Question on Happiness, and production


Jul 12, 2007
Hey all, quick question on happiness and production. Is happiness per city? Meaning if I have 2 cities do both cities contribute to happiness or unhappiness? So If I make a building that adds to happiness in my capital will both cities get the effect or just the city I build it in? Same with food and production?
Each city you have founded adds, I think, four base unhappiness. After that each population point adds 1 unhappiness to your civilization's total. Happiness buildings lower the global total but the total happiness produced by buildings in a city CANNOT exceed its population. Food and production buildings only effect the cities they are built in.
Each city=3 base unhappiness (less on huge maps)
Each population adds 1 unhappiness

Happiness from buildings (non-Wonder) is limited to the population of the city they are in
So a 1 pop city with a Colluseum and a Zoo will add
3 unhappiness from city
1 unhappiness from population
1 happiness from buildings (2+2=4 happiness from buildings is available... but the city only has a pop of 1)

So happiness/unhappiness is for your Whole empire (like Faith, Gold, Culture, Tourism)

Production and Food only go to the city they are in.

Buildings only affect the city they are in (since you can have 1 in each city)... if you have a colluseum in your capital, that is 2 Happiness... regardless of your # of cities.. to get more happiness from colluseums, build colluseums in ALL of your cities. (same with Markets, Shrines, Monuments, etc.)
Each and every city will contribute to pop based unhappiness.
(Buildings can not remove more pop based unhappiness than the size of that cities population; at beast you can keep that part netural)

The only time a city can possibly be net positive involves luxaries.
Specially a unique luxury provides 4 happiness compared to the 3 the city cost. Say that city is pop 2 and has a Circus; in this case the city is net gaining you one happiness point.
Say there are 2 unique luxuries there, then you get 8 happiness from luxaries. And so if its pop 4 and has both a Circus & and a Colosseum, that is netting you 5 happiness.
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