Finished All 18 Scenarios!


Sep 2, 2009
FFH2 keeps asking for feedback, so here is some feedback.

Today I finished the 18th of the 18 FFH2 scenarios! I marched through them in order from top to bottom.

By the way, is this the right forum for a posting like this?

This was one of my all-time best gaming experiences! I would gladly have paid $100 for this game.

Tonight I'm going right back to start dialing up random games, now that I'm more of an expert.

Playing on Noble level, I was ranked Cthulhu on 15 of 18. Probably should have played a level or two up.

I enjoyed all of the scenarios. Best was The Black Tower, next The Momus. My next favorite was Into The Desert. The last one, Lord of The Balors, was interesting, but a little tedious, since I got a commanding lead rather early, but it took a long time to exterminate every city of all 7 Infernal civs.

My final stack in that game was Chalid at lvl 20, with Blitz, base strength of 25, plus Pillar of Fire, Crown of Brilliance, and Summon Aurealis. Plus 4 archmages casting Summon Aurealis. Plus for liriduses casting Crown of Brilliance and Heal. Plus a couple of rangers with birds. Plus a bunch of mithril champions and rathas. I expanded into the hell terrain to get a lot of mana nodes, so I had Sun 7! The aurealis's were all base 20!

By the end of the game I also had paladins, arquebuses, crossbowmen, etc. but I kept them all home. Not needed.


I'll have to poke around for more scenarios.
Thanks for the feedback, Im glad you enjoyed FfH!
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