand up to the Varican juggernaught. Duke Zio answered the call in the name of his Emperor. It was there that Adalbrandr and Zio fought and destroyed one another. It is here again that the war moves as the Hyren belatedly gather to fight beside their Manische allies.

The Hyren have a style of war radically different from the Manische. The Hyren specialize in ambushes and infiltration. They use their stealth, speed, and skill with the bow to defeat their foes. They arm themselves with bows spears, and throwing axes. They defend themselves not with metal, but with extremely lightweight armour made of interwoven reeds hardened in layers of resin and reinforced with leather or padding.

The Hrafn were no strangers to war with the Hyren. They knew the Hyren would be dangerous opponents but they refused to lose control of the lifeline to the black army. Warthane Lysa was given the honour of defending the northern border. She ordered frontier settlers to gather in the stone fortifications on the frontier. When one of her scouting parties failed to report in, she assumed the worst and ordered half-levies of the tribal warbands called to service. Many Kaku and Reyli refused the call, but neither did they rebel against the just rule of Jyanna as some feared. The warbands were arriving just as the Hyren began to skirmish with the fort’s defenders.

The two forces skirmished across the frontier. The Hrafn were able to pull all of their people into the forts or well into their interior. The Hyren left small parties besieging each of the Hrafn forts while they moved their main force along the line, testing each fort in turn looking for weakness. They attacked at night to throw off the sun-loving Varicans, but they found no holes in the Hrafn defenses.

The Hyren continued to be frustrated until late summer with the arrival of the elite army of the white ladies. These witches head into battle with their bonded guardians, the bellmen. These are the only Hyren allowed to wear metal are armour. They carry huge, two handed hammers along with their heavy chain armour. A chosen few carry into battle a massive black bell which is rung by the most ancient and powerful of the white ladies.

The Bellmen advanced on what was considered the weakest of the forts. Driven into a frenzy by the presence of their bell and the strange brew few to them before battle by the white witches, the Hyren swarmed over the walls of the border fort. The Hrafn within were overwhelmed by the wild men. A second fort fell to the treachery of a Kaku sympathizer who opened the gates late in the night.

Battle of Heliogvr

Alerted to the danger, Warthane Lysa gathered the warbands to stop the Hyren advance. She was forced to leave her professional warriors behind, as they had the training to defend the forts properly and someone had to prevent another breakthrough. She met the advancing Hyren on their way to Brandhaus. She met the army of the Hyren witch Arba in a lightly wooded forest near the village of Heliogvr on the road to Brandhaus.

The Hyren’s bowmen won the skirmishes leading up to the clash of the two armies. The two tribal armies prepared for a great charge, like those out of the histories of Hroth and his ancestors. The Hrafn charged across the field towards the great tolling bell and the Hrafn warhost. Just before they crashed together, an arrow struck the warthane in the collar bone. She fell, gasping for breath. Her warriors still struck the Hyren with the strength of Hrafn, but her fall dispirited them. In a few minutes, it was over. The Hrafn fled the field.

Lysa’s life was saved by the amulet sent to her by her counterpart in the east, Ofvisi, to ward away the evil magics of the Hyren. She vowed to renew her avenge her humiliation.

Brandhaus and Beyond
The forces of Arba advanced as far as Brandhaus, looting as they went. But they lacked the technology to break through the great walls of the city. With no shortage of food or courage, and defended by Lysa’s beaten but re-invigorated warbands, the city would not yield. The Hyren returned home as the winter snows fell, with only two border forts and a few hundred slaves to show for a year of bloodshed.

Advance on Rissik
The second Hyren army targeted the all-important supply base of Rissik. The Hyren knew that seizing the city and the great road that led to it would greatly weaken the Varicans on campaign, but so did its defenders who refused to allow the city to fall. The Sisiric gathered their remaining strength to combat the invaders as they entered. The thune commander at Rissik, Riciki, sortied to slow the Hyren leaving Beriar, the Werar in charge of the supply base.

The thune did their best to combat the Hyren. A war of ambush and counter-ambush was waged throughout the spring. The thune lost a great number of their surviving warriors, but in the end, they accomplished their mission. The Hrafn had heard the call of the Sisiric and arrived in the nick of time.

With the Black army contending with the massive armies now fielded against them by the Manische, it was left to Ofvisi, a veteran of the campaigns against the Nakar and the Kaldar to save the garrison at Rissik. Using his knowledge of combating witchcraft, he directed his fellow priests in the construction amulets to protect their people from witchcraft. Armed with this holy protection, he marched north with 400 warriors before the threat could be confirmed.

He arrived just as the Hyren were in sight of Rissik’s walls. Beriar supported the thune from the walls, but it was clear that without the relief, the city would fall. The Hyren assaulted the Hrafn as they advanced on the walls. Ofvisi commanded his men to form a great schiltron to defend against the enemies closing in. Slowly, the formation advanced towards the fort’s walls, the archers within trading deadly fire with the Hyren.

The Hrafn held. As they approached the walls, the Werar made a risky move and burst out of the gate to aid them. With their aid, the Hrafn hurried inside. The Hyren dug in and besieged the city. They had the same difficulty as they found at Brandhaus and the border forts, but they knew that all they had to do was maintain the siege and they would triumph.

The Varicans had other intentions. The Dolu and Gibraly forces met in Brandhaus to travel the Royal Road while Arba and Lysa were still engaged on the frontier. There they met Captain Hlita, commander of the supply caravan. Engorged with supplies from the minor tribes of the northwest, the caravan set forth to Rissik.

The Hyren ambushed them in the lands of the Sisiric. But the Varicans were ready for battle. Together in a day-long running engagement the Hyren tried time and again to break the Varicans along their long caravan line. They succeeded in burning several carts hauled by Hrafn and Romadi oxen, but failed the guards were relentless. The Hyren eventually gave way and the Caravan continued on course with most of its supplies intact. The Hyren resumed their siege of Rissik, but with little purpose. They retired to their villages at harvest time.

The Sisiric gathered inside the city once again without many of their number including their great warchief Riciki.

- Hyren attack Assfell, Sisiric
- Hrafn defenses perform well
- Hyren break through Hrafn lines, defeat Hrafn army, but fail to do any lasting damage
- Hrafn, Werar, and Sisiric hold onto Rissik
- ¾ of Varican supplies and soldiers able to make it to Manische front
- Hyren return home for the winter, but will be back next year

Note: Domnul is the Hyren term for lord or sub-chief. War Domnul have sworn to die for the tribe. They are master warriors who wear elaborate versions of the armour and weapons their warriors do. They also carry two-handed swords. Swords among the Hyren are reserved for Domnul and white ladies.

