CAVEMAN to Cosmos = Prehistoric Alternatives


Dec 5, 2014
Here's to some ideas and hopefully good concepts to really enrich Caveman to Cosmos' prehistoric era, and maybe more. Any ideas relating to the prehistoric era (and maybe beyond) are welcome, but the focus here is on paleo.

So here is just some ideas/concepts:


A new starting culture. Paleo Culture. Not European, African, etc.

Idaltu Man
Northern Neandertal (Alpine Neanderthal? Nordic Neanderthal?)
Southern Neandertal (Dead Sea Neandertal?)
Aborigine (these people have remained virtually unchanged since the Pleistocene, and are the closest thing we have to a written/documented record of the Pleistocene era.)
?Namaqua? (still show cultural things nearly unchanged since the Ice Age)
-Starting culture = Paleolithic/Ice Age/Paleo Culture
-to build their unique cultures requires Paleo Culture and REQUIRMENTS (resources, tech - etc)

Rhodesian Man a.k.a. Homo heidelbergensis (?a.k.a. the Nephilim of the Old Testament?)

Why should this be a civ? A overflowing stream of finds and information show that these people were very advanced, were the first people to create AND perfect weapons we attribute to H.s.sapiens (us), had a religion, burial tombs, religous burial tombs, religious ceremonies, and interspecies habitation. From the bones, they could speak and could differentiate between different tones and sounds on a complex level, probably meaning complex language. As one begins to witness their tombs, artifacts, paintings, etc., it begins obvious these people may have had a nation, or number of nations throughout NE Africa and ME. They show a series of beliefs that attest to ceremonial burial, ceremonial blades, burial tombs, religous castes, shamanistic beast-man dancing, and working with neandertal and humans concerning burial and the afterlife with ceremonies.

It is believed they are the ancestors of us while in Africa, those who left into Europe became the neandertals, and some going eastward intermixed with Homo sapiens to become what is known as Denisovans.

Sadly, Caveman to Cosmos carries a 1 UU per civ. Once you begin studying these people, they were so incredible that they might need more than one. Or maybe thats just the paleontologist in me talking. They also show that the first warriors used thrusting spears, throwing spears and large hand-axes for combat, not clubs.

Rhodesian Man or Homo heidelbergensis:
(for the laymen, just think pretty much neandertals of ME and Africa)

-Schoningen Spears (first known perfected throwing spears). So good with these, it might be best to replace them with archers? They seemed to have stayed with long distance hardened spears for thousands and thousands of years, they had a superiority in range over stone tips, which H.heidelberg had already perfected and had in play.

-Stone Spear (first well-hafted stone spears, improved over what our species had for QUITE some time. Very likely, through trade, meeting, and religion that we got ours from them.)

CULTURE UNIT for Paleolithism?
Ruby Quartz Blade: A person of major religious importance and leadership. High priest of a cave temple-tomb. Sort of a ambassador/advisor, since their tombs show mixed species and centuries of religious import and accumulation. Not a combat unit, but one who can convert combat units to his religion and to guard his tomb/town. Most likely had warrior guards and hunter guards that belonged to the temple who "procure" the bodies of guardian animals...unless they could tame bears. LOL. I know, but still. Tame Church Bears is...thats just delicious! "Dont talk in church or that Yogi gonna come over here." Ahem, Im sorry. Just still.......Synagogue bear...ok. I'll stop. Dammit, Boonkie.

.....damn. Ok.

Why? Because shut up.

On the serious side, maybe subdued bears that are butchered in the city add science and hammers to the temples or cave plot-turned-temple for cities with Paleolithism.
On the not so serious side, Temple Bears. A bear attacking your enemies for your religon. Convert or...bear.

-H. Antecessor. (this controversial species' only remains are found in small numbers buried in what seem to be mass tombs by H.heidelbergensis. Conincidence? Slaves? ...pets?

-Sima de los Huesos (replaces?) Over 500,000 people were buried here. There also was found a giant, red-quartz hand axe nicknamed "Excalibur" by finders, a ceremonial/ritual blade for burials.
Bears were also ritually buried there among the dead. Why? Guardians of the afterlife? Offerings?

Cave paintings show they may have had a religion that included shamanistic dancing, and from what is on the cave wall, a half gemsbok/gazelle man in a transecendent dance. May have started off unique to heidelbergensis, and spread through the ME. It was not a general basic ceremony, but from remains they had a grounded religion....but we dont know what the hell to call it. (Paleolithism?) Or more details of it. But it did include figures, temple-tombs, priest-roles/professions/castes, and caused humans and neanderthal people nearby to make pilgrimages to bury special people, and some of these seem to have been handled by H.heidelbergensis in burial - so either the dead were handed over or either they came to get the dead to those who followed the relgion, unless neandertal and human students came to become priests themselves?

Skhul Cave, where other sub-species of men (H.s.sapien, H.s.neandertalensis) were buried. It may have been a tomb of great Homo heidelbergensis that began allowing neandertal and human great men to be buried there as well. For such pilgrimages and H.heidelberg handling the bodies while controlling the tomb, this may have been a tomb or temple of a religion or a Kemetic style of "shelf" of religions. Those belonging to the religion or respecting the heidelbergs controlling the cave may have made special funeral trips, and thus may have all been brothers of the same religion.

Neandertal Empire (Northern Variant. Alpine? Neander Valley?)
(The reason for splitting them into two cultures is because from remains of them, they really show a blatant difference in culture and practices):
Build culture would need forest or resin instead of stone. Im all for just starting the game with culture you already picked instead of building it. But Neanderthals were amazing at using pitch glue. They could use glue to a point that we have trouble recreating it today. They glued their clothes, weapons, items, and who knows what else. They had a "glue" culture in comparison to our "pierce" culture. Pitch was more vital than stone.

