Have any tips for a heavy Jungle tiled starting point?

Only invest in religion if you spawn near a faith natural wonder. Otherwise you a better off building an army to invade your nearest neighbor or protect against an early DoW.

What? Did you want to qualify that statement with anything at all, b/c it's def not a valid blanket statement, whatsoever. No, I wouldn't go so far as to take the Jungle Pantheon over it, but whatevs.

Also normally I try to save river jungle, and especially if the city is already set up well for food. Because I enjoy both the money and the science that those specific tiles will eventually make. Other people brought up chopping those down due to the defense danger it poses on your city. The way I see that is, you're going to need an army anyway, but they cannot effectively defend unless you build at least one road over that river regardless. So if you build a road/bridge around the middle of the river, your units will have the mobility to aggressively defend and not simply sit inside that city. Also if they are aggressively defending, they get to use that jungle themselves instead of the enemy.
That's a great start, actually. Get a second city down somewhere with Hills to help with unit production (so you can take that pesky nearby Persia out) and focus your capital on growth and science. You should make an incredible amount of beakers with all those Jungle and River tiles!
Thanks for all of the tips, I'm going to run this scenario through and see what I can do with it ;)
What? Did you want to qualify that statement with anything at all, b/c it's def not a valid blanket statement, whatsoever. No, I wouldn't go so far as to take the Jungle Pantheon over it, but whatevs.

On Deity the AI will often found a religion by turn 30.
IMHO, don't chop the remaining jungle tiles, except if they have resources on them. After you get universities they will start producing science, and then you can put trading posts on them. Until you get there, try and work other tiles first, there seem to be enough. Maybe fill out a specialist slot or two.

As other mentioned, Sacred Path is the pantheon belief for a jungle-heavy start, but since you also have marble and cattle and spices, there are other choices.
I have the graphics/video settings turned to the lowest end so that it runs smoother on my laptop is why.

I play on a laptop too and at lowest difficulty settings the grassland looks nothing like your pic, are you running in direct x 11? Your GPU might not be compatible with it. BTw that start is pretty good, I wouldn't waste time building wonders early on though, you should have expanded some more early on and currently I recommend invading persia.
IMHO, don't chop the remaining jungle tiles, except if they have resources on them. After you get universities they will start producing science, and then you can put trading posts on them. Until you get there, try and work other tiles first, there seem to be enough. Maybe fill out a specialist slot or two.

As other mentioned, Sacred Path is the pantheon belief for a jungle-heavy start, but since you also have marble and cattle and spices, there are other choices.

It's France, you'll want to have Chateaux eventually.

In general, on jungle starts you want to pick Liberty. You won't get a lot of hammers and you need a lot of workers, and Liberty helps with both of them.

And you definitely want to pick Sacred Path. Other Pantheons might look nice, but Scared Path gives you culture immediately, without having to research any additional techs or spend time improving resources, and on pretty much every tile you will work until you finally get Calendar and Bronze Working.
That isn't so much jungle. Play as normal, there is alot of nice grassland around.
Also, those are some sweet Nintendo 64 textures on those grassland tiles!
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