Advanced Workers


Mar 10, 2008
Based off of some stuff I did in C2C, this modcomp adds many things to Worker units in the game, mainly the ability for them to gain XP and take promotions to improve themselves in various ways.

Gameplay Details:

-Workers now gain XP upon finishing a build. That XP is equal to 1/100th of the iTime value for the build they just finished.
-Several new Promotion tags have been added to allow the making of Worker promotions. These are;

<iWorkRate>: Just a general percentage modifier to the work rate of the unit, very simple. 
<iHillsWork>: A percentage modifier for the work rate of a unit on Hills. 
<TerrainWorks> & <FeatureWorks>: These are nested tags, same in structure to <TerrainDefenses> & <FeatureDefenses>. Just add entries for each type of terrain and what the modifier for that type of terrain is.

-The AI is aware of how valuable these are and will take promotions on their workers.

Modder Details:

Included in the download are the modified C++ files as well as some GameText XML. I have not included a precompiled DLL or a schema, although if wanted I could add those. I have also not included any actual promotions, but making those is easy. So to use this in your mod you'll have to merge my changes into your project and compile the DLL. All of my changes have comments starting with "//ls612:" and then a general description of what they are for.


-Stolenrays for some code I reused and refactored from his Super Workers modcomp.
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