Forces Remaining:
Northern Assfell Garrisons – Control majority of forts
- Commanded by Warthane Lysa
- 320 Spearmen, 250 Archers, 90 Tiaka, 10 boats
- Kaku and Reyli Warband: 80 Warriors, 30 Skirmishers, 15 Aikings
- Sterkveggr half-warband: 70 Warriors, 25 Skirmishers, 15 Aikings
- Gullholt half-warband: 55 Warriors, 20 Skirmishers, 10 Aikings
- Gnott half-warband: 150 Warriors, 50 Skirmishers, 30 Aikings
Rissik Garrison
- Commanded by Chief Riciki of the western Sisiric, seconded by Earl Beriar of Werhold
- Werar: 45 Archers, 35 Spearmen
- Sisiric: 150 Thune Skirmishers
- Hrafn Relief Column: 90 Archers, 110 Spearmen, 80 Raeka led by the Raeka-Priest Warthane Ofvisi
Sisiric Freeholds
- Commanded by Council of Chiefs
- 200 Thune skirmishers
Southern Host – Hyren Territory/2 border forts
- Commanded by Lady Arba
- Hyren Warhost: 370 Warriors, 200 Hunters, 18 Domnul
- Mirolu Warhost: 310 Warriors, 150 Hunters, 15 Domnul
- Esen Warhost: 320 Warriors, 160 Hunters, 17 Domnul
- White Ladies: 90 White Ladies, 1 Bell Eternal, 270 Bellmen
Western Host – Hyren Territory
- Commanded by Lady Cridye
- Basce Warhost: 280 Warriors, 130 Hunters, 13 Domnul
- Hyvur Warhost: 260 Warriors, 140 Hunters, 16 Domnul
- Kurlen Warhost: 280 Warriors, 140 Hunters, 15 Domnul

The War of Darian Liberation

Forces Involved:
Darian Rebels
- Led by Khan Cheka
- Darians: 400 Warriors, 130 Skirmishers, 70 Aikings
- Jarids: 280 Warriors, 100 Skirmishers, 50 Aikings
- Cheminids: 220 Warriors, 80 Skirmishers, 40 Aikings
- Chekrids: 280 Warriors, 100 Skirmishers, 50 Aikings
The Army of the Nakar
- Commanded by Kalan
- 400 Spearmen, 400 Archers, 130 Falkans, 170 Raeka.
Five Claw Fulanti
- Commanded by Redzak
- 200 Warriors

The host of the Darian March
- Commanded by Lord Damarkes, seconded by thane Alonsu
- Hrothnani: 300 Raeka, 200 Tiaka, 100 Archers
- Hrothnani Warband: 220 Warriors, 80 Skirmishers, 40 Aikings
Dolu Volunteers
- Commanded by Jorien
- 100 Warriors, 30 Skirmishers, 20 Aikings, 50 Damned and Vengeful

Consumed by guilt for the loss of his family and the people of Tasnakari to Varican vengeance, Kalan, headsmen of the Nakar Council, has forsaken his place position to lead the Nakar into battle one last time. He has gathered the entire Nakar army under his banner to enact his vengeance. His warriors spent much of the year training in preparation for the campaign. Finally, after months of training, he led his army to its objective: the liberation of the Darians.

The worst fears of Lord Damarkes have been realized. For the past few years, the Hrothnani have been losing control over the Darian March. Even with his refusal to send warriors to the front to face the Manische, Damarkes was concerned he would have too few warriors at his disposal is the Darians rose. When news reached him that the Nakar had led their host to his borders, he knew that is only hope was to hold until reinforcements arrived.

Unfortunately, with the invasion beginning in the summer, his neighbors had already sent forces to the Manische front, leaving them with little time and few resources to mount a relief attempt. Only the Dolu, ever vigilant of Darian resurgence, could send a force to relieve the March lord. Their contribution was small but powerful, supported by the warrior brotherhood of the Damned and Vengeful. A larger force will surely be raised soon by the Dolu, they may even recall their warriors campaigning against the Manische.

First Strike
The moment the Nakar crossed into the Darian March, the Darians rose against their Hrothnani overlords. Damarkes called force the warband of his people. Though he knew the year would end with him behind the walls of his fortresses, he hoped to damage his enemy as much as he could before they could unite. The Darians were in the midst of raising their warbands when Lord Damarkes made a pre-emptive strike on the Darian Chekrid tribe to secure the routes to Dolu and the west.

The small Hrothnani warband struck the Chekrids hard, burning any village that refused to submit. Meanwhile, Damarkes rushed his Raeka core ahead of the rest right to the hall of khan Charka. They struck without warning, slaying many of in their first volley. Fire arrows followed, spreading panic in the city. The half-gathered warband hurried to rally in good order, but their hearts were already fluttering. Charka led his men in a foolhardy charge against the Raeka, but though they fought hard, they were slain to a man. His son, Drenki, submitted to Damarkes personally, turning over the gold crown of his people. It was a good start, but the worst of the fighting was still to come.

The Reign of Terror
The Nakar and Darians met at Clerki Field, site of one of the few Nakar victories of the last war. There, Kalan and Khan Cheka declared eternal brotherhood for themselves and their peoples, sealing the promise with their own blood. They proceeded through the Hrothnani settlements throughout the March burning as they went. The allies did their best to draw the Hrothnani to battle, but Damarkes refused in all cases. Instead, he gathered his people together inside his two great cities which he reinforced in preparation for the siege. Soon, not a single Hrothnani survived outside of the walls of Darium and Jadicha.

The Siege of Darium
The Nakar hoped to lure the Varicans into a sortie, but Damarkes’ scouts knew the extent of the Nakar army and refused to do so. His messengers had gotten out, and there was no way the four thousands Hrothnani townsmen and refugees swelling the homes of Darium would be able to escape to safety through Darian territory even if the sortie was successful.

Instead, Damarkes remained in place, waiting and hoping. Kalan and Khan Cheka agreed to divide responsibility of the sieges. Kalan went south with the bulk of the Nakar while Cheka besieged Darium with the bulk of the Darians. The Darians refused to move, but time was of the essence. Darian winters are not harsh, but still fiercer than the Varicans of the rainforests know. The Darians would have to return to winter quarters, which would give the rest of Varica too much time to prepare their response for the khan’s liking. As autumn gave way to winter, Cheka made the choice to attack.

The Darians launched their assault. For three days, the Darians and Nakar fired volleys of arrows, many flaming, into the city. The Hrothnani kept their cool and under Damarkes direction were able to save the city. Teams of refugees formed bucket chains to the riverbanks to protect the city under his direction. When the assault came, the Hrothnani were tired but resolved. They fought hard and eventually, their quality showed against the attackers, driving the Darians from their walls. The Darians retired, but the Hrothnani would find no way to restock their food stores as the river froze and the countryside sharpened knives in preparation for the fall of Darium.

