New NESes, ideas, development, etc

Ideas for your NES. You play as ants, and its like humans but ants in the yard. So you can tame other insects, make weapons from stuff around. It would be aweseomt o have like butterfly airforces with Ants riding and breeding Butterflys to drop pebbles on Ant Civilizations
Swissempire said:
Ideas for your NES. You play as ants, and its like humans but ants in the yard. So you can tame other insects, make weapons from stuff around. It would be aweseomt o have like butterfly airforces with Ants riding and breeding Butterflys to drop pebbles on Ant Civilizations
That's exactly what happened in the knome NES I linked to.


You rule an ant colony. Simple enough. You have the ants gather food and build the nest. Also, your ants go out and fight to grow your ant empire. Here are some rules for this NES:

Food: Your ants need food to survive. Food is shown on the map with a square filled in with green. More food can be discovered later. If your food dwindles or runs out, your ants start to die.

Predators: There are some predators around the area, marked by dark gray areas on the map. Basically, they are like barbarians in Civ, they attack your ants and may even attack the nest. You can kill some of them but there will always be more.

Nests: nests are basically cities. Your nest is where ants are born and where your food is stored. Your “capital” nest is where your main queen ant is; you MUST protect her at all costs, for your nest cannot survive without her. There are two types - above ground and below ground. For pro’s and cons, see template 2 below. YOU TELL ME WHICH TYPE YOUR NEST IS

Types of Ants: you have several types of ants, with more coming available later.

---Worker Ant: main gatherer of food for the nest. Can fight, but fights horribly.

---Soldier Ant: nimble, fast ant that can fight better than workers and can also gather food, though not as well as workers.

---Warrior Ant: the frontline ant soldier. Strong and large, these ants are great fighters but cannot gather food. Also eats more than the other two ants. This ant is poisonous (if poison > 0).

---Juggernaut Ant: the ultimate soldier. Immense, powerful, and formidable, these ants are the greatest fighter. It cannot gather food. Also eats an immense amount of food. This ant is poisonous. (if poison > 0)

---Winged Ant: this is a flying ant (like your air force). It is not very powerful, but is extremely mobile. It cannot gather food.

Species of ant: you set how great your ant is in certain areas, ranging in scores from 1 to 10 (except for poison, which is 1-5). Larger numbers means your ant is better in certain areas. You can only spend 27 points in this area.

Template 1:

Player Name:
Species of Ant:
Fighting Ability:
Gathering ability:
Building Ability:

Player Name: your name. Duh.

Ant Species: name of your ants. Kinda like the name of your country in another NES.

Fighting ability: How well your ant fights. More points here = better fighters.

Gathering ability: How well your ant gathers food. More points here = more efficient food gathering.

Building Ability: how well your ant builds the nest. More points here = better built nest.

Intellect: How smart your ant is. More points here = smarter ants.

Poison: How poisonous your ant is. Only goes from 1 - 5. More points here = more powerful poison.

Template 2:

Player Name:
Nest Type:
Nest Size:
Food Reserves:
Nest Infrastructure:


Player Name - your name. Duh

Nest Type - your nest can either be above ground or below ground. Above ground is harder to defend, but holds more food reserves and population. Below ground doesn’t hold as much food or population, but is easier to defend.

Nest size - how big your nest is physically (not population). bigger nests can hold more population and food, and can hold out longer against attackers.

Food reserves: how much food your nest has (including food being gathered by the workers). If this gets too low, your ants start to die. Almost like economy.

Population: how high your population is, based on the ants you make. Higher populations need more food but can build better nests.

Nest Infrastructure: How good your nest is on the inside. Better infrastructure makes your nest hold more food and population.

Ants: what type of ants are in the nest (see below for types of ant
Nice, very nice. Clean, simple, and doable. One question though: I presume we will have more than one nest over time, seeing as this would be how we expand, will you have a different template for each nest?
Israelite9191 said:
Nice, very nice. Clean, simple, and doable. One question though: I presume we will have more than one nest over time, seeing as this would be how we expand, will you have a different template for each nest?
It looks like there will be a second post...

I certainly hope so, as there aren't any rules for recruiting military yet!
recruiting military uses up points from the food reserves. So, you get, say, 1000 soldier ants by spending 1 point of food reservs. But, watch out for lack of food!
you should so be able to tame massive bugs if your strong enough, like obtain kamakazi wasps and hornets, and destructive praying mantis, use poison stinger daggers, and have massive grasshopper armies who can wipe out an entire colonies food supply with one flat out victory
also you should be able to have your queen have queen babies, who are sent off to form colonies, so then you can have greater expansion.
Each nest has a queen, so if you get a new nest a new queen comes. However, your main nest is your "capital" and is the strongest

Oh, and in Japan there is a species of ant that blows itself up sending acid to melt the enemies all over the place.
OK, I got another idea, so bear with me:

I'm fascinated by the Civil War. Its my favorite time in American history, maybe even world history. but a normal Civil War NES isn't good. No, I have another idea...

what if the entire NES involved only one battle? The players would control divisions on either the Confederates or Union, and one person on each side would be voted "commander" and command the entire army. The commander would tell the division commanders what to do, and the division commanders would tell their brigades they control what to do. The entire map would be the battlefield, and whichever side defeats the other wins.
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