What language does Ramessess II speak?

Well, it's like me preferring Alexander to speak Koine Greek than modern Greek (as opposed to Macedonian Greek or Attic Greek).
I think Coptic would have been the best choice, but too bad, I guess. At least it sounds unique, so whatever.

As for actual Ancient Egyptian, archaeologists have an extremely hard time reconstructing the language, especially since there are no vowels. That's why you see a number of ways to spell Ramses: "Ramses", "Ramesses", and so forth. In reality, his name probably wasn't even pronounced anything like that. I remember reading somewhere that his name probably was closer to "Riamessa" or something like that, since it was found on a Hittite or Assyrian inscription or something.

"Ramses" or "Ramesses" is just for the archaeologists' convenience so they don't have to say "Rmss" or whatever every single time.
Coptic isnt that difficult to find, just drop a line to the Egyptian Orthodox church. There's definetely a priest out there with sufficient understanding and a voice that fits Ramesses.
They are only three leaders I will understand and those are Washington , Elizabeth and Napoleon.
Coptic isnt that difficult to find, just drop a line to the Egyptian Orthodox church. There's definetely a priest out there with sufficient understanding and a voice that fits Ramesses.
Good advice.
I mean, Latin is a dead language too and yet we can have Caesar using it instead of Italian, right?

I'm telling you, person designing leaders should get sacked :thumbsdown:
Wikipedia Quote: "No modern Nahuatl languages are identical to Classical Nahuatl, but those spoken in and around the Valley of Mexico are generally more closely related to it than those on the periphery."

Um... thanks for proving my point?

There was a discussion of whether Monty speaks Classical Nahuatl or not, if memory serves me right (it sounds like he is saying Imperio, the Spanish word for empire, for example)
Good advice.
I mean, Latin is a dead language too and yet we can have Caesar using it instead of Italian, right?

I'm telling you, person designing leaders should get sacked :thumbsdown:

Latin is the least dead of dead languages. If you can find me a college course ANYWHERE in the United States that teaches you to speak ancient Egyptian, I will mail you the laptop I am currently typing on. By contrast, EVERY college teaches Latin. It's not hard to find a competent Latin speaker, I have one in my house.
Latin is the least dead of dead languages. If you can find me a college course ANYWHERE in the United States that teaches you to speak ancient Egyptian, I will mail you the laptop I am currently typing on. By contrast, EVERY college teaches Latin. It's not hard to find a competent Latin speaker, I have one in my house.
Hey, you have whole world at your disposal, US is only a part of it ;)
Effort can be made, and imo should be made to avoid embarrassment :p
Yes its clearly Arabian even if I can't understand it, but what I have heard people speaking Egyptian that doesn't even come close.
Incidentally, I wonder how "I challenge you to a Shadow Game" would sound in Egyptian Arabic.
They've been going for era specific voices/languages for all the leaders, including the drawl of early American revolutionaries for Washington and reviving the dead language of Nahuatl for Montezuma.

I imagine Ramesses II will speak era specific Egyptian (or as close as they can come to it).

Nahuatl still is spoken by a minority (as are the Mayan tongues, amoung other New World indigenous languages scattered about the Spanish colonial Empire)
It really isnt thathard to find some nahuatl speaker that could have help them out, or maybe an academic who speaks it.

The horrible part is the actor playing Moctezuma, God! its painful to hear, he is so over the top is not even funny.
Latin is the least dead of dead languages. If you can find me a college course ANYWHERE in the United States that teaches you to speak ancient Egyptian, I will mail you the laptop I am currently typing on. By contrast, EVERY college teaches Latin. It's not hard to find a competent Latin speaker, I have one in my house.

Doesn't mean it is Roman Latin, if you wanted the most authentic Latin you should probably talk the Roman Catholic Church (Latin was THE language of the Church for 1000+ years)
No they use Ecclesiastical Latin which is a modified version of Classical Latin so the plebs of Rome could understand what the preacher was on about. I would like to point out that we have plenty of Classical Latin texts, mainly every single piece of famous Roman poetry or prose you might have heard about as well as some preserved graffiti and personal letters of various statesmen and generals, so Classical Latin is very well known. There is also Medieval Latin, which is an evolution of Classical Latin and was the language of every educated man in Europe for several hundred years, as well as more esoteric divisions for the various forms Classical Latin has taken as it has evolved. Latin is definitely a known dead language. The only part that is not known is what the plebs spoke, everyday Latin, apart from graffiti that is. Equally some of the many dialects of Ancient Greek are known so hopefully Alexander will speak Ancient Greek of some form.
Well, seems my suspicion is confirmed.

I don't really care, I just find it strange that even though they choose to base the Egyptian civilization almost 100 % of ancient Egypt (though they often cross somewhat over into Roman and Ptolemaic Egypt), that they've chosen to have him speak Egyptian Arabic (though it is most convenient and the different arabic dialects are almost different languages in their own right), I feel they should have included more of Egypt later in history in some way or another (such as Mamluks, Muhammad Ali, Saladin or what not).
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