The Siege of Jadicha
The Siege of Jadicha was to be much more decisive than that of Darium. Lord Damarkes’s brother, Hrouni, prepared to defend the city with all of his might. His warriors were few however, not nearly what his brother had in Darium. He held out hold that he would be relieved by the Dolu.

The siege started well. His walls were strong, his granary full and men in high spirits. But Hrouni was so focused on the enemy without that he could not see the troubles within. Four-fifths of the city were Darians. They were not as warlike as the rural tribesmen, but still had ties to their brothers. As the days stretched into weeks, tensions rose between the citizens and the garrison. Rationing left the Darians hungry, sparking rumours their magistrate was weakening them so that they could be cleansed from the city.

The death of three young thieves at the hands of the city garrison for stealing sparked a race riot that soon exploded throughout the city. Hrothnani everywhere faced a horde of angry townsmen eager for their blood. The garrison intervened, but rather than subduing the populace, this forced the Darians to fight harder as their fears of genocide seemed to be coming true. Within a night, the city was aflame and a tenth of the city’s inhabitants lay dead. Many more retreated to the Darian part of town, ready to fortify their homes for the next round of violence.

Taking advantage of the situation, Kalan struck the next morning. Is escalade was unnoticed until the infiltrators were almost at the south gate. The few Hrothnani defenders left in fighting condition were exhausted from a day and night of fighting mobs and fires. They were in little shape to throw back the Nakar. The Nakar, accompanied by fulanti warriors, seized the gatehouse and their warriors flooded in, slaying the garrison. The Darian population then vented their frustration on the surviving Varicans, leaving few alive and none free of chains. Hrouni’s head was launched over the walls of Darium by the Falkan who slew him.

A Sign of Things to Come
Behind the lines, shadows in the night came to take away the families of Darian warriors away at the front, burn food stores, or ambush supply convoys. Though the Dolu have not come in enough force to starve the well supplied Nakar, they threaten to do so if they are not checked and their numbers grow.

- Nakar invade Darian March
- Darians rise in rebellion
- Chekrid tribe subdued, lose 1 power
- Jadicha falls, loses 2/5 of its population, Nakar gain 3 slaves
- Darium holds on

Forces Remaining:
Darian Rebels – Besieging Darium/at home resting
- Led by Khan Cheka
- Darians: 280 Warriors, 90 Skirmishers, 55 Aikings
- Jarids: 200 Warriors, 75 Skirmishers, 35 Aikings
- Cheminids: 170 Warriors, 60 Skirmishers, 30 Aikings
- Chekrids: Knocked out of war
The Army of the Nakar – Occupying Jadicha
- Commanded by Kalan
- 340 Spearmen, 340 Archers, 120 Falkans, 160 Raeka.
Five Claw Fulanti – Occupying Jadicha
- Commanded by Redzak
- 190 Warriors
The host of the Darian March – Besieged inside Darium
- Commanded by Lord Damarkes, seconded by thane Alonsu
- Hrothnani: 275 Raeka, 190 Tiaka, 160 Archers, 100 Spearmen (including reinforcements)
- Hrothnani Warband: 130 Warriors, 50 Skirmishers, 25 Aikings
Dolu Volunteers – Dolu/Darian frontier
- Commanded by Jorien
- 90 Warriors, 28 Skirmishers, 20 Aikings, 50 Damned and Vengeful

Shadows in the Boreol
The Fulanti of the Boreol were quiet for much of the year. In the autumn they appeared from nowhere and overran a large Rokina villages. The entire village was slain or carried off into the night. The Rokina and Ropp have vowed vengeance and have led half of their warbands deep into the Boreol in hopes of clearing the forest’s heart of fulanti taint once and for all. They ventured in after the fall harvest and have yet to return.
Late Happenings

The Year Without a Summer
Varica is invaded on all sides, the Imperial army is threatened with destruction as the Manische close in, the thune cities are in turmoil. Witchcraft and treachery threaten the Imperial line and schismatics threaten to tear apart the heartland of Varica. Everywhere a sea of chaos threatens to wash over the islands of order throughout the land. Many have begun to wonder, has Haeka abandoned us?

The fools who think that are mostly too young to remember the dark times or the civil war, or without the perspective to remember it properly. It is a trying time for Varica, but surely things are better than they were thirty years ago when chaos reigned. Haeka continues to shine down on us, sharing his light and his favour, as he always has.

But sometimes, even Haeka’s power cannot contend with the evils of the four races of Valdis.

The shaking of the mountains greatly concerned Jyanna of the Hrafn. She ordered her captain, Haemildr, to lead fifty men into the mountains to find the source of the evil. Many feared that this, combined with the Sargothi slain by Cul, signaled the return of the dark race. Haemildr set out to find the truth of the matter.

Deep in the mountains he found his answer. Mount Hyjal, the third highest peak in the entire range seethed with anger, leaking molten rock and poisonous gasses, corrupting the land around. Haemildr hurried down the mountain, sending runners to the mountain tribes. His messengers arrived at the tribes of the Romadi, Hrafn, Hrafn-ruled Hyren, and the independent tribes in time, but were unable to warn the Gamars in time.

They were already forewarned of a different cataclysm to come, however. Mount Krakag in Gamar territory was in a similar state. The mountain tribes abandoned villages and homesteads in sensitive areas and retreated to the lowlands.

On the winter solstice, the darkest day of the year, the two volcanoes exploded. Haeka was hidden from view for days across the entire of Valdis. For Haeka fought his hardest to be seen in the coming weeks, but his light was rare and weak. The winter will be harsh. Harsher than any faced by Valdis since the Sargothi sucked the life out of the three sisters. Food production is sure to suffer greatly.

The troubles in the Gibraly Empire exploded with the volcanos. Phridianism has expanded three-fold among the Gibraly and has made significant gains throughout Varica in response to the accuracy of his final prophecy. The cult has been taken to Millenarian extremes. The extremists claim that only be following the path laid out to Phridia by Haeka can Varica be spared the coming judgement. The followers of the Voice has trebled in number as well, blaming the blackened sky on the murder of their prophet. Only their glorious vision can save the world.

Others look to the ancient past for the source of this scourge. Many say two volcanos of such power erupting at once is a sign of the return of the Sargothi. Cul has slain one of the Sargothi already at great cost. Surely there will be more following it. A few have said that Cul’s arrogance has awoken the Sargothi and that he is to blame.

Who can say what lies in store for the future?

Food production will be as follows in AF 149:
Assfell: 5
Romadi: 2
Werhold: 3
Gibraly Empire: 2
Dolu: 2
Darian March: 4
Nakar: 3
Oerdan: 2
Rhenican Empire: 4
Bexian: 3
Validira: 5
Huroto: 4
Teraldur: 3
Nimosa: 5

Strengthening the Imperial Line
Jali, the daughter of Hroth IV and Callista celebrated her 17th birthday this year. On the advice of the regent, the Emperor has decided it is time for his sister to marry. To his surprise, the Emperor has selected the regent as the best possible match for Jali. Hroak accepted the proposal and plans to marry Jali as soon as he can return to the city of Varica.

