[Map script]Creation.py for FFH2

OK, basically if I try to lower the percentage of mountains from default, the game will not start at all.

I have to leave everything as it is, otherwise the game will hang on the map setup loading screen.

I can't speak for Erebus Continent entirely, but it does use some of my code. There is a random bug in some of my stuff that causes an endless loop, and it happens too rarely for me to track it down. I've seen it once and then I never saw it again. Depending on map size, your computer speed, etc. you should wait at least 5 minutes though.

If any of you see the screen hang for more than 5 minutes, check the PythonDbg.log file after you force a shutdown, the seed value for the map should be in there and that will help figure out what might be causing this.
I've just released a different version of this map-script. It's one of the scripts included in my MapScriptTools and as such dependent on them.

Erebus_107b_mst.py - Version History
Version 1.70b - edited by Temudjin - 15.July.2010
- NOW DEPENDS ON MapScriptTools.py

Adjusted for MapScriptTools
Planetfall compatibility
Mars Now! compatibility
Add Map Option: TeamStart
Create Marshes, if mod allows it
Create Deep Ocean, if mod allows it
Create Special Regions (Bogs, Dents, Elemental Quarter, Lost Isle)
Place Kelp, Haunted Lands and Crystal Plains if mod allows for them
Better bonus balancer
Add some rivers on islands and from lakes
Allow more world sizes, if supported by mod
Print stats of mod and map

Version 1.70a - edited by Opera and Jean Elcard
Add Map Features ( Kelp, HauntedLands, CrystalPlains )
Add Map Options
Changed best region calculation for improvements
Thank you Cephalo for this fantastc map-script. Even in fantasy-land I've encountered the same problems as in the perfect world, and used the same solutions. Sorry.
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