New NESes, ideas, development, etc

I think you mean 1802. I am interested in your NES though.

I think a battle NES would be great. What time period would it take place in?

My NES idea:

The Secret Wars
Time period: either 1972 or 2015
Background: Basically terrorism has reached and enormous peak and the world is in chaos. People live in constant fear of getting blown up or assassinated.

Players: Players can either control nations, NGOs, or terrorist organizations

Because of the nature of this NES fighting will be much more covert and indirect. It will be intelligence wars and unconventional warfare. Although it is possible for the fighting to get conventional, it is not as likely an occurrence.

If the time is 1972, I would also integrate the Cold War in as well. The nature of the cold war would promote the same kind of unconventional warfare because nobody wants to get blown to bits.

I have no Idea how to go about the stats nor do I have an economy system. Do you guys have any ideas?

You could always find one you like and steal it.
The ones I have seen don't really fit this kind of NES.
My NES idea:

The Secret Wars
Time period: either 1972 or 2015
Background: Basically terrorism has reached and enormous peak and the world is in chaos. People live in constant fear of getting blown up or assassinated.

Players: Players can either control nations, NGOs, or terrorist organizations

Because of the nature of this NES fighting will be much more covert and indirect. It will be intelligence wars and unconventional warfare. Although it is possible for the fighting to get conventional, it is not as likely an occurrence.

If the time is 1972, I would also integrate the Cold War in as well. The nature of the cold war would promote the same kind of unconventional warfare because nobody wants to get blown to bits.

I have no Idea how to go about the stats nor do I have an economy system. Do you guys have any ideas?

Cool idea, where did you get this idea from?
Cool idea, where did you get this idea from?

It is partial inspired by the NES: a Galaxy Turned Upside Down. THe rest is inspired by novels and by my knowledge of history.
I definitely think I will be going for the post-War period, since although everyone knew something was on the horizon before the War, there was very little at all anyone could do about it, and the likelihood of enough people of similar mind surviving the apocalypse in the same area, and sticking to a pre-organized plan is very small.

I interpret Tactics as canon, but since I'm decided on a pre-Tactics start period, the only Brotherhood organization existing at the beginning would be the Western Brotherhood.

If you and nutranurse are both as interested as you seem, it'd be great to talk to you on AIM, or a forum group/pre-thread or somesuch. My main concern is the rule-set, and how it will influence the game.

Well, obviously it's pointless to do anything about the war itself, but do remember that a lot of factions have their roots in the first few years after the bombs (BoS, ofcourse, but Necropolis also comes to mind). As such I was thinking it might be good to let players shape the development of the post-apocalyptic civilisation from its very beginning.

So, is what you're planning kinda like the Warcraft NESes (the one that died and the one that is yet to get off the ground), in that it will be based on the setting as it was at a certain period of time, gradually diverging into an alternate timeline from then on? If so, then that's good too, especially seeing as that still does allow players to create new factions or take old ones in new directions.

A pre-thread sounds nice.

An NES of that time frame would certainly be interesting. I would definently join.

And just in case- I right now claim The United States of America.
@Lord of Elves

Yeah I'd love to chat this over with you and das. A pre-thread or pre-nes group would be fine (I'd like the group, things can be more organized that way, but a pre-thread would be better advertisement wise)
Production/rule-crafting et cetera is now in progress for LONES: A Post-Nuclear Never Ending Story. If you are interested, and would like to reserve canon organizations, such as the Brotherhood of Steel or the Enclave, now is probably a good time to do so. PM me if this is the case. All canon organizations are available based on application.
das said:
Not Mongolia, because that was the original Soviet satellite state and as much as looking at it would've gone against every principle of Mao's strategy and politics... for the 1950s.

That was my bad which hardly makes it better..

das said:
It's more likely than you think! But military victories indeed have nothing to do with it.

I agree the Soviets could have won Afghanistan. But winning more conventional battles wasn't the way of achieving it. A half decent holistic population centric counter insurgency policy would have done that.

Omega124 said:
Truman decided to take a risk and go with it.