The dire situation in north and west plus the dark days have prevented this glorious union, but surely Hroak will do what he can to find an excuse to return to the capital for his wedding should an auspicious day for marriage shine through the darkness.

Some courtiers, notably Venci and the Varican general Coil, have voiced their concern over the Regent’s marriage plans. Some have even whispered that the idea came from the regent himself, possibly through coercion of the Emperor.

Growth and Trade

The Nakar reclaimed the ruins of Tasnakari during their advance on the Darian March. They rebuilt the city to a portion of its former glory. Rather than live in the past, Kalan rechristened the city Haectalashi, which means Shield of the Plains. Haectalashi was established as a fortress city to defend New Tasnakari from retaliation. (Note: in order to do what you wanted you needed to consume a lot of luxuries to represent stone and lumber and such, it has been deducted from your stats)

Jaleth, the new leader of the Nakar council, has focused on modest internal growth and forging trade links with the newly liberated Darians. He has spent much time among the Vorthai tribe but his experiments have met with no success yet. Continued funding and time may yield results.

The Fulanti city of Furilani continues to grow, much to the surprise of Haecomus scholars and wise men. How the Fulanti have been able to organize is beyond their knowledge, but many blame the Nakar for it as beasts like to Fulanti could hardly be able to create such an edifice on their own. The Fulanti continue to thrive on the plains, though the eruptions have terrified them as much as they have the Haecomus.

Disaster struck the Gibraly this year. While celebrating the coming of spring, Lord Thomas suffered a debilitating stroke. His advisors have struggled to rule the kingdom without his strong hand. The land has suffered as a result. Gibraly lands have suffered greatly due to the sectarian violence. It has not spread outside of their lands, but the threat remains if the followers of Phridia and the Voice are not brought to heel. The strongest of his sons, Tomaki, was able to assert control over the kingdom by the end of the year giving hope that order will be maintained.

The Dolu are mustering in large numbers, ready to use the fruits of their recent peace to throw back their dual enemies in the west. The question remains of whether they can do so in time.

The Rheni and Nimosans continue to expand their influence along the coast and in the land of wheat and fish. The Rheni have ignored repeated requests for tribute and troops from the Imperial authority. Instead, they have promised aid to the minor tribes suffering from raids by the fulanti of the Boreol.

With the death of Haraenicar the strength of the Oerdan has collapsed. Haergar’s remaining son, Boerun is an unambitious lout who has shown no interest in governance outside of heir-fathering. Haergar continues to sink into his delusions as he ages. Oerdan is adrift in a sea of uncertainty, but the troops campaigning with the Emperor and the Tessil have pledged to continue the fight.

The Rheni, the Oerdan, the Dolu and Teraldur both undertook missions to recover metal from ruins in their territory. The Rheni and Oerdan found moderate success while the Dolu had more success. The Teraldur, following in the wake of Cul’s victory, have found a vast treasure trove of useful metals deep in their ruins.

The Romadi have focused largely on supplying the army in the field. The larders of Rissik, Eicain, Rohefna, and Silisre are all now full of supplies bought with Romadi gold. (OOC: You guys are as provisioned as you can be. You have enough food and other supplies in theatre to supply you for an entire year without any hardships. Each fortress could survive at least two years of starvation based siege warfare and still have medicines and arrows piled high.) The Romadi have expanded their trade network down to Varica to the enrichment of both provinces.

The Huroto have been concerned largely with their own affairs this year. Grand parties were held in Varica and in Cul’s personal stronghold to celebrate his victory over the Sargothi. In Varica these endless circuses have become the focus of the social scene. In Huroto lands, they have lifted the spirits of the Huroto who see it as their just rewards for the blood shed in Cul’s name. A party of Hrafn were the guests of honour at midsummer. They wove a beautiful tapestry to immortalize Cul’s battle in the tomb of Adalbrandr.

Cul invited the thane of the Linara to join the festivities. The thane was wary of the invitation, but decided that declining would put his life in more danger. The Linara had played a dangerous game for a long time, playing of Lokvar, Tera, Huroto and later Sunta off of one another to maintain their independence. But those days were over with Cul’s hegemony over the far south established. Cul presented the thane with great gifts in exchange for his fealty. The thane, seeing no better terms on the horizon, knelt before Cul with great fanfare.

Though the Werar leadership is focused primarily on the war, the merchants and townsmen of Werhold continue to look out for their own interests. Werhold grows again, now that the men have returned home.

Riheort has sponsored more adventurous Werar to brave the depths of Sargotbak. The expedition was fruitfull, but costly. Many were killed when a section of the underground ruins collapsed. A smaller portion was given to Riheort as a larger part was given to the families of those lost.

The thune engineers with the army have also received sponsorship. They have invented no new weapons yet, but they are making progress using the captured Manische weapons, the plans found in the Imperial Library, and the expertise of their kind.

The Hrafn people have continued on with their lives despite the dangers surrounding them. The Hrafn’s devotion to Haeka has convinced the people that they will make it through their trials. The devotion of the people and their priests has prevented the pollution of Phridianism and the creed of the Voice from penetrating Assfell (not to mention the warriors keeping troublemakers out). The Hyren vassals of Vigvitr have not risen up, as some feared, leaving the interior of Assfell to grow as expected.

The Hrafn have exerted themselves by continuing the road from Rissik to Rohefna. Construction was disrupted by the Hyren, but the work continues. At least another year’s work will need to be done. If the Manische or Hyren return to molest the workers, then who knows how long it will take. All the construction in Assfell has convinced the masons to open more quarries, increasing the stone available to the kingdom.

Captain Rethund and the Hrafn cartographers have finally completed their map of the Hrafn sargothi ruins. Varican scholars have praised their contribution to knowledge while their warriors have praised their dedication and bravery. In their quest, they managed to find .5 units of metal as well. (OOC: Now that the map is finished, it will increase the roll by +1, which doubles the chance of finding a sargothi artifact and triples the chance of finding a sargothi weapon. It also allows those who explore with it to ignore 50% of the hazards they encounter and lessons the severity of hazards they do find.)


The Sunta may have won their war to reconquer the hillmen of the south. Though the trade routes remain in turmoil, should this rumour be true, then they will stabilize sometime within the year.

The Yumin and Rheni have exchanged envoys recently. It is unknown why. Perhaps they hope to prevent a war, perhaps they plan to deal with the fulanti of the Boreol, or perhaps there is something larger going on.

