Honest descriptions of Civ 5 leaders

Ahmad al Mansur – I'm your faithful dog. I'll do all your biddings. Please, go on, have your way with me.

Alexander – All those city states are mine. Come to think of it, my Hellenic world will achieve perfection when you and everybody else leave the map. Shoo!

Ashurbanipal – We are Assyria. Open your gates and surrender your cities. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.

Askia – I'm hot personality! My house is on fire! This house is on fire!... Now your house is on fire! And the flame is gonna burn in. I'll bet it's gonna burn. I'm gonna burn… You!

Attila – Hello, hey, let's be friends! Want some wine? You know what – let's go to war against each other! Rape and pillage, rape and pillage – wow that was fun, buddies now? Ok, I'm bored again. Waaaar! – Hey what's the matter, why are you so ticked off? I thought we were having the time of our lives?!

Augustus – Oh… salve… erm, hi. I am a bit not in the mood to kill you right now. You may live for a while, until I find some of that so called "iron"… Oh gosh, I've found it… still not in the mood… it's gotta be done though, I guess… Legions! Erm… attack! And I am off to do some pondering, I'm beset with melancholy and sad thoughts… I fear for Rome, it might fall one day… Legions? Are you done? March on the next target! Oh, dear, such a huge empire to rule, so much responsibility… sigh...

Bismarck - Guten Tag! Without beating about the bush, are you ready to embrace your destiny as part of Germany? All will be well!

Boudicca – I donate my great druids to the world, the world comes at me with troops. Ungrateful lot, my word! Wanna druid? It's a great one!

Casimir III - Hello? What do you want here? No time, I must into space ASAP, so I have to have some space here, make yourself scarce!

Catherine – Hello, my darling! You're my Prince Charming, I just know it! Listen, I have a plan! I will befriend you, then I will love you… then I will kill you just a little bit at the end. But no worries there, you'll die a very happy man! What? You reject me? Fool, you'll never find another woman like me! Never!!! I hate you! *storms out to her spaceship and blasts off to space*
These are some pretty funny and accurate descriptions here. (in other people's posts, not mine which follows =P)

I usually play on large maps with random leaders, so my humble experience with leaders follows:

Ahmad al-Mansur= seems like a pretty friendly guy

Alexander = not a good neighbor, interferes with city state alliances if you make it a point to focus on making friends out of city states.

Ashurbanipal = will go to war with you if he's your neighbor. If he is not your neighbor he spams zoroastrian religion (if he founds it) against your own civ's religion (with great prophets if your borders are closed).

Askia = when he has occurred in my games, he ended up being conquered by another civ. I figured he would be able to hold his own, being islamic and all...

Atilla = prepare for war if he is your neighbor. If he isn't your neighbor he will go to war with other civs, and this is interesting to watch. I often liberate civs that he wipes off the map for those extra votes. He does try to conquer those liberated civs all over again and this became a necessary hassle for me at times. I saw him get roflstomped by the mongolian empire in one game... I thought that was pretty cool.

Augustus = he greatly hindered my expansion plans everytime he was a neighbor. When he was not a neighbor he was just generally untrustworthy.

Bismarck = He never gets along with me for some reason I don't know. He's never been a neighbor, I never bother him, we may be friends for a time, but he always ends up annoying me to a large degree where we often go to war.

Boudicca = she hasn't been in many of my games, but when she did appear I ended up going to war with the celts and conquering them to some degree because I was worried she would just start spamming religion. Perhaps my fears were misplaced and i could have had good diplomacy with the celts..

Catherine = Try as I might, i can never maintain static, good diplomacy with her. War became inevitable when we were neighbors.

Darius = He's generally a pleasant civ to deal with and hasn't given me any troubles in my games.

Dido = One of my favorite civs to play, I have a level of respect for carthage and try to maintain good diplomacy with Dido, but it always fails to remain good somehow and I don't even try to antagonize Dido. She is just subject to denounce you and oppose you eventually, I guess.

Elizabeth = I never had troubles with her, but we've never declared friendship either.

Enrico Dandolo = One of my favorite AI civs because I can always count on them for trading and general friendliness.

Gajah mada = I've tried to be friends with him but he always ends up hating me, and he spams religion.

Gandhi = I haven't seen him use a nuke yet. Is he really all that bad?

Genghis = This guy is weird. He usually ends up disliking me and this is understandable based on how I have expanded into his territory or conquered some of his cities or he covets my land. What is weird is that he will become friendly with me even after all this, then denounce me and hate me, and this happens multiple times throughout the game like a cycle. Odd.

Haile Selassie = He has been a good fellow civ to have around in my games and doesn't bother me so much. He just usually ends up bullied by other civs and conquered by them. I often end up liberating him. I keep my borders closed to him though...

Isabella = I see that she spams religion, but she doesn't do well at war with other civs in the games I played, and becomes irrelevant.

Montezuma = He always goes to war against me if he is nearby and my military is small.

Nebuchadnezzar = I have maintained good friendly diplomacy with him even when we are neighbors and we have different ideologies. I like this guy.

Oda = He is a warmonger. He has never been a neighbor to me, but on a large map where there should be 9 other civs besides my own, I end up finding that the reason why 2 or 3 civs no longer exist is because of Oda.

Pocatello = He appeared as my neighbor in one of my games. He ruined by plans of expansion so effectively that I was compelled to wipe the shoshone off the map. It was intolerable, far worse than the problem Rome's expansion tends to cause.

Shaka = Even when the demographic statistics show my military is #1, this guy insults me as if I was a city state, and he bullies my city state allies and says that we both know I can't do anything about it. 0_o

Suleiman = He will try to conquer me if I am a neighbor, but I have been able to dependably maintain friendly diplomacy with him.

Washington = I usually prioritize conquering him if he ends up as a neighbor, just for good measure. Otherwise he is pretty easy to befriend and I don't mind the troubles he causes for other AIs.
Elizabeth: We are pleased to meet you. Not!

Rashid: I see you have your own religion. What do you think of Islam? Do you want some
Islam. No? Have some Islam anyway.

Nobunaga: Hey douche. I hate you and wish you were dead. I won't declare war though.

Pedro: Hey! Remember me? We always get along great!

Asshurbanipal: Nice land. It's mine now.

Washington: Oh, you wiped out a civ and control most of the continent. That's cool, I'll be doing my own thing, I guess.

Napoleon: I know we are on friendly terms and all, but consider this war. Why? Because I'm bored and we're friends.

Montezuma: Prepare to be sacrificed to Huitzilopochtli! *DoW* (After war) You have proven your strength, and for that, I respect you.


Every Agressive AI I finally found the perfect move I can make that most assures neither of us will win the game! Now cower as I pointlessly attack your city, pillaging two caravans and sacrificing 10 units, slowing us both down by 20 turns! MWAHAHA
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