Neandertals are already present in C2C, BUT they are so much more! Genetic evidence shows that all people today with blonde hair, red hair, freckles, blue eyes, green eyes have neandertals somewhere down in their bloodline. Neandertal werent killed out by humans, but they simply mixed with us till there were no more 100% neandertal. Popular imagery shows them with black stripes along their shoulders and upper body in rings.
Genetic data and fossils show that around the Germanic areas, Neandertal and human intermarriage/interbreeding/mixed children were at a very high rate. They were in Europe long before the first men arrived, and considering all the intermarriage and trading, the first native languages of Europe may have been partly Neandertal native tongue.

I would guess, to try to get closest to what may have been, either something Runic-esque or along the lines of "Father-Of-Other-Sons" (i.e. the authority over rulers and the ruled). Picking something depicting a deed or character in Runic would prob be best.
This is someone who believes in interbreeding with his neighbors immensely, and sharing culture, and putting capability beyond anything else.

2nd Leader?
"Winter-Spring mother Mother" (change from old to new, empress) (in Runic? or mix Runic with Gaelic?)
Rapid change in technology to the most advanced known. Very progressive and big into trading.

Neanderthals had begun a major trading with modern men in Europe. They also nearly overnight switched their traditional styles of jewely, weapons, tools and art for Cro-Magnon (European) art. This may have been the items of human spouses though, considering the ratio. But the implication of a radical culutural shift might be there.
This could mean another leader who is maybe half-neanderthal? I think this is important to show the importance of their mixing with us and adapting of us. On the other hand, there are no half-neanderthal models except for a litle girl. So...

All units should be very white skinned, red and blonde haired. The Neandertal warrior and stone thrower in C2C fit the look, but all units of this civ should carry the siganture build and brow ridge. But this may rely on code and what can done to the extent the game will allow.

I can help with this. If anyone else want to jump in, please do. The neandertal voice was very deep and raspy (like DMX, Burgess Meredith, Ja Rule LOL. It hurts because its true.).
One of the best sources for Neandertal voiceclips may be from "Iceman" of 1984. Ironic that this old movie carried so much scientific accuracy, and its fiction seems closer in line with what is now being uncovered years later.

Beast Rider? (Rite Warrior? Beast Tackler?)
Replaces swordsmen or macemen? Heavier than these. The heaviest stone/quartz units in game. Warriors that tackled huge animals for a social/cultural/rank reason besides food. Neandertal warrior sprite. Just upped specs?
Forest, hill and tundra bonus start. These men were warriors that hunted giant herbivores up close and personal and were smart, agile and tough enough to return and use that experience. Requires cattle/rhinos/bison/elephants/mammoth and stone to build.

pic for use

Neandertal men show injuries akin to rodeo riders. This means they were killing huge game up close and personal, sometimes hands-on. Now, so far from what we know, they could not throw as well as sapiens, but heidelbergensis could just as well as us. Neandertals still could throw. And they hunted safer game often, like medium sized deer. As humans, no man in his right mind would willingly go out to get broken up by a 2 ton animal on a regular basis. And even more, after you come home with your butt hanging out of socket, your peers sure enough arent going to do the same. So the question scientists should be asking is WHY??? They didnt HAVE to do this as regularly or as much as they did. WHY in the HELL go jump on a bison with nothing but a heavy duty spear? And WHY every man did this at least a few times or once??!?! We dont know for SURE. But it all seems like a rite of passage. Nothing new or unique. Maasai men killed lions to become men, and despite their skill, over 100 years, Im sure MANY of them ended up dead or maimed. Spanish enjoy the running of the bulls. The results of that are no secret. Polynesians do dangerous bungee jumping. So, this sounds like a rite or manhood, or to become a warrior, or along some ceremonial lines.

The current C2C Neandertal warrior should just remain a simple warrior/clubman for neandertal culture. As physically they were much tougher than us, and even unfairly dominate a map of animals way easier than human competitors. Probably why in the harsh ice age Europe, we were always marrying them and mixing with them.

DUGOUT CANOE: Neandertals from Europe used dugouts and remains show they may have sailed across the mediterranean to reach the ME and spread southwards. Requires wood. Stronger than the raft. Way stronger.

Maybe a BURIAL GROUND. Bonuses with yellow flowers and deer.
Neandertals (Southern variant)
There really and blatantly seems to have been a cultural or national difference between the northern and southern neandertals found. Where the northern ones seem more advanced in tool use, trade and social customs with humans, the southern ones seemed more spiritual. From fossil finds, the difference between the two can be so blatant, it might be best to use 2 neanderthal civs. Maybe the northern ones as Neaderthal Empire, and south as Neandertalensis Empire?


-Sea Travel (he crossed the medieterranean)
protective, spiritual

(having a hard time getting this pic alone)

-Two Fathers (daughter of 2 species)
spiritual, progressive

CU: Maybe the dugout as above. Hmmm, since they originally used the dugout to travel from the north to the south....
Maybe Traders that can achieve more science than usual?

=Headless Burial:
Burial sites without the head may show a religion or belief that involved removing the head and burying it seperately or in a different place, possibly meaning they felt the soul was in the head, or the soul of the body (Earth) must be seperate from the soul inside the head (the true being derived from Heaven). Such practices involving such complex concepts and careful cutting may cause the UB to provide science, culture, and happiness.

For more:

=Flower Burial or Shanidar Cave Tomb:

=Seashell Paints:
Neanderthals carried colored pigments in handy sea-shell compacts. One color per "compact".

It seems while the northern variant has the better units, the southern has the better buildings. That's a great example of the differences they had.


Megatherium: (Giant Sloth)

Dancing Hoskuld upgrade. Check first post for link, and 2nd page for original post.


Being in the prehistoric era, there are several animals that effected and affected mankind till today. For that taste of realism, maybe they can run you around trying to take a bite out your cheeks in C2C.
And when subdued white animals with state religion, and animal is subdued permanently in city or fenced in a stable graphic for unique bonuses.