With the eruption of the volcanos, the rivers of Varica ran backwards for a day in great confused torrents. Some claimed that the kin of Askati have returned to the world to wreck their vengeance on Varica, but so far the watery spirits have yet to lift a hand against the haecomus.

The Nimosans have brought back strange pottery from the south. The potting is poor, but the glazes are incredible. They have colours and details that Varican potters can hardly imagine.

Venci claims to have found proof that her late husband intended her issue to rule. So far, no one at court is paying attention, but the validity of her claim has not been tested.


To: Kalan, Liberator of the Darians
From: The Ogloids and Fominids

Oh great friend of freedom and justice! We, the oppressed tribes of the Gamars plead to you to free us from the shackles of Gamar dominance. We have longed to be reunited with our brothers south of the river Forius. Please, come to our aid!

To: The Nakar, the Varicans, the Hyren
From: The Gamars

In this troubled time, we wish for all free men to know that we stand with you. This is a time of great pain and want for us all. We are willing to make common cause with any king who recognizes this fact and is willing to share what they have with we Gamars, who suffer greatest of all in this calamity.

The Map

Spoiler :

Uploaded with

OOC stuff

I forgot to add the new Bexian city Banuti to the map. I’ll remember next time.

I owe das a fairly substantial PM. I will try to get it done tomorrow. I also need to do some other things as well. I have yet to add rumours, for example. But the meat of this thing is finished so here it is. Sorry it took so long. I was wrapped up with the wedding, but for the past 4 days or so after, I’ll just been lazy. I haven’t done a good job of orienting the new players either, so I will step up my game there too.
To: All the Kingdoms and Tribes of the Varican Empire
From: Cul The Defender of the Empire, Lord Protector of the Southlands

The earth shakes, the clouds blacken, and enemies assault us on all side. But we are VARICAN! We will not bow down in fear, instead we will rise up and show this whole damned world that we will not be defeated!

Hrafn, Gibraly, Werar, our northeartern Bulwark, do everything you must to keep our supply lines open to Our Emperor in the North. I know it is within your strength to do this.

Dolu and Romad, send what forces you can to The Darian March to check the Nakar inspired rebellion as best you can. You will be reinforced soon, this I promise you.

Now for the rest of noble kingdoms and tribes of the Empire, raise up your troops and march to Varica city. From there we will head north and crush our enemies!

Do not let yourselves hesitate. We must act and now.

I am Cul, and I have spoken.
To: The Sargothi cursed Nakar
From: Cul

Leave The Darien March or Die. No negotiation. I am coming.
To: The kings of Varica
From: The Shield of the Emperor, Regent Hroak

We live in dark times. But we are Varicans. No danger is too great, no time too dark, for any one of us to forget Haeka’s light. It will shine on us once more. But it will only do so if we are worthy. Therefore, I call on the worthiest man of the south to come to the west to rescue Lord Damarkes and his brethren from the treacherous monsters tramping across our western border.

Cul Funkard will lead the men of the south and west against the Nakar. I appoint him General who pacifies the west, for that is what he will do. But with this task comes great responsibility. For it is his men who will bear the brunt of the battle to come, along with the Dolu, the last bulwark of Varican power between the Nakar and the heartlands.

Lords of the west and south, I implore you to aid Cul in his campaign, as I implore all the kings and thanes of the north and west to send everything they can to fight the Hyren and Manische. Despite the massive armies arrayed against us, we have gained territory and captured many commanders. The Manische are weak and have only numbers and walls to hide behind, while we have strength and valour. Any man who is worthy of the name should join us now!

To: The regent, all kings of Varica
From: King Radu, defender of the west

We protest this insult to the crown of the Dolu! We have always been the protectors of the western borders. To pass us over for an ignorant southern hedonist is as stupid as it is disrespectful. We are here, now, already shedding our blood, and yet you pass us by. We will remember this, regent.
I have now added rumours to the update.

Also, have I mentioned lately how much I love you Strategos? 'Cause I do, a lot.

Deadline for orders is Tuesday Sept. 14. Get them in by that night please.
To: The regent, all kings of Varica
From: King Radu, defender of the west

We protest this insult to the crown of the Dolu! We have always been the protectors of the western borders. To pass us over for an ignorant southern hedonist is as stupid as it is disrespectful. We are here, now, already shedding our blood, and yet you pass us by. We will remember this, regent.

King Naxis of Validira and His Regent in Telius must agree with King Radu, in the substance of his language if not his rhetoric. We suggest that King Radu be granted overall command but King Cul be given command of the reinforcing armies, but only under Radu's command.
Only the priest Vallari was found to be among the missing. One Tiaka claimed to have seen him stabbed by a Varican soldier, but surely such rumours cannot be true.


Additionally, Vallari wishes to come to Skav to examine the supposed Sargothi to study it and compare it to ancient lore.
Vallari - Hrothnani High Priest. Failed in bid for regency. On route to Skav.

How did Vallari go all the way from the Imperial army to Skav, examine the Sargothi, study the needed lore, and make it all the way back to the Imperial army in time to be killed. The only possibilities I can think of are 1) you made a mistake, forgetting he was in Skav, 2) I overestimate the distance involved, 3) someone called him back. I would like to know which, especially as in the suspicious circumstances of his death if someone did 3 they would have some explaining to do.

Also, I did ask that Hrafn priests be able to observe the investigation of Callista. Were they denied in the request? If not I would like a PM/post about what they observed, if they were denied, I guess I am waiting to hear about the outcome from das.

Balls. I forgot that's he'd been sent to Skav. I guess Vallari is still alive then. He's now at the tomb of Adalbrandr in Varica.

Also, I did ask that Hrafn priests be able to observe the investigation of Callista. Were they denied in the request? If not I would like a PM/post about what they observed, if they were denied, I guess I am waiting to hear about the outcome from das.

Sorry I missed that. I'll send you a PM tonight.

These updates keep getting bigger and taking longer, so everyone be sure to double check stuff and let me know where I've slipped up.

I'm going to wait a couple of days to see if other players want to weigh in on the Radu/Cul dispute before the Emperor and Regent respond.
OOC: I also expect a PM.
To: King Radu and King Naxis
From: Cul

The Regent, the voice of the Emperor, has spoken. As we ALL are loyal subjects of the Emperor we will obey him.

King Radu, if you wish to drive out the Nakar yourself, then do so. If the Darien Marches are cleared of all rebellion by the time I get there then we'll throw a great celebration in your honour and build statues to commemorate the glory. If however there is still war to be fought then it will be time for a more experienced warrior to lead the way.

King Naxis, I think it is time for you to quit playing at politics and to begin mustering your troops for battle. We shall especially need your war boats as a means of getting our army to the north. I expect that you will fully support this campaign to keep the empire safe.
King Naxis, I think it is time for you to quit playing at politics and to begin mustering your troops for battle. We shall especially need your war boats as a means of getting our army to the north. I expect that you will fully support this campaign to keep the empire safe.

