"Advisors" (DLL)

Jul 31, 2014
So with regards to the various 'advisors' (i.e. Economic, Military, Foreign) found in CvAdvisorRecommender.cpp, does the AI actually take any of these into account? Or the advisors only for humans to look at?

The reason I ask is that some AI Leader Flavors (such as "FLAVOR_INFRASTRUCTURE") only make brief appearances inside the advisor, and are not used anywhere else in the code.
IIRC the advisors are purely for human players. While they use a lot of the AI logic (where to found cities, what tiles to improve and with which improvement, where to build roads, which tech to pick, etc), the AI doesn't ask it's advisors what to do (so doesn't use all of the advisor code - if that makes sense)
Ah, I see. That makes a lot of sense then (even if it is a little strange of Firaxis to do it that way....)
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