Returning another civs relics


May 1, 2006
Hi all,

I was under the impression you could return others civs relics that your archeologists dug up?

Was I wrong? If it is possible; how on earth do you do it!

Thanks in advance!
Is that the only way to get rid of them? I have some that I don't need and I'd prefer to just give them away.

Can I delete them?

You should have thought about that before stealing them huh...
This is what you get for plundering other peoples' cultures.
First world problems...
no you can't...

I sort of wish one could Trade Great Works and artifacts in the diplo screen, for gold or resources or something...

But yeah, you have to swap them.
You should have thought about that before stealing them huh...
This is what you get for plundering other peoples' cultures.
First world problems...

no you can't...

I sort of wish one could Trade Great Works and artifacts in the diplo screen, for gold or resources or something...

But yeah, you have to swap them.

Ah damn...thanks for your help :)
I'm having a problem unloading my extra artifacts too. They can't be swapped for other types of artwork, and the AI civs, at least in my current game, aren't offering up any artifacts to swap.
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