For some these, if I may suggest, 3 new myths reworks.
-Myth of the Sea Serpent (automatically given with animal ,-no build-up), [or can replace Myth of Sea Serpent with Myth of Sea Monster - those who survive giant squids or kill giant eels, or basilosaurs]
-Myth of the Civilized Dragon (birdlike dragon pics - Quetzacoatl, NA dragons, ME Babylon "dragons". The intelligent, judgemental dragon with human-like qualities.)
-Myth of the Giant

Arctodus simus:
a.k.a. the Short-Faced Bast...Bear. HUGE. Reached 11-14 feet when on two legs. Could run at 25-40 mph. Open land monster. Research into paleo-indians and the bering strait have led some scientists to assume this bear is the reason Siberians didnt reach America for so long and if he wasnt there, asians may have colonized America possibly up to 100 years or more sooner. Some remains show they may have reached Northern Canada, but no farther. And this Killey the Pooh may be the reason.
In game, he WILL enter borders. He will run you out if you dont have sufficent protection of your tribe/village/settlement. Should only appear on one continent for fairness. See if he keeps you from colonizing.


Dingo = already in C2C. Just a thought, but should be taken out as a wild animal. Should only be a CU for a aboriginal culture, like Dingo Hunters, a unique early warrior for one unique aboriginal culture than comes with 2 yellow wolf units (dingos) on either side (if you are using non-single unit graphics). They gain extra defense against all animals and extra vision. The dingo is some kind of Dhole and wolf mixture bred during the Ice Age and brought down to Australia on rafts.
Some of the northern tribes kept them as companions and hunters, but sometime amidst the ice age, some tribes let them go to "intermarry" with the thylacine (they intermarried alright, if only animals had domestic abuse and anti-gang police) when the aboriginees found advanced techniques and technology for hunting the megafauna. Aboriginal passed down stories mention Wirrawa who was part of a tribe that believed in the Great Spirit and had troubles hunting Procoptodon in the desert. He started white paint, bark shields, bark camo huts for desert camping, and spear hunting to kill the big kangaroos effectively. They arent here anymore, so maybe too effectively?


Titanis walleri:
6 feet of meat eating bird with clawed hands. Strong as a tiger, can run 2 plots.
Can give - Myth of the Civilized Dragon, Myth of Paleo Bird. Raised hell in the Pleistocene and when man was here. Apparently a spear up his ahh got his mind right though.

This bird, vultures, hawks can also lead up to 'Sky Burial' belief. I guess when enough of them are subdued, you can build 'Sky Burial' with Buddhism.
(the dead are blessed, stripped, cut up and placed in a special field for carnivorous birds to take them to the sky.)


Everybody's favorite giant shark. Only thing is he is popularly portrayed like a Great White. The actual shark, based on the angle and design of his mouth (which was gained by carfeul tedious study of teeth) show he had a much more streamlined shape, like a reef shark. So yes, he was the GW's cousin and he was HUGE, but he was very streamlined for speed and ambushing small whales.

If subdued after biology/theory of evolution those area techs, can he cause a whole new myth?
(Myth of Real Monsters - that the monsters of yestercentury may be real), improves/brings back permanently science bonuses plus happiness of Myth of Sea Monsters, Giants, Myth of Sea Serpents.
same goes for gigantopithecus, megalania?)

Gigantopithecus blacki

Everyone knows Gigantopithecus. "Bigfoot". This giant, bipedal pongoid (cousin of the orangutan) went extinct in China around the Pleistocene. Unless Bobo and The Bigfoot Hunters prove othersie. VERY strong. 8-12 feet tall. Though some sources claim the animal as quadrapedal or knuckle-walking, the shape of the occipital and position of the foramen magnum (bottom of skull) show that the head sat right on top of the shoulders, and not forward as on modern apes (back of skull) and monkeys. Only gibbons have something similar, and they spend the majority of their time in a upright position, though it is not on the ground.
Only defensive (if possible?)

Can give Myth of the Giant, Myth of the Chimera(in C2C already?). With megafauna domestication, can give Ape Juggernaut, Boulder Tosser (wields giant mace while on leash, or tosses huge stones. Can siege)
placed in a warlord/king's menagerie for culture bonus only

kudos, thumbs up, and a big LOL if you use the Patterson Tape for a base


Homo floriensis (The hobbit)

Can give = Myth of the Ape Man, Ape-Worker with megafauna taming, Holy Ape (consumes unit, bonus to temples and cave tombs), pets, placed in a warlord/king's menagerie and gives extra culture (based on account of skinny, furry bipedal apes given to Mongolian warlord as gifts).

This hominid was part of the 'Homo erectus' group. The homo erectus group, though human-like in stature and posture below the head, could not speak, showed tool use not much more sophisticated than a chimp's (sharpened stick spears, busted rocks to form simple, hand-axes or blades or handle-less maces, and simple shelters. They may have stolen captured fire "cages" made by ancient trekkers/hunters). Some say they could make fire, but some sites proposed to be fire camps made by H. erectus seemed later to show that prehistoric humans had made the fire and the hominid was killed, butchered and cooked, or just killed. Humans in Asia even seemed to take to killing erectus for food or sport, so much so that H.erectus may have formed a delicacy or special treat for the ancient people of China and the surrounding regions. By fossil evidence, the giant 200 lbs. gelada baboon of Asia.
The natives of Flores have had ancestral tales for centuries or longer that visitors passed off as just folklore and superstition. But then the "mythical" creature they described shows up as fossil bones how many years later? So this shows there might be credence and weight to those stories. The legends describe the "monkey people" as being upright, quick moving through brush, covered in dark fur, white monkey-like faces with the same kind of noses and lips as found in monkeys, long crest-likie hair on their heads (like some macaques that have long hair on their heads), and they were said to wear very simple grass skirts (overlapping fronds wrapped and bound around the waist) to keep the grass from cutting their thighs. They made "unintelligible speech", basically like parrots conversing with each other. It is communication, but not language as the kind we use.

