1000 Clues You Play Civilization V Too Much.

171. Quality time with the wife consists solely of hotseat games. (cIV, but soon CiV!)
172. During said hot seat games, you have to stop playing civ on your phone to take your turn.
173. Your last argument with the wife started with the comment "What if I just raised MY difficulty level?"
174. All such minor disagreements are settled with the words "I'm sorry this has caused a divide between us."
175. While hanging out with friends one of them texts you to please stop talking about video games.
176. When confronted with #175, you start explaining to your friend how video games and civ are clearly not the same thing, resulting in another instance of #174.
177. You have sex with your girlfriend when she's unhappy because she is four times less likely to get pregnant.
178. You call friend requests on Facebook "Declarations of Friendship"
179. You think catapults were the best way to sink galleys.
180. You think you will get a better education if you attend a university that is located near jungle.
181. Your position on nuclear power is that we should save our uranium for Giant Death Robots.
182. You start to ponder the real world potential of a Theocracy, since it would probably make everyone happier.
183. You assume that the middle ages started in the BCs, and that tanks dominated warfare in the 1800s.
184. Upon being corrected by someone about the "true" dates in history, you assume that real life scientists weren't effectively tech blocking.

(had to get those in before the new patch)
187. You would have whacked Iraq for their oil too.

188.1.175. You think the news is a replay.

189. You name your sons Sid, Otto and Monty
190. After buying horses and hiring riders, you attack the farm down the road for its cows and wheat.

191. When arrested, you declare diplomatic immunity from babylon.

191. You run for Governer with the campaign theme "I am Cultured, and Friendly! My opponent is Militaristic and Irrational!"
194. You sell a bottle of wine for 300 euro.
195. You would let your neighbors stay at home for 50 euro every 30 turns.
196. You got the whole Civ5 soundtrack on your Ipad.
197. You have read the manual of the game more than twice.
198. You don't understand why lots of civilizations in history became a Monarchy instead of a Republic.
199. You think nationalism in a democratic country is impossible.
200. You think that ''the more children you have, the more science your house generates''.
201: You keep on saying "Mil agua ahm!" whenever you disagree with someone
202. The neighbors have noticed their lawns have begun to disappear under tacky ornaments, aka your "wonders".
203. You buy more land because you've been listening to refined music, hence you have more culture. Again, the neighbors are not amused.
205. You don't understand why you might have to buy 2 bottles of wine as a gift to someone, afterall, they'll still be as happy as getting one bottle.
207. Because you chopped down the tree, you feel less productive than before. Nothing to do with Civ V, of course.

208. You avoid reading the Civiliopedia for too long. Your Steam play time is inflated enough already.
209. You chuckle whenever you read the news- "Obama Denounces North Korea over Military Expansion" is a lot funnier when you imagine Obama in a diplo screen, saying the "you're pathetic" line.
210. A Jehovah's Witness knocks on your door. You're intrigued, but you tell them they'll have to come back after June 19th because the religion mechanic hasn't been implemented yet.
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