Would Be Great To Be Able To Name Trade Routes


Oct 31, 2007
Brisbane Australia
I know the previous route is indicated, but it would still be nice to be able to name the purpose of a trade route- especially as you get towards 8 routes.

I normally devote a caravan to providing extra food to various cities- which do change- but it would be fine to be able to see at a glance that it is labeled "Food Train" or such.
Funny. I was thinking on these lines, but it also occurred to me it would be nice to name the seas\oceons too, depending on who owns what area of land next to it.
I'd settle for the ability to re order the list as you can with the trade overview, with the previous route being selected by default and just awaiting confirmation/enter.

Keeping track of the best deals through the TRO then scrolling to get to it gets old when you play Venice and you need to reassign one of 16 or 18 routes every other turn.
Funny. I was thinking on these lines, but it also occurred to me it would be nice to name the seas\oceons too, depending on who owns what area of land next to it.

I'd like this a lot but there is one fundamental flaw in tieing it to who is nearby. For example, which ocean would lie adjacent to Mongolia? Or Austria? Same thing to mountain ranges and the Netherlands? The Danish Jungle? Or maybe there should just be regional names and which precede a generic mountains/sea/river. I don't know. I think I'm rambling. I'll stop.
I'd settle for adding signs to the landscape with names in them. It'd feel different guarding Mt Doom than a generic mountain choke-point... Or traversing the Icy Sands rather than common snow-bound plains. Etc... It was in Civ IV iirc, but the signs looked ugly and plastic there. I like the idea of an old-map looking text, like in 'Here Be Dragons'. It could even update with the eras, moving from crude cuneiform-like scribblings in the sand to modern typing in the Information era. :goodjob:
Civilization: Revolution used to let you name plains, grasslands, hills, rivers and seas. That'd be something I'd like to see come back.
I always like to think I'm importing at least some H-games and indecent doujinshi from any trade route with Japan :eek:
Making it official would be fun, e.g
Stockholm -> Tokyo
They get: Minecraft
You get: Makai Tenshi 4
I thought you were going along the lines of calling the trade routes something like "the silk road" or something. But I guess either could actually be reason for the other.

I also love the idea of naming significant geography. It would definitely add an extra layer of immersion

my idea would be tie naming geography to Scouts that level up, Great Scientists, and Archaeologists. After they name it, thats what everyone calls it. So when it comes to naming a continent, it doesn't matter that the Shoshone have been their Hundreds of years, I popped a great scientist, I'm naming it.... America..
Not sure a Great Scientist would be the best choice for naming landforms; I'm thinking Great Generals/Admirals instead. Scouts and Archaeologists definitely fit, though (although I do wish there were the SFA's Explorer units in the regular game; they would really fit in well.)
I'd prefer being able to name landmasses beforehand. Perhaps for a future patch or expansion.
Or if a place can be named after enough actions happen around it - random mountains in the middle of nowhere should be nameless, but a mountain pass with a lot of trade and war sure as hell would get a name
Something that's continuously visible, methinks.
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