They can form base settlements. Doesnt happen often, but if you leave enough of them alone, the chance for one increases. Imagine what your settlement starts out as, but they can build up Alpha Male, Alpha Female, Lichen gatherer, Grass gatherer, Rock collector, stick gatherer. And replace tribal guardian with Alpha Males (apemen with sticks or throwing rocks). Can produce just the unit of a small bipedal ape with a sharpened stick. Units can defend or destroy your plant gathering plots. May settle next to you or units may visit inside your area when you produce firepit. Cannot steal tech, cannot copy tech, cannot improve plots, only defends or runs. Easy to kill as a onager, can be eaten (gives 2 hammer, 4-5 food - to give you more incentive to go after them since prehistoric asians and some africans seemed to have hunted erectoids preferentially over some hoofed animals.

(sidenote: For those of you have not been in it, paleoanthropology is VERY controversial. One can lose their entire career over just one sentence. Rightly so for most, but not all though. There is the evidence. Just left as it is. And you have those who really wish for x to be what they previously dictated it to be, and others who dont agree with that hypothesis, those who made a study and just want to be right, and those who just want the evidence. there is literally many fossils shoved away in cabinets due to the dogma in the field. for more on just controversial fossils not discussed, please read if interested "Hidden History of the Human Race" by Micheal Cremo. It is just what has been found, in what age sediment and what the information initially deluged, also where these fossils/artifacts reside.
The reason I am saying this, not just for information sake, but also H.erectus is very popular ( paleoanthropologists) and it is a creature that has a heavily romantic impact, like Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor, Smilodon, and Australopithecus. Some scientists, sadly, will defend the romantic idea to the bitter end and facts be damned. Some just want to say no to everything. And some just want the truth. Be careful when you read about the "romantic" fossil. And find all information and naysayers and THEIR points as well. Some finds of H.erectus, were found to be modern man or heidelberg camps, and the "cannibalism" was really hunters butchering erectus to cook and eat it. )

Homo erectus (throws stones)
Bigger version of flores model (bipedal furry ape men with club or throws stones)
Can give Myth of the Old Man Of the Forest, Ape Worker with megafauna taming


Cousins to the wombat. These "cats" stalked the woodlands and grasslands of Australia.
Very very old legends from Aborigines speak of the 'Yarri', a jungle cat with knife hands that could growl with square teeth and disembowel dogs. White settlers mention run-ins with black panthers in the jungle regions, and the thing slicing at dogs in the past. Coincidence?
Gives "Myth of the Yarri".


Glyptodon (giant armadillo with mace-like tail)

Used by prehistoric amazonians for huts, meat, fur, and bone/armor tools. Possibly the inspiration for the giant metal spheres. Muddy, marsh, lush, jungle. Hell of alot of defense and a WAM with the tail.

Procoptodon (he's already in C2C, but this thing had a flat, square head like a ape, and maybe could be ridden in game?)
The moose of kangaroos. A 5ft 5 - 8ft kangaroo with a flat monkey-like face and ONE toe that lived in Australia till men had been there for awhile. Desert, scrub, salt flats. Strong as moose.

Kind of ugly. Looked like a bull dog in the face, and one can REALLY began to understand by looking at it why aboriginees said the kangaroo was the biological ancestor of man.

But the only human record of it alive shows that it's face was longer than we think, it was white-grey, it's ears were very short yet pointed and the tail thin.

Meaning in life, it probably looked like this:

Can construct Kangaroo herd, or procoptodon hunting camp.
Can give Procoptodon Rider (barbed spear or throws boomerangs)


Giant Salamander, alpine rivers. Most possibly Europe's "Wyrm", and "dragon". The areas of Northern Europe and Germany are very much like parts of Japan where the now dwindling population still exists, and seem calm enough to pick up and handle as you wish. Even as late as Medieval era Europeans of the areas mention the dragon in the rivers and streams, a huge slimy disgusting beast shaped like instestines and bright red and bruised, with "wild" or "hellish" eyes (non-mammalian or frog-like) with a huge flat mouth filled with conical teeth that hissed. Calm the description down, and you've just described walking up on and scaring a giant salamander. Can take a hand or foot off with one good snap, but the extant ones don't. Maybe the European variety had a nastier disposition or maybe if youve never seen one in your life, you make things up to counteract the fact you left a brown trail back home while the thing just looked at you like you were crazy.

Should give Myth of the Bunyip. Should be found in salt flats, grasslands, savannah. Should disappear at about 5000 bc. Do not respawn.
The elephant and hippo of australia. The ancient tales of the large, herbivorous, man-killing, territorially aggressive river and march masher clash with the
modern paleontologist's gentle, plodding and pet-able giant hamster. All we have to go by is fossils and wombats for examples, but the people with their
creepily accurate depictions of these fossil animals from the dream time have ancestral times from the times these things were alive, killed and cooked.
According to dream time stories, the bunyip, who's description fits some of the more wetland larger diprotodons tell of aggressive hippolike animals biting men in pieces and thrasing them about in a territorial rage. Hmmmm. Also controversial is whether it had a trunk. The safe bet is to say no, but then again if we never had living elephants today, we;d reconstruct them to look like giant, furry hamsters with tusks. So, go figure.
(near bottom)

Can construct Diprotodon herd, diprotodon worker (marsh land and salt flats)
If hunting camp constructed before disappear, can build herd. Same stats as cattle. Can produce Diprotodon Rider. (Like a rhino rider, except higher defense on desert and savannah and throws boomerangs or barbed javelins instead of arrows).

Should give Myth of the Thunderbird. Song of Storms. Myth of Scavenger. Myth of the Child Eater.

grasslands, desert, savannah. Africa's bear till lately. Maasai or prehistoric Nubians and Egyptians may have killed him out.
Can give unit (Nandi Bear - Agriotherium with Maasai spearmen)

(6th post most accurate)


-Basilosaurus (snake-like Whale), (can give myth of sea serpent automatically, Myth of the Sea Monster. By 900BC - 2000 AD, only found in lakes and inland seas. Can escape easily. If caught, after biology is founded, gives huge boost to zoos, breeding programs, museums.)