We are already in the field and have fought against the Manische in countless battles. But we shall instruct our Regent to dispatch our war fleet and supplies to support the campaign. Of course, with both the Huroto and Validiran war fleets, we do not see a problem in defending the supply lines.
I am Riphric.

I stood by in a shadowed corner and watched as the sniveling wretch of a Hrothnani servant abased himself repeatedly before the owner of the greathouse. The master regarded him sternly, towering above the kneeling man, then wordlessly bid him to continue his story.

I listened as the servant said outrageous things about his mistress. How she gathered special herbs of her strange tribe. How she received strange and lowly men who told her incoherent things which she alone appeared to understand. How she then sent another one of this man's ilk to the sacred tomb of Emperor Hroth IV on the night before the great ordeal in which old champion Vorchk was soundly defeated by Helgiverðr, a priest of the Hrafn. How that man took with himself a pouch of those herbs. And how he was never seen or heard from again after that.

The master listened in silence, then when the jumbled tale was over nodded and started asking questions. The traitor servant answered warily and reluctantly at first, but later started eagerly providing details. Then at the end he pleaded for the master to protect him, as his mistress will no doubt have him killed if she knew all that he had known and now had also told.

The master nodded then and thanked the man for his account; and after that paid him a generous amount in golden coins of Varica. He told him that although he was a house servant, his story, along with other witnesses the master managed to uncover, would doubtless be of use in restoring truth and justice in this case, as was the one desire of our King. For now it would be best however if the man hid within the city and waited for a more appropriate moment that would no doubt come, and come this much sooner with his help. To return to his mistress now was clear folly, but to leave the city outright could easily be even worse. Yet while he hid the master would arrange that he be well-protected. His retinue would continue to keep an eye on him, preferably from afar lest it attract suspicion.

I am Riphric, servant of Heodest - ambassador of the Werar in Varica, spymaster for King Haecadem II of Werhold.

Heodest bid him leave, and leave he did, bowing all the way as he receded crab-wise. I observed all this, but did not leave then. After he left, Heodest had called four of his men and told them to go keep watch after him. Having heard their names, I was concerned about this no longer. I waited as the master received another guest, and then another supplicant, and then a Validiran noble, after which point he bid me leave because the man was his friend and had his trust. I left and headed out into the city.

I talked to Holimph the head of the cooks and reminded him of the things he had taken from the master, and he pointed me in the direction in which the man went. I trailed him from a distance as he headed circuitously towards the tavern where he meant to lie low. Along the way, I noticed the others sent to watch him. I greeted them with a special greeting that one of them understood and went on my way.

Then later during that night I went to that tavern again and met up with my ally among the four, Oreon. While he woke the others, I went after the servant, who was drunk, and shook him and informed him that he was in immediate danger, and that some of the men sent to escort him could not be trusted. Shaking and suddenly sober, he thanked me and gave me half of the money he received from the Heodest, and then requested that I help him escape. I promised to watch over him and to defend him from the guards as long as he went to a safe location I have specified to him. Relieved, the lowlife gathered his things and scurried off into the darkness. The guards began to give chase, thinking he meant to escape their scrutiny, but then I caught up with them again in a dark alley and together with Oreon we killed them quickly; and then I killed Oreon, because I did not trust him, and also so I could take his wealthy dagger.

Finally, I went after the servant, who was frightened by the muffled sounds of our struggle, but glad to see me nevertheless. He thanked me in detail and promised that if he survived and was properly awarded for his testimony, he would never forget me. His eyes began darting about when I showed him Oreon's dagger, and he started abasing himself once again and calling me a great and mighty warrior, and then I told him that the King does not tolerate traitors and false-witnesses, and then I left Oreon's dagger in his throat and walked away.

I am Riphric, warrior of the Werar. And this work is beneath my station.

That was three years ago.
"I thank you, great warrior. Truly, you are a messenger of Haeka, to have come to my aid just in time and to have laid low those ruffians as you did."

"Spare your thanks for Heodest, ambassador of King Haecadem of Werhold, in whose service I did this thing. I am merely an agent of the will of my great master."

"Heodest? Yes, I understand..."

"My master bid me find you and ensure that you are safe. He had good reasons to suspect there would be those that would like you in chains, and that their servants will have known your hiding place as well as thankfully did he."

"Well, thankfully indeed! So, they were hired..."

"I said before that I am but a humble servant. I do not know more of these matters than I must."

"Ah. Anyway, it's clear that I have come afoul of Lord Peorest... Or perhaps Lord Raeka..."

"If you insist that I must know this, then let us start upon our way to the greathouse. I know a route where enemies are not."

"Oh, do not worry! None of this is really secret knowledge, except for things that I have promised to your master. As I was saying, I suspect Peorest. In any case - and not to overstate my own standing - only the lesser nobles of this city are concerned by those things that I have to say. Those who are great enough of course to be a presence, but not yet great enough to bear their colours clearly at court. Those who cannot decide or wish to hide their true allegiance at the moment, and who in either situation would be displeased if I had made it known that they have left their ears wide open to rumours about the true aims of the Hrafn in the capital.

And as I had the opportunity to notice on quite a few occassions, those rumours have, in final estimation, been started mainly by a warrior named Beorist, who often has attended their festivities..."

"That is enough. I know Beorist. Know that my master needs not hear the words you wish to speak."

This city houses many people - of all the sorts and kinds that exist under Haeka's rays. There are beggars and thieves and merchants and tradesmen and scribes, who all frequent the city's many taverns. There are nobles in their greathouses with their servants. There are Hrothnani and there are peoples of all the tribes of Varica, and there are foreigners both Haecomus and Thune. There are those who are well and soundly settled here and those who are but passing travellers from afar. Many come to this city to engage in trade or as pilgrims; others come here to prey on merchants and pilgrims. But as it is also the seat of Imperial power, this city likewise houses those who have come not for their greed or their souls but on the orders of their kings; and all the great kingdoms have their ambassadors here.

At the first glance, it is thus so that any matters involving the men of different tribes could be quickly and easily resolved, and so that the will of different kings, subservient as it is to that of the Emperor, could be made clear quicker and also so that the Emperor would have noble hostages from all over his Empire right within the reach of his guard. At the second glance it becomes clear that those ambassadors, like all the other nobles in greathouses, strive and connive against each other, and enter alliances that are abandoned as fast as they are formed and can remain a secret to all, even their monarchs; and this is called diplomacy.

And at the third glance, it is apparent that what is called diplomacy can be more properly called espionage. For together with the diplomats and within their staff are a great variety of people. There are those who investigate peculiar and criminal occurances so that they could blame them on their enemies. There are those who relay secret messages from one house to another. There are those who spread and gather rumours convenient to one party or the other. There are those who defend their masters and whoever else they are ordered to protect, whether it is reasonable or not. And then there are people like me.

