[ModBuddy Extension] Better LUA Editor (Faster + IntelliSense)

I'm around, but currently mostly in the role of observer. Job + university + upcoming mod for another game (Doom :crazyeye:) is keeping me busy. I expect to finish the mod in cca. two weeks, I will try to look into the issues with this extension then.

The elusiveness of the bugs (the extension itself is closed source, so there are very few options for me to fix it) + slight lack of motivation (I'm waiting for the C++ SDK to be released before I can fully dive into Civ V modding, filling the time in between was the reason why I started doing ModBuddy extensions after all) are not making it easy though.

I switched the Outlook task I have created for this issue to high priority, so I will try to do what I can ASAP :)

Thanks for patience :goodjob:
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