-Oar Fish, does not fight back/ (Myth of Sea Monster, Myth of Sea Serpent w/o buildup)


-Giant Eel (Myth of Sea Serpent without workup, huge bonus to chiefdom research if killed)
unit that kills can become a great general (Like in tales from the Maori and other legends)


(super rare)
White Bear (if subdued, causes military and religious boosts permanently)
White Buffalo (if subdued, causes major religious and science boost)
White Bull (if subdued, causes major religous and population boost. Can be prairied for happiness and religous bonus (like a cow herd, but work and culuture and happiness instead of food and work))
White Tiger (if subdued, causes major culture boost. Can be prairied for happiness and culuture bonus)
White Bird (if subdued, causes happiness with state religion/Christianity)
White Raven (if subdued, causes permanent happiness bonus for animism and asatru)
Albino Barbarian (can subdue/enslave. Becomes permanently added to city for religious bonus only)
+Cro-Magnon Empire:
(they SHOULD have very dark hair and eyes until much later in time, but the skin should stay very white and pale)

Culture: Tundra, deer-or-any animal, hunting

Language: A african dialect or french? Not European as we know European yet.


-Piscin-Ri (gaellic for Cat King?) or Koo Ka'a TaA ("click" for Listens to All)
expansive, charismatic

This guy with a Cave lion skin on his head and shoulders (creative, expansive)

-Venus of Willendorf (spiritual, expansive)

Cro-Magnons were excellent at fishing and working bone tools better than nearly any group of people on Earth. They carried various spears and used spears made from bone and antler, not stone. These were MORE lethal than stone weapons from a distance. They do not need stone to produce units or buildings, but they do NEED access to bones. This was a people where animal parts were everything.

CU: Bone Spear/Lion Warrior - Skirmisher base, cave lion or cave bear skins that throw bone or antler tipped spears - Men in striped lion skins that have very heavy damage.

CB: Mammoth Bone Hut
Money, defense, and culture bonus. These huts were like a smith, music hall and mapquest rolled in one.

Language: Most probably "click" tongue. In spite of what some not deeply schooled in paleoanthropology may yell, the cro-magnons were people that rose from the Khoisan-like peoples moving northward, who were much more widespread in the paleolithic era. Though they looked very much like modern Europeans today, their dress, tools, jewelry, and paintings all are extremely similar to modern bushmen in the kalahari. Their culture and tools and dress are very very similar before long periods living side by side with neanderthal peoples, which slowly began to move away from bone and shell jewelry of all kinds (more than likely they had many piercings) to take on the more feathery and painted Celtic and NA looking Neandertal style dress (and what was left of the pure neanderthals took on much more cro-magnon like advanced tech). Exactly what they spoke we dont know. But its very possible, more than probable, they started out speaking one of the oldest and most primitive languages still surviving today, the click language that once was spread through East Africa and parts of the ME, but is now dying out in Khoisan and San preservations. How did it change so drastically? Who knows. My personal guess: being next to the deep raspy voiced neandertals, trading and intermarrying with them, and POSSIBLY interacting with the high nasally voiced flowery H.heidelberg may have changed alot. We see how language can shift hard in 600-300 years, and remember, they hit Europe over 20,000 years ago. Imagine a Cro-Magnon from 20,000 meeting one from 15,000. They probably couldnt speak to each other at all.

+Idaltu Empire
Idaltu man, considered the first modern humans. Homo sapiens idaltu.

CU: Serrated obsidian spearmen

CB: ? A unique dance hut?
All units should be very white skinned, red and blonde hair. The Neandertal warrior and stone thrower in C2C fit the look, but all units of this civ should carry the siganture build and brow ridge. But this may rely on code and what can done to the extent the game will allow.

Maybe when Ill create set for scandinavians civs (vikings) with barbaric look then neanderthal got his theme too :)
Possible religion adds?


+Great Spirit = Native American monotheism. Ancient.

That there is one Supreme Great Being who created everything, and watches over us all, and cares for us all. Sometimes may seem like a more personal and peaceful form of Christianity, but only the One is worshipped as a god. Mountain plots add happiness and trade.

picture @ bottom:



+Paleolithism: Homo heidelbergensis, Middle East and N Africa.

Ceremonial Burial.
Ceremonial embalming tools.
Large animals such as bears, lions and aurochs (and possibly "ape-men" H.antecessor and H. erectus) serve as religious figures, guards or pets buried with the dead. Caves with paintings serve as temple-tombs, sometimes with high priests who also serve as guardians and embalmers. Body parts are seperated and placed in different pits, shelves or spots and left where they can stay preserved for more than 100,000 years. All those of the same religion may bury the honored dead in one of a few special cave-tombs, and take long treks to these places.

With cave plots, can build Cave Temple and Cave Tomb. Great prophet can build Excalibur Altar. Or with gems you can. Excalibur Altar not only spreads the religion, but gives trade. Also any unit that belongs to you that dies in your borders adds culture, PLUS any unit of another state that has your religion as state religion that dies in your borders adds culture and espionage.

Cave Tomb: Subdued bears and apemen can be sacrificed to add happiness bonuses. Subdued bears can become bear units that are Holy Guardians. Cannot move like Tribal Guardians. Can also be stuck on cave plots. Apemen can only be sacrificed for happiness bonuses.

Cave Temple. One Temple per cave plot. A city cannot build a temple.

Priests: Men with horned gazelle furs over their heads. Can spread religion. Can build Gazelle Dance in foreign cities and make others happy OR give + friendship with foreign leader. Can turn subdued gazelles into gazelle priests.

Those with religion can travel to your spot with their priests or units to "bury their dead" in your tombs. Gives you gold, culture and friendship with them. You can do the same to them if they have cave plots.

First to discover something along the lines of ceremonial burial, afterlife and entombement. Should be the first religion to show up, not Druidism. Do not need cave plots to found religion.




Theory of Evolution (first to discover or build)

It is not a lack of religion, it is a set of beliefs that and concepts and philosophies maintained by it's followers. Followers also believe certain social concepts pertaining to all those around them and those who do or do not hold the same concepts as they do. I.E., a religion. Immediately hostile towards any religion except Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism.

MUSIC: Russian Classical? The great Russian philosopher era classical music.