I am Riphric, warrior of the Werar, slayer of traitors and false-witnesses.

I finished my work, disposed of the body and continued on my way to the greathouse of Heodest.


I am Riphric, son of Merion; in his time, a mighty noble of the Werar, whose line has bonded with that of Werhold's kings. He had been great during the reign of Haecadem the First; the Second, though, has been his great undoing.

When Haeroph was alive, my father has been mightier than ever; of all of the old families his was the best-placed in the court, and in our clan he was the most prolific, being in the fullest ripeness of his powers and leading warriors alongside Boheort. Though Haeroph had disliked him, he knew that one can't rule the Werar without allying with the nobles, no matter how much he is feared by vassal tribes or loved by merchants. Thus the old Thane had sought to keep the leaders of the younger generation on his side by sating almost all of their desires, and father has acquired great wealth and glory, and was among the caretakers of the young king.

But Haeroph died and all the balance fell apart, and when King Haecadem II insisted he could rule through men he had appointed without listening to the advice of a council of nobles on all matters, Merion and some others began to plot against him. They would not take his life, for loyalty to the King of Werhold was as paramount as ever, but his advisors and too-powerful appointees from the dregs of aristocracy could not be kept in power or in life, and he himself did clearly need protecting from himself and from such bad advice. To this end they had told Boheort the Thane, who was the Great Warleader of the Werar at the time, to gather all the warriors at morning; and Boheort agreed, but not because he thought himself one of them, yet rather on King Haecadem's instructions. He then summoned the warriors a Haeka's hour earlier, before all the conspirators were ready, but just when Haecadem and his loyal men already marshalled their forces. The gathered army joined them on Boheort's command, and the conspirators fought back with only their retainers, defending their own houses in utter disconcert. They lost quite rapidly and Haecadem held trial.

All those great nobles who rebelled against him were to die; and so were the close families - for most part, wives and children - of the four ringleaders, including Merion - lest they should seek revenge and so upset Haecadem's plans for peace and justice. I was to die then, and die I would have gladly as I have been taught, just like, no doubt, all the others who were sentenced. But at the last moment Haecadem showed mercy to the children of Merion, on the request of one of his relations, who had acquited himself in granting help against the rebels from the start, and was indeed sometimes said to have come up with the smart strategem that Haecadem employed to draw them out.

And thus I did not die but was exiled, and later made my way to Varica where I could still serve my King.


My master Heodest, ambassador of Werhold, was not quite one of those whom Haecadem has raised up from impoverishment and appointed to power; nor was he one of the old families, their power but not their pride diminished by defeat. Or in a way perhaps you might say that he was both; for he was of the clan of Haeroph; not very old or very wealthy, but always powerful and favoured and well-read. He has embodied those qualities well, and was almost a childhood friend of Haecadem II; to this he added cunning of the court and mastery of many dialects; which all together made him an obvious choice for the positions of ambassador and spymaster.

He was a clever man; I never saw him fight but heard that he could do so as well as he could write, and though he employed as many scribes as he did guards, he never trusted the most important correspondence to them. He had short hair and a neatly trimmed black beard in the fashion of the Validirans, and he was fond of saying that there is verily no line dividing the various matters of the quill, and that at the end of the day, both administration and diplomacy came down to espionage and intrigue.

He knew all of those things recounted above, yet he now asked me just about them, ignoring all the matters of the city. Two guards were posted at the doors; two others, on Heodest's sides. Thus it was clear to me already, that which was to come.

He asked new clarifying questions and I answered them as best I can, ommitting but a few details. But then he asked about my benefactor, and when I have repeated my old legend he shook his head and frowned.

"The man you speak about was but a pawn; the name behind that man was far, far greater and I have learned it very quickly. His audacity in those matters surprised me; this much I will admit. But now we've played around for long enough."


His name was Riheort, my uncle, and those who knew him said that yes, indeed, he probably did plan the King's reprisal as surely as he had also planned the plot against him, and if it was all to the end of putting me in Varica... Well, that would not have seemed impossible, if not for this: my uncle never gained just one thing out of anything he planned, nor did he ever seek any one outcome so much as he accounted for several and made sure one of those was what then happened. And that was part of why he was so old.

He was the true great patriarch of our mighty clan, and he was very old indeed for he remembered well the reign of Cuphric. In those days the Empire was in peril as Hroth II lied on his deathbed and several kings sought to claim the empire; but Cuphric pledged his swordarm to the Emperor, and though he was far from alone in this, when armies of the loyal kings had gathered, the largest one did fly the flags of Werhold. Riheort fought in that army with distinction, and Cuphric and his allies did uphold the throne and were shown gratitude; but after seeing the Hrothnani cower behind their walls while the Werar drove their enemies from the field, and Werar warriors being accepted as the true victors and saviours by ragtag crowds inside the city walls, only for their king to bow before young beardless Hroth III and call himself his slave, Riheort and many others had started thinking difficult, unusual thoughts.

The Empire was perhaps a fine idea; perhaps not. But by what right did Hrothnani think to lord over the Werar? The founder Hroth was perhaps a great man; perhaps not - for contrary to histories the scribes had learned to lie already then, and no historians would say that which would befoul the memory of he who founded the Empire and gave them power, saying that quills can be more powerful than swords; regardless his heirs were weak and foolish. And was not Werhold an empire in its own right? The capital was not as large as Varica, but is a warrior to be measured by his fatness? The Werar ruled over many vassal tribes, and their armies reached further than those of the first great Hroth himself, and with every new campaign undertaken in the defense of the Hrothnani Emperor Cuphric's warriors and advisors would grumble and say that truly they were fools who sought to seize Varica for themselves, for it was an unworthy city, and the Empire itself was dead in all but words; and Werhold need not tie itself to the drowning man though it might pull him out, but should instead look to take up the legacy of Haephric and found a new empire in the east in Haeka's name. But Cuphric always put an end to all such talks, and the warriors struggled on in the Emperor's name.

Then in the reign of Haecadem I it seemed as though this line of thought might prevail, simply because with the deaths of Hroth III and Hrothiya the Empire itself collapsed into wholesale chaos, while the King waged war against rebels within his own boundaries. He was susceptible enough to those advisors who promised him glory as the founder of a new empire, and was drawn to strike at many lands, often at the advice of Riheort himself who had become one of his warleaders. But before long a different faction emerged, supported by the priests of the great temple of Werhold, which said that there could be only one empire under Haeka and that is the Varican empire, but that its rulers need not be Hrothnani. Short-sighted greed and vainglory possessed the King then, as he thought to set his eyes on the great city of Varica itself; and to distract him, Riheort had sided with Taraeon and his kin who were sworn enemies of the Hrafn from a great while ago. Riheort himself had not much love for Hrafn, but never hated them the way Taraeon did; still, together they prevailed on the King to march against them instead and so ensure his place as the greatest king of the east.