With what consequences? Its obvious that annexing Japan as a State would open it up to increased Soviet infiltration, at least, due to what I would imagine would have been widespread dissatisfaction, at minimum, to the move. And are we sure that North Korea wouldn't have examined its option at that point and decided that invading the South wasn't a good idea. Let alone, what the Soviet Union would have done because that action alone would have altered the strategic balance immeasurably.

Omega124 said:
It didn't. Korea is its own country. It was a UN mission, no country could had annexed it.

Well, yeah, apparently in your TL annexation of Asia is all the rage.

Omega124 said:
The occupation didn't happen until 1970 in my timeline, actually. Plus, if they lost, wouldn't they be even more angry?

That makes no sense. So as a response to a United Capitalist Korea on their border they apparently invade and occupy Mongolia and Tibet... almost two decades later?

Omega124 said:
It was a draw in real life, and it was a very infulental fight. That was the first battle the Viet Cong fought the Americans to a standstill, and would influence how both sides fought the war for the rest of that war. Had America won, it would have been just another victory.

Your making my case here. And from a quick wiki it seems that it was the first battle involving NVA regulars against American soldiers south of the border. But I don't see how that translates into a means of achieving a lasting victory in Vietnam.

Omega124 said:
Okay, I might have read a little too much Watchmen, sorry.

Seriously, that's the least of your problems.

Omega124 said:
It wouldn't have caused the war to last 10 years.

How so? Saying X won this and then assuming somehow that it winds up making a measurable or demonstrable difference without any form of backup isn't exactly comforting.

Omega124 said:
I'm going to assume that's sarcasam and ignore this.

Yes, entirely.
Well, I've spent the better part of a half hour using the search function and its paid off.

EPIC OPTIONS: (requires and uses epic points. You can use multiple points per turn.)
Golden Age (home) - lasts for at least one turn. Whatever your people do best, will be done even better. Rebels will be quieter than normal, and your influence will be greatly boosted in all areas.

Great Wonder (location / effects) - a monument to stand the test of time. Can inspire the growth of certain traits or subtle effects of your choice for the rest of history (or at least a while).

Great Leader (category) - a huge one-turn boost in a specific area - Army, Navy, Culture, Economic, Religious, or Leadership itself. Conquests can turn into epic conquests. Oceans can be crossed. Wealth can be doubled. Cultures and religions can be reborn. Etc etc.

Conquer (enemy tribe/kingdoms) - try to gain permanent control of certain neighbour(s).

Raid (enemy tribe/kingdoms) - capture wealth, prisoners etc without trying to gain permanent control.

Intimidate (nearby tribe/kingdoms) - armed manoeuvres / minor raiding etc to scare certain neighbours.

Explore (adjacent land) - armed expedition to get familiar with unexplored territories.

Defend (borders) - army stays at home, to concentrate on defence.

Assist (allied tribe/kingdoms) - send your military to assist with whatever your allies are doing.

Oppress (specific cultures) - crush disobedience, or make sure there isn't any.

Massacre (specific cultures) - try to genocide the target group(s) of people. They can fight back!

Enslave (specific cultures) - they can fight back!

Develop (trait) - you get to add a new military trait of your choice, and also (optionally) remove an unwanted one.

Defend (home coasts/waters)

Blockade (enemy coasts/islands/ports/straights)

Battle (enemy waters) - try to seek out and crush the enemy navy.

Invasion (enemy coasts/islands/ports) - attempt and amphibious invasion.

Trade (anywhere or anyone) - navy concentrates on protecting and promoting friendly trade in this area.

Piracy (enemy waters)

Explore (area) - armed naval expedition to seek out new contacts and opportunities.

Develop (trait) - you get to add a new navy trait of your choice, and also (optionally) remove an unwanted one.

Power (home or allies) - the leaders concentrate on defeating or bribing any rivals to power.

Stability (home or allies) - concentrate on making the regime/dynasty seem rock solid and legitimate.

Impress (anyone) - show off your power to foreign peoples, or your own peoples, to influence them.

Help (home or allies) - the benevolent leaders try to make life better for the people, through public works, free gifts, festivals etc.

Interrogate (home or allies) - use spies and agents to root out disobedience, or perhaps to cause it.