...............just...just look. This should be fun AF to build and just work with.ëlism

MUSIC: LOL, you guys are going to have fun with this arent you?


The religion that could've been. One of the funs of Civ is WHat-If. What if xxx didnt lose the war? So here's a what-if to add.
King Tut's father, Akhenaten, had threatened to turn all of Egypt monotheistic and worship only one god, the Divine Sun who created everyone and everything. That was bad news for the money-making Kemetic/Pesejetic priests who had become the richest men in Egypt and Nubia, and if this happened they would lose their millionaire lifestyle. So, he was assassinated. But what if he wasnt?! What if Egypt was turned to Atenism?



+Totemism: First to discover ceremonial burial. Faster with stone or Paleo-Cultures.

Should be the defining Neandertal/Cro-Magnon religion.

Temples are replaced by Spirit Figurine.

Monasteries are replaced by Sacred Tombs, where the dead are housed for excarnation: cut up and the body separated for the afterlife. Also give health with bone tools. Captured barbarians can be consumed to give that one city "Heart of the Enemy" that gives that city exp to all units..

Great prophet can build Venus of Willendorf (not a great wonder, but it was a religious figurine in a shrine).

Subdued Cave Lion(ONLY lions) can build 'Lion man of the Hohlenstein Stadel' - same bonuses as a temple.

Cave Plots in vicinity or with roads can allow you to build Cave Shrine. With Cave Shrine, ONLY can 'Lascaux Paints' be built as an upgrade. Shanidar Caves can also be built.

Lascaux: trade, culture, happiness, science. REALLY spreads religion like crazy. Any subdoed auroch, donkey, bear, horse, lion, leopard, even barbarians, can be "consumed" to build a pictograph. (ex, subdoed auroch, use to build Pictohraph of the Bull, unit consumed. +1 culture and science.)

Shanidar: Units that die in borders add culture. Gives health, culture and happiness bonuses.

37:50 - 37:54

+The Dreaming: Native Australian religion. Not the legit name, but I dont think it has a legit name. Closest to come to a identity name would be The Dreaming or Dreamtimeism. This could be among the most fun and ?complex? religions in the game. It should appear slightly OP and insanely fun.

Also for this religion, the Wonambi (prehistoric ice age constrictor 10-30 ft long of Australia with no living descendants today) should be added, since this was probably the inspiration for the Rainbow Serpent. May have been killed out by man and the dingo.

-In a sense, each totem should also function like a military upgrade, one per city, the first one built. If a city has potatoes, and they build the Yam Totem first, then their warriors all carry the Yam Flag. Or can build a unique unit with up to 2-3 limit, that gain a constellation bonus, but the sign is replaced with a potatoe instead of say, Pisces. This may be too complex and difficult and just best to leave out. But read the site, see what you think.\

-Great Spirit Temple/Song(?)

-2nd building is Creation Beings Temple. (technically the "temple" is a astoundingly large and blessed petroglyph. so would Creation Beings Holy Petroglyph be better to title?)

-3rd is Ancestors Petroglyph. Only after Ancestor Temple can Totems be built.

-function like Animism in a way. For example, If a plot has jungle in vicinity, that one city can build a Tree Totem.

Special Building: Wirroowaa's Teaching. Considered in history the first man to learn desert camo in Australia and how to sneak up on Procoptodons and kill with basic weapons before they could run. This blessing says to paint your chest with clay in order to receive the blessing of the Great Spirit, keep your back black, and use other colors and items. Also use bark huts for waiting and bark-plated shields to block kicks or the sand kicked up during the chase. Hunters/scouts/chasers/trackers receive no losses in desert and defensive bonuses for deserts. Aboriginal wooden spearmen with bark shields and white chests with desert and scrub bonuses. Hmmm....

Plot and Vicinity dependent totems:
-Potatoes = Yam Totem (constellation-like upgrade for workers?)
-Fruit = Fruit Totem. If a modder wants to grow this to Banana Totem, Prickly pear Totem, etc., then...I guess. Seems too much work for me, but idk...
-River Plot = Water Totem
-Parrots = Gang Gang Totem
-Forest in vicinity = Tree Deity Totem
-Flower/dye = Warratah Totem
-Any natural wonder = 'Natural-Wonder-Name' Deity Totem

Building Dependent Totems:
-Kangaroo herd/hunting camp = Kangaroo Ancestor Totem (constellation-like upgrade for story tellers?)
-Termite Mound = Termite Totem
-Dog Breeder = Dingo Totem

Subdued Animal Totems:
-Platypus = Boondaburra Totem
-Echidna/porcupine/armadillo = Biggie-Billa Totem
-Thylacine = cLooh-Oahnna Totem
-Ding/wolf/dhole = Warrigal Totem
-Diprotodon = Bunyip Totem (warrior boost and river boost?)
-Wonambi = Rainbow Serpent Totem (there are no constrictors in Australia today, but when man first hit the shores, there definitely were. Upwards of 30 feet long and ambushers near caves, waterholes and rivers. The areas filled with Salt Water Crocodiles probably only housed the largest since anything 10 feet or smaller probably couldnt have survived amongst the 30 ft crocodiles. Just what the color of the snake was is a good guess. But considering hiding amidst the red clay and greenish-blue reflective water it literally may have had a very rainbowish hue or shceme somewhat like a anaconda. The only human documentation we have the animal while alive is the ancient ice age stories of the Dreamtime and the Rainbow Serpent. So...mustve been rainbowish in SOME aspect.

If you guys want me to turn clips into mp3's let me know so i can upload.
I am looking at totally redoing the religion system so that all the religions can possible be present. The idea is that you will build up and define your religion using ideas similar to the History Rewritten mod but there they start with the religions you can have and allow you to vary them whereas I want you to be able to evolve your religion.
some great thinking here and I think it could be taken a lot further, like your race of people change as time progresses. Sort of like how culture is now but rather than accumulating a bunch of different cultures you eventually drop what race you are and become a new race. Like putting evolution to an extent into the game.
Maybe when Ill create set for scandinavians civs (vikings) with barbaric look then neanderthal got his theme too :)

Hot damn! :)

But remember, from what's found, Neanderthals had sort of a North American/Oceanic look going on to them, with the feather head dresses, black vertical stripes around the chest and shoulders and facepaint. The Cro-Magnon had more of a Celtic+Khoisan look.

some great thinking here and I think it could be taken a lot further, like your race of people change as time progresses. Sort of like how culture is now but rather than accumulating a bunch of different cultures you eventually drop what race you are and become a new race. Like putting evolution to an extent into the game.