Riheort anticipated that the Hrafn would resist and that Haecadem shall become bogged down, but he could not anticipate Taraeon's folly; the adapted foreigner and his kin and allies struck at the Hrafn wherever and whenever they could and desecrated holy places and robbed merchants, and in so doing both pushed the Hrafn quicker and further than expected, and made it all the more pressing for the others to intervene. True, through Taraeon's reckless warfare the Hrafn also fared worse than was anticipated, but that just made a rapid intervention altogether unavoidable, and when it came the Werar found themselves severely overstretched. Instead of a long siege, they fell to bloody fighting, and Riheort fought as bravely as the others, while Taraeon fought braver than the most and died together with many of his kin to redeem themselves before King Haecadem; but in the end the Werar needed to retreat. Haecadem recognised that Riheort was not to blame, but nevertheless my uncle lost the king's ear then, together with all willingness to guide him so directly for the moment. As for the old Haecadem, he had listened to the priests and marched on Varica and was defeated and taken prisoner and forced to swear fealty to the newly-declared Hroth IV.

Instead he soon retired to old wounds and age, and relegated himself to the background of the court, focusing on the matters of his clan and only rarely making his influence known, all on the most important and crucial occassions from the viewpoint of the court - though many figured that it had been active behind many smaller things as well. But then again, it was impossible to tell. He was clear-minded, but those not in the know might easily think him senile except when he was sharp and decisive, as was when he vetoed my father's plan for an uprising and forbade the rest of the clan to support it - although it might well have succeeded then if it were so. He has been cautious, but that did not mean he has lost sight of his old indignant thought or of his grandiose plans. Rather, he worked towards it slowly and gathered allies on the way, while letting enemies and allies that are worse than enemies die at the hands of his other opponents.

In this wise he had outlived all of his rivals, and now the new Haecadem himself could not be sure of outliving him. Yet Riheort had never pressed any claims to power, wealth or prestige other than what he has acquired long ago; and fearing him, but also aware of his network of allies in and around Werhold, Haecadem had.found there was but one thing he could do, and it was to press upon Riheort the position of the Kingsman in Werhold, to bring him out of the shadows; and Riheort had accepted this without a word of complaint, but it was clear to all that he understood this as a sign of war. Some courtiers thought the conflict was to be between Riheort and Bedeon the Blind, whom many blamed for the appointment; but this was merely because Riheort himself had let them think he blamed the foreign sage, by variously conspiring against him. Yet his own plans ranged far beyond that, and Bedeon was as irrelevant as his dreams of new statehood were without foundation.

The truth of the matter was for once far simpler, and it was that if Haecadem II were to die without a heir, Riheort would be in position to inherit by secret compact of the higher nobles, and if he were to inherit then the old families will be restored in their positions, and Werhold would learn to serve itself once more, and regain all of its ancient might and glory, and avenge itself upon old enemies.

But until then there was much to be prepared, and I received instructions to that end as I headed out on my way to Varica, to join the already plentiful ranks of Riheort's agents there.


At this point it was clear what I had to do. I lunged towards Heodest. He stepped back and the four guards rushed towards me; all were taken in by my feint. I slew the first guard and punched out the second, then promptly forced the late pair to retreat with my two blades. At this point, I felt a sudden pain in my right leg; I turned around and saw Heodest's Thune-made crossbow in his hand. The guards had closed the doors, and more were on their way; I would not have the time to escape as I have planned.

I summoned all my strength and charged at Heodest, but was blocked by a short sword that I did not see there. He was as stoic and smiling as ever, as he repeatedly parried my strikes and fought me all across the room, not going on offensive and not trying to shoot me once again - his crossbow he discarded, which surprised me as I knew by then that he could find a way to use it on the move. I felt more weak and I was slowing down.

"That missile has been poisoned! But why?!"

He did not dignify that with a comment; instead he struck both hard and fast and knocked my sword out of my hand. I tried to hit him with my dagger which I threw, but he evaded it without effort, then struck me with the dull side of his sword. I fell and faded out of my conscious.

My name is Riphric, and for now, I am alive.

This was but two months back.
To: The Kings of Teraldur, Huroto, Validira, Romadi, and Dolu (also intercepted by the Nakar)
From: Hroak, the voice of the Emperorp

The Emperor has decided. King Cul will lead the forces of Varica against the western barbarians as the General who Purifies the South. King Radu will command the armies of Varica until Cul’s arrival as the General who Guards the Western Border. Radu will become Cul’s second in command when Cul’s column unites with Radu’s.

In addition, Hroak sends these words to all kings of Varica.

We must show unity in our quest to rid the Empire of our invaders. The Tera have promised to send warriors to fight the Nakar. The Oerdan and Bexian have pledged continue to fight the Manische. The Gibraly must now focus on their internal issues before they spread across Varica like a plague.

The Rheni are commanded by the Emperor to send their warriors to join the rest of the Empire in the field of battle.

To stem the crises on our borders, the Hrothnani warband will go to the Darian March. The Vocci, Araman, and Maiahia warbands will join the Imperial, Werar, and Black army’s respectively. Unless Vigvitr or Haecadem believe these levies would be better served fighting the Hyren.

The tribes of the south have been ordered to call up their warbands as well. They will be able to fight the Manische until midsummer, but they will join us in our struggle.

From: Venci, thane of the Varathu
To: The Kings and great men of Varica

I will not have the claims of my sons be ignored! I will lead my people personally against the Nakar barbarians. I will fight them tooth and nail to bring the title to my sons that they deserve. In Haeka’s name, I swear that my claims are just. If the words I speak are true in Haeka’s eyes, then my he guide my blade into the heart of the Darian Khan. Should my words be false, then let him judge that my life is to end so that I may decay under his glorious light.

To: The People of Varica
From: The Priests of the Werar

Haecadem, with the confirmation of his priests that it be the will of Haeka, has acquitted Callista of the charges of witchcraft. There is no concrete evidence to convict her on. The only evidence brought before our council is circumstantial or tainted by personal grudges. The only evidence of witchcraft is that possibly committed against her own champion, Vorchk. Though she may be guilty of other crimes, she has already faced the Emperor’s judgment for them with her banishment. While she is unfit to return to Hrothnani lands, she should be allowed to live in peace wherever Haeka judges her worthy to find it.

(more details may be provided by das at a later date)

(OOC: Loved the story das. I'm excited to see where it leads us. Everyone, I've been a bit late responding to this stuff, so if you guys need some extra time before orders are due, I will gladly push the date back a bit for everyone.)
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