Encourage (culture group / culture trait) - the leaders sponsor a certain culture (EG Chinese) or cultural trait (EG Literacy) within your borders.

Discourage (culture group / culture trait) - the opposite to the above, and more likely to cause some upset.

Develop (trait) - you get to add a new leadership trait of your choice, and also (optionally) remove an unwanted one.

Impress (anyone) - show off the best of your (majority) culture to neighbouring peoples, or minorities in your own lands. They may be influenced and/or adopt your culture.

Absorb (home) - attempt to assimilate all different cultures in your lands into one. This may create a new mixed culture (new generation).

Expel (culture group) - a popular backlash occurs, and your majority culture attempts to rid itself of certain foreign influence(s).

Develop (trait) - you get to add a new cultural trait of your choice, and also (optionally) remove an unwanted one.

Explore (anywhere) - privately funded land/seal expedition to seek out new opportunities and contacts, particularly of the commercial kind.

Trade (anyone or anywhere) - focus is on trading and dealing, wealth will increase depending on your needs/surpluses, and you may gain random culture/religious traits from trade partners.

Gift (anyone) - give a large portion of your income as a gift or tribute to another power, for diplomatic reasons. Or even your own people, for happiness and stability.

Invest (home or allies) - expand farms, mines etc, raising output (and thus wealth), and possibly gain random new economy traits too.

Develop (trait) - you get to add a new economic trait of your choice, and also (optionally) remove an unwanted one.

Create (religion) - attempt to found a new world religion, based on any five religious traits you specify, and influenced by your cultural traits.

Preach (religion) - promote the desired religion in your own lands.

Suppress (religion) - the opposite of the above, and more likely to cause upset.

Missionary (religion, anyone) - try to spread desired religion in the specified foreign lands.

Tithes (home or allies) - use religion to extract more toil (output) and wealth from the people. Prolonged use may cause unrest and disillusionment!

Bless (home) - try to use the power of religion to create calm and reduce tensions, through ceremonies and festivals etc.

Inspire (economic trait / cultural trait) - try to use the power of your majority religion to further develop an existing trait.

Condemn (economic trait / cultural trait) - the desired trait is seen as unholy by the majority religion, with various repercussions for you and possibly other powers too.

Authority (religion) - try to become the global centre of authority for your majority religion, giving you power/influence over all its followers.

Holy War (enemy) - try to use the power of religion to inspire a great zealous war against your enemy, possibly roping in other powers who share your religion.

Develop (trait) - you get to add a new religious trait of your choice, and also (optionally) remove an unwanted one.

RESEARCH doesn't exist until much later.
A certain post of mine not a dozen posts after one of yours in the midst of a bunch of commentary on rules you posted there might explain it. Anyways, you should skim back through the thread or something before you ask silly questions next time. Okay?
A certain post of mine not a dozen posts after one of yours in the midst of a bunch of commentary on rules you posted there might explain it. Anyways, you should skim back through the thread or something before you ask silly questions next time. Okay?

Sorry for not remembering that you had said something before.

EDIT: I'm not being sarcastic.
Milarqui said:
Sorry for not remembering that you had said something before.

That's not the issue. Its just basic forum etiquette. If you don't understand something at least make the effort to flick back a few pages. It has some similarities to the whole while-certain-nesers-might-superstitiously-bounce-threads-back-to-the-first-page-it-probably-doesn't-pay-to-do-it-more-than-once-especially-when-the-mod-has-vanished trope we went over last time.
I have created a political simulation NES, and am look for some strong conservative and moderate players (liberals are more than welcome, but we are starting to have an imbalance). It is called CitiNES How to Run a Nation.
Political correctness is a blight :p
That's not the issue. Its just basic forum etiquette. If you don't understand something at least make the effort to flick back a few pages. It has some similarities to the whole while-certain-nesers-might-superstitiously-bounce-threads-back-to-the-first-page-it-probably-doesn't-pay-to-do-it-more-than-once-especially-when-the-mod-has-vanished trope we went over last time.

I guess, at least for you, its more basic than forum etiquette concerning politeness. and common courtesy?
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