Thanks CG! Change race? IDK, maybe optional? Some races have never changed. Not many on Earth today, but theres a few. Like the very prehistoric Khoisan traveling up the coast into China, and spreading?
some great thinking here and I think it could be taken a lot further, like your race of people change as time progresses. Sort of like how culture is now but rather than accumulating a bunch of different cultures you eventually drop what race you are and become a new race. Like putting evolution to an extent into the game.

Something like that is planned - will be interesting to see if it can work with species like this but theoretically the planned mechanism should be very capable of it.
When an idea comes along which differs from the way we intended C2C to go it may be incorporated especially if it is cool.

I had just figured out a way to have super Ground Sloths, and hence other animals too. When I went back to see your ideas on it I found they had gone. :(

There is much more that I need to do with the animals. For starters I need to change the way the map scripts only restrict animal resources by distance from the equator whereas spawns are controlled by latitude and longitude in C2C. When that is done placing special spawning points with a mega version of the animal would be easy for larger maps.
MYTHS rework:

----Myth of the Cannibal = Captured Barbarians. -1 crime.

?Build up to?
-Myth of the Windigo = Cannibal + Scavenger myths built and NA or SA culture

/ Myth of the Troll = same but European culture.

Myth of the Tikoloshe = African cuulture. Myth of the Kappa = Asian culture.

--Myth of the Monster Nation: Only when Myth of the Cannibal and/or Myth of the Giant are built. -espionage. +science. -1 crime. Maybe exp?

-Myth of the Man-Eater: Leopards, Lions, Nile Crocodiles, Caimans, Tigers, Boa Constrictor, Haast's Eagle, Tiger Shark, Black Bear.
Small exp boosts from Master Hunter building for all units.
Can construct cat warrior hut? Unit exp? (people used the leopard, shark and tiger as warrior morale and tactics to improve their soldiers for centuries. A cat should construct a warrior specific building esp for African and ME cultures.)
(I spent most of my childhood in Field Musuem, and me and my friend can remember after The Ghost & The Darkness came out, just staring these two b------ds eye to eye and realizing that was the last thing many a man saw.

-Myth of Blood Feast = new myth about blood-and-guts eating, Myth of Blood Hunger? Maybe can upgrade to Myth of the Chupacabra? E.g. = Thylacines were considered repulsive by early white settlers for leaving enitre sheep corpses, and only eating the entrails and drinking all the blood. Thylacine, Hyena, Vulture, Jackal, chimpanzee (entrail and gore feasters). Can build up to Myth of the Chupacabra?

-Myth of the Chupacabra? =

-Myth of Berserk Rage = Tasmanian Devil and Wolverine should give a myth about courage or berserk rage. (I know, yay Marvel, but seriously they both were famous to tribal people for their rage to push them to levels of "insanity" and kill animals twice their size, or just to kill out of boredom or anger.) Happiness and exp with mushrooms and pelts.

-Myth of Unsatisfiable Hunger = Tas Devil, Wolverine, Dingo, boosts to Animism, Great Spirit

-Myth of the Ancestor = Kangaroo, wallaby, Procoptodon, Orangutan, any monkey, gorilla, wolf, *NOT* Chimp (weird aint it? I never would of thought this myself, they seem so human.). Happiness with subdued animals that give the myth.

-Builds up to 'Myth of the Beast Man'. Never goes obsolete. Huge bonuses with forest preserves and cameras and casting.
Possibly can build new buildings? Apefoot Researchers Club, Squatcher Trek, Yeti Temple Shrine (Buddhism), Sasqatach Monument (Any new world religion),
need forest or jungle in vicinity.

-Myth of the Bunyip= Diprotodon, Moa.

-Myth of the Killer (famous for killing for joy)=Weasel, Crocodile, Hyena, Agriotherium. 1-2 exp points, +3 disorder/crime

-Myth of the Trickster=Crow, Coyote, any monkey, Orangutan, Jackal. Science bonus to religious buildings.

-Myth of the Id/Myth of Personal Nature=(Viper, any monkey. Less disorder.

-Myth of the Mother=Crocodile, Bear, Goose/Loon. Wet Nurse, childbirth hut and childcare hut get tiny bonus.

-Myth of the Yarri=Thylacoleo. With myth of the tiger.

-Myth of the Giant = Gigantopithecus, Megatherium, Procoptodon, Gorilla, Mammoth. Allows "Ceremonial Weapon Hut" to be built (where GIANT weapons are made for display and ceremony only). Less crime and culture and happiness with hut.

-Myth of the Mammoth Hunters = Only with Myth of the Giant is built. Subdued mammoth can give +1 culture and science. Obsolete with paleontology. Story teller can spread this to any other religion once founded. Giants - Gigantes/zoom/galleryPage/image220k

-Myth of the Thunderbird = Only Teratornis, Haast's Eagle or vulture with song of the sky already built. Culture increase with mountain plots. Can build Storm and Thunderbird dance. Can build Song of the Thunderbird.

-Myth of the Storm = Teratornis, Vulture, Eagle, Giant Salamander, Giant Eel. With thunderbird myth built.!Thunderbird3.jpg

Hopefully if these arent already in, they are liked or altered or added, or just give some ideas to those already capable of modding.
When an idea comes along which differs from the way we intended C2C to go it may be incorporated especially if it is cool.

I had just figured out a way to have super Ground Sloths, and hence other animals too. When I went back to see your ideas on it I found they had gone. :(

There is much more that I need to do with the animals. For starters I need to change the way the map scripts only restrict animal resources by distance from the equator whereas spawns are controlled by latitude and longitude in C2C. When that is done placing special spawning points with a mega version of the animal would be easy for larger maps.

Super ground sloths? OH! You mean how insane they were in defense?! Oh yeah I took that out because theyre in game already. Im sorry, I put them back up, They need a little change to be more factual, at least in looks. Can you guys believe the thing was splotched like a hound dog? Really, the preserved skin was found and he had long coarse hair like a long haired pig and was all funky colored. And Thunderbrd, you GOTTA put in the Teratornis. Teratornis is believed to have caused the thunderbird myth AND song.

new resources:

VERY rare. (butter made by Ice Age/stone age people, buried in bogs to finish. Forgotten. Found by their descendants thousands of years later.) A very expensive and rare delicacy, so far only in Ireland I think. If you're willing to pay the price.
only found after...a 20th century tech. Boosts a culture's cultural heritage pride. Can give science and gold when improved. (house and a fence graphic). Gives bigger bonus if musuem is built.

Have been a staple of the human diet, and in some places they still are. Can be a plot? Locusts can be caught and added to People in SE Asia have large insects on market constantly so, a "farm", or a "stock", a stabilized and controlled site where the insects are allowed to breed and do their thing, while they are harvested regularly.
Requires: Bug Catcher.
Requires: Tall grass in vicinity.
Requires: Wheat, corn, rice or cattle.

Can be built by subdued Locusts Swarm. Never goes obsolete. Bonus increase with Chocolate or Spices. Bonus increase with reptile enclosure and poultry. Can be traded. Increase bonus with Judaism, Kemetism, Islam, Mesopotamiansim.
Can build 'Tale of the Grasshopper'

Ants are harvested for their eggs in some parts of SE Asia and their eggs were a delicacy for the South American cultures before European contact. Ant egg harvesters in south and middle america made quite some money from their "farms" of delicately chosen soil and plot of land with a kind of queen and several workers picked from somewhere and placed under a flat rock. When harvested, high class and royalty loved ant egg and larvae, the New World equivalent of caviar or fine espresso. Should give food, money and science (Anasazi and some other civs based their building styles and military on ants and termites)

Ant March unit? (black locust swarm?) Destroys pastures, attacks animals used by the player. Can be subdued. Level 4 strength, 1 movement.

Termite mounds should never go obsolete. They should give health, food and science. But the bonuses change as tech tree goes up. Bonus increase with grinding buildings, medicine hut, fertility dance, rain dance, nut resources. Wooden structures lose a slight bonus, maybe 0.10-0.50%.

Food, sport, decoration and religious symbol. These animals still enjoy (well..maybe not) their old fame in Asia today as fighting animals or luxury pets and in America as taxidermy necessities. Can give food, happiness, health, science and culture.

Beetle Farm:
Requires: Equatorial range and cattle or sheep herd/farm.

Required to build: Scarab Breeder = culture and science
Required to build: Fighting Beetles = happiness and money and crime
Required to build: Scavenger Beetles = Subtract sickness with herds. Huge science boost with musuems and taxidermist.
Required to build: Mealworm Breeder = Food, bonuses to poultry.

herd plot. Only in equatorial swamps. fur, meat, money.
Required to built: Nutria Breeder - fur, meat.
Required to build: Anaconda Ring. (A short brick or stone ring of water to keep Anacondas in. What were they used for? Maybe just for people's enjoyment or maybe for execution? Can only be built by subdued constrictor.

if captured, can construct with kangaroo herd. Required to build Diprotodon Rider (aboriginee replacement for elephant rider)

if captured, Megatherium can give Sloth Rider or war sloth - SA replacement for Elephant Rider/War Rhinoceros.

same as rhinoceros, except bonuses in cold.

Seemed to be a thing in Ice Age and Stone Age Asia. A camp or herd of Homo erectus and Homo habilis for hunting or food.
Requires: Bamboo grove, tall grass, root tubers, at least prime wood. Goes obsolete at some point, but considering the people of Flores were talking ape men till 1700s and a captured European wtiness of ape men pet trading in western Asia, may not go obsolete till something after medieval era? Or during medieval era?

Required to build: Primate Enclosure
Required to build: War Apes - Ape men swinging stone clubs or throwing rocks, accompanied by a handler (ala Chaser).
Required to build: Basic primate bonuses.



Based on Russia's failed attempt to genetically make ape hybrid soldiers. This is not genetically possible. BUT what if you could get the closest thing possible? Humans with ape-like attributes? Or apes modified to be soldiers? So, maybe this could be a Wonder that allows the production of 15 ape soldier units at a time?
Enough subdued apes.
Civic dependent?

If you capture enough Neandertal warriors and you have Annunaki (or the religion of ancient Sumeria), you build a building that produces neandertal warriors in Sumerian garb.

If you capture enough Neandertal warriors and you have Asatru, you build a building with neandertal smiths. A super smithing building (with cave plot?) that maybe can also produce neandertal warriors in grey fur, blonde hair and white skin.

Capture enough leopards, you can produce a building that gives leopard spotted warriors that can cannibalize those they kill and with high escape ratio. Must have Yoruba or Voodoo. Limit of 15

Capture enough alligators, ghavials, crocodiles, caiman and you can produce a building that gives shirtless, bald axemen or macemen that have Combat I, bonuses in water or crossing water, Guerilla I and To The Death. Must have Yoruba, Voodoo, Kemetism. Limit of 5-10.

Enough Hyenas or Agriotherium produce this building that gives bears, hyenas, leopards and wolves exp. Or super Hunters with a very high capture ratio of anything.

Military beat and music for marching, fighting, changing orders. Can spread like religioin? Or with story teller? (should spread from Rome to Europe states, then Europe states use to construct Classical Music).
-Required to build Wonder: Classical Music.

Same as Rock N Roll

Same as Rock N Roll

Same as Rock N Roll. Should effectively go world wide greater than any other genre.

Same as Rock N Roll

Same as Rock N Roll
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